Chapter 44

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Hello!!! And if you are hoping this isn't the last chapter. Stop hoping, because this is the last chapter! I know, I'm sorry. But it must happen! Whether me or you like it or not! And I'm really surprised, and at the same time, I'm not. But this chapter is really long, like it's over 4000 words. I usually do a maximum of 2000. So it's long.Yeah, but this is an awesome chapter so that doesn't matter! And yeah I don't have that much else to say. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to BambooGreen! She is a fellow writer, and let me just say this. She is an awesome Gale fan fiction writer! Like I said before in whatever chapter, I haven't read any stories in a long time, But her stories are amazing! And they have only made me a bigger Gale fan! So love you BambooGreen! Love you guys! Enjoy the last chapter!


Time Skip: Four Years (Just after Graduation)

POV: Lucy

I sat in my chair as I looked in the mirror, and Levy was doing my make-up, while Erza did my hair.

"You know I could have just had Cancer do my hair right?" I asked Erza.

"Oh shush." Erza told me. "It's not everyday, one of your best friends gets married." Erza said.

"Erza's right." Levy said. "Now stop talking I'm trying to create a masterpiece here."

"Alright, alright." I said and stood still.

"Where's Juvia at?" Erza asked.

"Her and Gray are picking up the dresses, and all the guy's tuxes, she should be back any second." I said.

"I said no talking." Levy said, as she looked like she wanted to stab me with the eye liner pen.

"Sorry." I said. "But damn Levy are those hormones getting to you or what?"

"Yeah." She said as she stroked her small baby bump. "Sorry."

"Did you ever figure out, what you're having?" Erza asked her.

"No, me and Gajeel desided we want to keep it a surprise." Levy said.

"Well that's no fun." I said.

"It's fun for us." Levy said, and I rolled my eyes.

"So Erza what about you?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You know what I mean, has Jellal asked the question yet?" I asked.

"No he hasn't. And I don't know if he will." Erza said.

"Oh Erza shut up." Levy said, and she took a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm trying to get it out now." Then me and Erza laughed at her. And Juvia came through the door, caring a bunch of storage bags that held our dresses in them.

"Hey, Juvia is sorry she took so long." Juvia said as she hung the dress up. "Juvia had a hard time getting in and out of the car." She said as she rubbed her big nine month baby belly, as she sat down.

"I smell chocolate." Levy said as she looked at Juvia.

"Juvia also got hungry." Juvia responded.

"And you didn't bring me any?" Levy asked. Juvia then reached into her purse and threw something at Levy. It was a candy bar.

"It took all of Juvia's will power to not eat that one." Julia said as she closed her eyes.

"So Juvia how much longer do you got?" Erza asked her.

"Three weeks." She said.

"I swear to god, if your water breaks, I'm going to kill you afterwards." I told Juvia.

"What about Levy?" Juvia asked.

"Levy's still skinny, we're good with her." I said.

"Alright!" Mira said as she stormed in. "Everything is set. The boys are doing some last minute things and then are going to go get ready."

"And I'm done with hair." Erza said.

"And I'm done with make-up." Levy said.

"Ready to get your dress on?" Juvia asked as she tried to stand up, but failed as her belly stopped her from getting up.

"Yeah." I said. "But I kind of have some one specific I want to help me with my dress." I said.

"What?" All the girls yelled.

"I know, I know. But it's a personal thing." I said.

"Are you sure?" Mira asked, as she helped Juvia up.

"Yeah." I said. "Besides you guys still have to get ready."

"Well, you've got a point. See you in a little bit then." Erza said and all the girls grabbed their dresses and left to give me some privacy. I took a deep breath, and grabbed something out of my coat pocket.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Aquarius yelled at me, after I summoned her. "You summoned me from a fucking cup? Have you not learned anything after all these years?"

"No, I have. Its just that I didn't have anything else to summon you from." I said as I put my hands up defensively.

"You're lucky it's your wedding day, or else I would be beating your ass right now." Aquarius said.

"Thank you." I said, and Aquarius helped me into my dress. Then after a few minutes I was finally in it and Aquarius was buttoning the back. "This brings back memories." I said.

"Yes it does." Aquarius said. "And you look just as beautiful." I then looked at Aquarius like she was crazy. "What?"

"Are you sick?" I asked.

"Shut up, and take the compliment." Aquarius told me.

"Are you guys going to be there?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're all going to be there." Aquarius said. "Everyone is getting ready now."

"What do you mean getting ready?" I asked.

"We've all been saving up energy to be able to be here all night." Aquarius said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Its your wedding day after all." She said like it was obvious, which it kind of was.

"I didn't know you guys were doing that." I said.

"Yeah, and I'm going to go now, and finish getting some more energy." She said.

"Okay, see you in a bit then." I said and Aquarius went back to the Spirit World. And once she was gone Levy opened the door.

"Its time." She said. And I picked up my the skirt of my dress, my bouquet, and walked out of the room. Once out the door I walked down the hallway to the door that would go out into the garden of the Heartfilia Mansion. Since my dad passed, I took in the Massion and all our friends moved in, and my dad had paid off the whole house years ago, so we don't have to pay for anything.

"Looking good Lucy." Gray said as he saw my wedding dress for the first time.

"Yeah well just keep your eyes on your woman so I don't die before I'm twenty." I told him.

"You look nice, what's the special occasion?" Gajeel asked.

"Oh shut up." I said. And they all laughed.

"Alright, well see you at the alter." Levy said.

"Keep your hands off my baby mama." Gray told Gajeel.

"Yeah well don't don't get to handsy yourself." Gajeel told Gray. And then the doors opened, and they all walked out two at a time. Mira and Laxus first, Erza and Jellal second, then Juvia and Gajeel, then Levy and Gray before me. Levy was my Maid of Honor, and Gray was Natsu's best man, so we figured they could walk last together. And once the doors shut I stood in front of it and took a deep breath, and it finally sunk in.

'I'm getting married.'

I then started taking a bunch of deep breaths, and tried to call down.

"Hello Lucy." Someone said from behind me, and I looked to see Death.

"Death, you got my invitation." I said, as I distracted myself.

"I did, I appreciate the thought." He said. "And you look lovely."

"Shouldn't you be out there?" I asked, as I gestured to the door that went outside.

"Unfortunatly, I can't stay long. And I don't know how well everyone will handle Death sitting next to them." He said and laughed a little. "But I did want to give you a wedding gift."

"Really?" I asked. "What is it?" Death then snapped his fingers and little golden lights floated from every direction and started clumping together to create something, more like someone.

"Mom?" I said as the rest of the lights gathered together and she stopped glowing, she opened her eyes and smiled. "Mom." I said and hugged her.

"Hi, honey." My mother said, and she pushed me back a little and looked at me up and down. "Oh you look so pretty!" She said as she started crying.

"I thought you would want someone to walk you down the aisle." Death said.

"Thank you so much!" I said, as I hugged my mom again.

"You're welcome Lucy." Death said. "Let's talk again soon." He then dissipated into the air and left. I looked back at my mom.

"How long do you have?" I asked.

"I've got all night." She said. "You ready?"

"Yeah." I said, and we faced the door as we waited for my que. And then I started to shake again as we waited.

"Sweet heart, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Its just . . . . . ." I started to say but stopped a moment. "What if he doesn't like it?" I said gesturing to my dress. "Or he changes his mind?"

"Lucy, look and listen to me." My mother said, and I looked at her. "He loves you, he always has. And I've, been watching the two of you, the way he looks at you. Its magical."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." She said. "And if he changes his mind, you got a whole yard of people out there, who will kick his ass. And we can always call Death back here." Me and my mother laughed. "Okay?"

"Okay." I said, nodding to her and slipped my arm through hers, and the music started. I took a deep breath, as the doors opened.


POV: Natsu

I stood at the alter, shaking like crazy, and I was taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. I kept fixing my yellow tie, and the pink rose that was in my top left button hole, and even reajusted the yellow handkerchief in my breast pocket.

"Hey Natsu." Loke said as he and all of Lucy's Spirits appeared and sat down in the front row to my right. I nodded to him and continued to try and remain calm. Then the doors to the house opened. And two by two, Mira and Laxus, Erza and Jellal, Gajeel and Juvia, and Gray and Levy came out. The guys were wearing black tuxes with yellow rose in the button hole, pink ties, and pink handkerchiefs in the chest pocket. The girls were wearing yellow dresses, and had small boquets of pink roses, and a yellow ribbon holding them together.

"Hey man, you ready?" Gray asked me.

"I don't know." I said. "I can't stop shaking."

"That's normal." Laxus said. "I was the same way when me and Mira got married."

"Yeah but, what if she changes her mind?" I asked.

"Dude, if you pulled your head out of your ass-." Gajeel started to say but was interupted by the priest as he cleared his throat, as a warning to Gajeel. "I already know I'm going to hell, old man. Anyway, Natsu, if you pulled your head out of your ass, you would see that there's no way in hell she's changing her mind."

"But, what if I'm not good enough for her?" I asked.

"Natsu, would you risk your life to save her?" Jellal asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Would you be there for her, no matter what?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said again.

"What would you do if she was mad, or upset?" He asked me.

"I'd tell her jokes to make her smile, take her out for dinner to make her happy, rub her back to make her relax." I said.

"Exactly." Jellal said. "That's all a girl wants. Any man could do it, but she chose you out of all of them." Jellal said. "Trust me, to her, you're more than enough."

"Thanks guys." I said, as I started crying and I whipped the years away with the back of my hand.

"Oh come on you haven't even seen her yet, and your already getting emotional." Gray said.

"Shut up." I told him and I took a deep breath, as the music started and the doors opened. And there stood Lucy with her mom. And I felt tears flow down my face as she started walking towards me. Gray then reached into the pocket inside his tux and handed me an extra handkerchief.

"Thanks man." I said as I whipped the tears away. Lucy's dress had lace all over the bodice, and was the sleeves on her shoulders, and the lace stopped at her hips, but also crawled up the dress from the bottom, and there was also a diamonded belt right above her hips.

Lucy mom walked her down the aisle and when they got to me, Layla kissed Lucy's cheek and then have me a hug.

"You better take care of her." She whispered in my ear.

"I will." I said. She then placed Lucy's hand in mine and sat down next to a very surprised Aquarius. Lucy stood in front of me, and handed her large bouquet of yellow roses, with a pink ribbon holding them together to Levy, and tuned back to me.

"Hey." She whispered to me.

"Hey." I whispered back.

"We gather here today, in this beautiful afternoon, to share a special day for Mr. Natsu Dragneel, and soon to be Mrs. Lucy Dragneel." The priest said and we all laughed a little. "May I ask who will be reading their vows first?"

"Ladies first." Lucy said, and we stood there a moment in awkward silence. "I mean you Natsu." Lucy told me and everyone laughed. I turned around and Gray handed me a peice of paper that held the words that would complete my vow, to Lucy.

"Lucy." I started. "Four years ago, you bumped into me in Weapon and Magic Defence Class, and when I turned to look at you, all I could think was 'bitch'." I said. And everyone laughed and the priest just looked at the ground. "And then you just welcomed yourself to my table in the corner, and I couldn't help but think 'who the hell does she is?'." Everyone laughed again. "But as you started sitting with me more, I realized you weren't that bad. You didn't make me say anything, you just sat there, and kept me company, when I needed it. And then I found out what was going on in your personal life, and at first, I didn't what to do. I don't think anyone would know what to right away. But when it started getting out of hand, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to be there for you, just like you were there for me. So I did my best to be there for you, and I promise I will continue to be there when you need me, for the rest of your life." I said, and looked up at Lucy and I could see she was fighting tears.

"Thank you Natsu, and now Lucy. Would you please read your vow?" The priest asked Lucy and she turned to Levy and she handed Lucy a price of paper with her vows on it.

"Natsu." Lucy started. "When we first met, it wasn't exactly how I planned to meet the love of my life. I thought that I would be at the library, and as I reach for a book so does my soul mate and as our hands touched for the first time, we would know we were ment for each other. But no, I had to bump into you. The biggest pain in my ass." Lucy said and the preist looked like he wanted to leave, as everyone laughed. "But as we started hanging out I realized that you were actually, worst than a pain in my ass. You're a pain in my ass and my neck. Cause you can't just be one or the other. You had to be both." She said.

"Amen." Gray, Gajeel, Jellal, and Laxus said at once, and everyone laughed.

"But then I soon found out that pain isn't such a bad thing, it means that you still have feelings." Lucy continued. "And when you found out my worst pain, you did everything you could, to make sure it stopped." Lucy's voice cracked, as she started crying. "You stopped the pain, but you new that my wounds and scars I had in life, weren't just going to heal and disappear. You knew that it would take time, and you were there for me. Even though I never asked for it, and did nothing to deserve it. You still looked after me, like you knew me your whole life." Lucy started crying again and Levy handed her a handkerchief, she dabbed her eyes and sniffed a couple of times, before continuing. "And from now on, I promise that I will treat you with the same care that you have shown me. Love." Lucy said and then looked a But annoyed. "Really?" She asked as she looked behind her at the girls.

"Just read it." Erza told her. Lucy turned back to me as she rolled her eyes.

"P.S. Don't hurt our girl, or you'll have hell to pay. Love Levy, Juvia, Erza, and Mira." Lucy added, and everyone laughed. "You know this was my vow, not yours." Lucy told the girls.

"We know." They all said.

"Okay, I'm now adding you to the pain in my ass list." I said.

"Amen." Gray, Gajeel, Jellal, and Laxus said, and the girls shot them glares. They just smiled as they knew they might not live to see tomorrow.

"I should have brought holy water." The priest said. Everyone laughed. Then the priest turned to me. "Anyway. The rings." He said to Gray, and Levy. Gray handed my Lucy's ring, and when I turned back to Lucy she was holding my ring. "Do you Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy Hearfilia, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Death do you part?"

"I do." I said, as I slipped Lucy's ring on her finger. It was a gold band that has multiple swirls in it, and had a pink diamonds that matches my hair.

The preist then turned to Lucy.

"And do you Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Death do you part?"

"Hell yes!" Lucy said as she slid the ring on my finger, and it looked exactly like hers, except the diamonds were yellow, for Lucy's hair.

"Then I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife." The priest said. "You may now-." He started to say, but I already knew what was next, and I grabbed Lucy and swung her under me, so she was hanging, with my hand on her hip, and my arm wrapped around her shoulders. I then kissed her for all it was worth. "Kiss the Bride." The priest finished, as everyone cheered with happiness.

"We did it." I told Lucy as I lifted her back up, and she grabbed her skirt.

"Yes we did." She said and we ran into the mansion, hand in hand with everyone following.


Time Skip: An Hour

POV: Lucy

Everyone had already eaten, so now everyone was on the dance floor, except me and Natsu. I was dragging him up the main stairs a little, so everyone could see us, and I then motioned for the DJ to stop the music, and he did.

"Okay everyone, I have a gift/announcement to make to everyone, even though it's more for Natsu." I said into the mic. "So Levy, can you please hand me the thing?" I asked Levy and she went over the table, opened the draw and pulled a wrapped gift out of it.

"Here you are." She said as she handed it to me.

"Okay Natsu, open it." I said, and put the mic towards Natsu's mouth so it could catch his reaction. Natsu, then pulled the ribbon and it fell to the floor. Then he pulled the lid off it, and moved the tissue paper around a bit until he found his gift.

"What is it?" He asked as he looked at it.

"Natsu, that's a pregnancy test." I told him, everyone gasped and Mira passed out from excitement.

"Pregnancy test?" He asked, I nodded. Natsu then started to think about it for a moment, and the it hit him. "Wait you mean . . . . . . we're pregnant?"

"Yeah." I said, nodding.

"Oh my god!" He said and picked me up and spun around as he hugged me, making me drop the mic, and us almost fall down the stairs. He then set me on my feet but didn't break the hug yet. "I love you so much, Mrs. Dragneel." He said.

"I love you too, Mr. Dragneel." I said. Then I picked up the mic. "Alright, how about the bouquet and the garter toss?" I asked. And everyone cheered. All the girls got in the middle and everyone else got out of the way. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" All the girls yelled and I turned around.

"One . . . two . . . three!" I yelled and tossed the bouquet over my head, and turned to see Erza had caught it. Everyone behind her then moved out of the way as Erza turned around, and there on one knee was Jellal.

"Erza, I did the wrong thing giving you the last name Scarlet, when all along it should have been Fernades. So will you allow me to change it?" He asked her, and Erza tackled him yelling 'yes', over and over.

"Well that was unexpected." I said. Mira then woke back up and was looking around.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Jellal just proposed to Erza, and she said yes." I told her. She then got so happy, that she tackled Jellal to the ground. Right after he got up from Erza tackling him.

"Alright, alright move it along." Natsu said, as he placed a chair at the bottom of the stairs. Natsu then pulled me down the stairs and sat me in the chair. He then got down on one knee and flung the skirt of my dress over his head. After a moment, Natsu used his left hand to lift my foot off the ground, and out the other hand under my knee. Then I jumped as I felt his tounge travel from my ankle all the way up my leg, and then grabbed the garter with his teeth pulling it down slowly.

"You're such a pain in the ass." I told him after he came out from under my dress. He then took it out of his mouth and stood up.

"Love you too." He said and walked up the stairs, and held it in his hands as the boys got ready. Then he shot it in the air and Gray ended up with it. Mira was then bouncing around like a maniac. And Laxus had to hug her to calm her down.

"Okay, well I think we've waited long enough!" Levy said, into the microphone over next to the DJ. "So I think it's time for the Bride and Groom's first dance!" Levy said.

"Oh shit!" I said. "How did I forget to pick a song?" I asked myself as I facepalmed.

"And this is why you're so lucky." Natsu said. "Because I picked a song."

"You picked a song?" I asked him. "Lord help me." I said.

"Come on, have some faith in me." He said as he lead me to middle of the dance floor. And then as Natsu grabbed my waist, and held my hand to his chest, the song started.

(Hit it!)

"Do you know what this song is?" Natsu asked, after the lyrics started.

"Of course I know what this song is." I said. "It's the song that played when we had our first dance."

"Yep." He said smiling at me. "Did I pick a good one?"

"You picked a great one." I said, and laid my head on his shoulder. And we danced the night away, and on into forever.


That's it! We did it! It's over! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want it to be over! But unfortunately it is. But it ended happily ever after. Best kind of ending. In fact that's how you know the story is over, if there's a happy ending, it's over! So I will do the same thing I did in my first story, and that's give you guys summaries and let you pick the best story. So give me a while, and I will update that part. Okay? Good! See you guys next time! Which will hopefully be soon.

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