Chapter 11

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Hola Perras!!! That means "Hello bitches"!!! And sorry if you kept getting notifications that I kept publishing chapter 10, someone has commented on that chapter and when I went to go see what she commented there was only about 1/4 of the chapter showing and I like freaked the fuck out! I thought that the while thing didn't get published and it scared the shit out of me! So I tried fixing it but then a friend of mine said that it was fine. So my phone was just being a bitch. So again sorry about! And I would like to dedicate this book to SofiaLawrence! She is a new reader and follower! Wahoo! Anyway, love you SofiaLawrence! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!

POV: Lucy

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I called to Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Mira, Gray and Juvia, as I walked away from the main gate.

"Bye Lucy!" They all called back as they walked together to their dorms. As I was walking the market it finally started to rain, so I pulled out my umbrella out of my bag as I walked. And after I open it I was about to reach the market I turned onto a different street that lead right to the woods. Ever since the day at the market with the old woman I've been avoiding it. I didn't want her to somehow end up persuading me into keeping the necklace, which would make it so the person who it should belong to, didn't get it.

'I hope it doesn't start pouring while I'm out here.'

After a few minute on the path, I heard a pebbles being kicked from behind me. I turned around and saw that a bush was swaying back and forth from where the sound came from.

'It was probably just an animal.'

I reassured myself. I continued walking, but got the feeling someone was watching me. I tried to ignore it, but it wasn't the friendly staring like I get at school. This one was one that wanted to hurt me. I was okay all the way up until I heard another bush shaking, I immediately turned around to see that a bush that was practically next to me was swaying just like the last one.

'It could have just been a bird?'

I told myself not very convincing this time. But I continued to walk, a little faster, on the path that would take me straight home. But I knew I wasn't going to make it that far easily as I heard a branch snap. And when I turned to look, I caught sight of something. More like someone. They must have been able tell that I saw who ever it was because he stood up, and so did his friends.

'Oh, no.'

I then dropped my bag and umbrella and took off running. I heard footsteps coming up from behind me. Fast.

"Come here!" One of the men yelled, as he grabbed ahold of my arm. And slapped his other hand to my mouth, before I could call out for help. I tried to fight him and grab ahold of my keys, but a different man noticed and grabbed them off my hip.

"Well look at what we got here boss. She's a Celestial Mage." The man with my keys said.

"Maybe we should teach her a lesson on how to make people miserable." Another man said.

"Your right, Ace." The man they referred to as boss, said. "We should teach her a lesson, a good one too."

'I'm not going to let them do that to me too.'

I opened my mouth wide and bit down as hard as I could. And the 'boss' dropped me and was holding his hand, since I bit a huge chunk of skin off.

"Ugggh! You bitch! Get her!" He yelled and the other two guys came running after me. I got up off the ground and ran as fast as I could. I could hear their footsteps coming up from behind me and they were getting closer, slowly but surely, and I started crying. Then one of them tackled me.

"Nice job James, didn't know you had it in you." The man named Ace teased his friend.

"Well for this kind of prize there's no way I wouldn't put everything I got into getting it." The man named James said, as he turned me over and pinned my arms down to the ground.

"Help! Someone help me!" I screamed, as rain poured down onto my face.

"Shut up!" Ace yelled, as he slapped me across the face. I started crying harder, and tried kicking at Ace. But was stopped when he grabbed a hold it my legs.

"Good job gentlemen." Their boss said. "In fact I'll let you two go first." He then grabbed a hold of my arms and traded places with James.

"No!" I screamed. "Stop! Don't do this please!"

"Shut the hell up you little whore!" One of them yelled. I wasn't even able to tell who said it because I was to busy trying to get away. I heard the zipper to James pant unzip, and as the large amont of tears that had built up fell I saw James get swept away to somewhere else in the woods, by something red. And after that happened it was quiet, no sound can from the missing man or his attacker. The two men that were left were completely quiet as well.

'What the hell was that?'

Then all of a sudden the two men stood up letting go of me And I tried to make a break for it but Ace caught my left arm and tried to pull me into him.

"Come here!" He yelled. "You're not going anywhere!" I punched him in the face and I think I broke his nose. And maybe my hand. He let go of me and as so as he did he got swept away as well. I tried running again, and was caught once again. But this time by the guy that was in charge, and his grip was around my throat. He started choking me.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked me and I clawed at his hand trying to get away. He must have had a short patience at this point, because he slammed the back of my head into a nearby tree and I saw spots as I slid down the tree. I closed my eyes in pain.

'What's going to happen to me?'

I opened my eyes just enough to see the man getting punched in the face and sent flying backwards, by a person with red all over his body. But before I could continue to watch, I passed out.


Timeskip: Later that night

I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was dark out and I was in my bed, under the covers. Then after a moment I remebered what happened, earlier. I immediately sat up and my head started to feel like it was going to explode. I grabbed my head and calmed down relizing I was in my room.

'What the hell happened?'

I looked over at my bedside table and saw a note, pain meds, and a glass of water. I picked up the note and read it.

The guys that attacked you are being taken care of by the police. I'm sorry that you had to go through something like that. But you showed that one guy, you broke his nose. . . . And almost broke your hand.

That's when I looked at my right hand, and noticed that it was wrapped from my wrist to my knuckles. I giggled a little to myself, and continued reading the note.

You don't have to worry about being questioned, by the police because your name didn't get mentioned. Take some pain meds when you can, it'll help with your head. And . . . . . . . .

Are you okay?

I turned my head to the side as I was confused to hell about that last line, and when your head is fucking pounding, that doesn't help either.

'Who wrote this? Who saved me? Who brought me home?'

I wondered to myself and grabbed the bottle of pain meds, and the glass of water, on the side table. After taking the meds I saw that at the end of my bed was my bag, umbrella, and my Celestial Keys. I grabbed my keys and hugged them close to my chest. I could feel them warming up as they responded to me.

"I'm alright guys." I whispered to them and the heat died down. I then put them on the table and grabbed My umbrella and put it in my bag. And as I was laying back down my bag fell into the floor causing most of it's contents to fall out.


I got up and shoved everything back into my bag, except one thing. There was another note, but it fallen out of my bag. I opened it to see that it was the note that me and Natsu had written in Reading Class. But then I realized something.

'It couldn't be.'

I read the new and the old note.

'The handwritting. . . . . . it's.'

I plopped down on the bed.


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