Chapter 13: Rose and Her Helper

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Hello, everyone!  Here is my next chapter, I hope you all like it! ♡ I hope all of you are happy I published again, haha. c:  Hopefully I can update one more time?  Haha, we'll have to see!  I dedicate this chapter to xxfantasylover!  Thanks for always giving me complements on my stories; they mean a lot to me! :'D  Be sure to give her lots of feedback too, okay? c: Thanks to all who reads this story!  I hope you all enjoy, and feedback is very much appreciated!  Until next time~!


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Natsu was sitting in the guild at the bar with Mirajane in front of him cleaning the mugs.  His arms were laying on the counter, folded next to each other.  He was staring off into space, though it looked like he was looking down at the counter.  His face was troubled.

He couldn't shake the feeling he was forgetting something.

Happy was sitting on the counter not but a few feet away.

"Oi, Natsu?"  Happy asked, and Natsu looked at him in surprise.

"Don't worry.  Lucy said she was coming back later.  So eat some of this fish!"

""  Natsu murmured, blinking.

Everyone in the guild stopped what they were doing when they heard the stool clatter to the ground.

Natsu was standing straight up, his eyes wide.  "That's right!  Lucy!  I was supposed to be looking for her!"

Happy mysteriously got nervous.  "H-Hey, Natsu!  I'm sure Lucy'll be here soon..."

Natsu backed up.  "No, she won't!  She's trapped here, just like I am!  I have to search these worlds for her!"

Natsu seemed to still not remember the fact that he was caught in illusions; that Vallen had Lucy.  As a matter of fact, Natsu seemed to forget about Vallen himself.  Vallen had set up the memories, and was making him forget the situation.  He was planning on letting Natsu go through the illusions forever, looking for Lucy where she wasn't.

Sadly, Natsu didn't remember any of that, and continued to search for something that didn't exist.


"Are you ready, Happy?"  Rose asked.

"Aye!"  Happy exclaimed.

Rose turned to Loren and Lores.  "Open the portal, please."

They nodded, and did as they were asked.  Once it was completed, Happy pumped his fist into the air, and his wings appeared on his back.  Rose handed him a small shiny blue object, and Happy looked at he questioningly.

"A healing charm."  Rose replied.  "So far, only I can make these.  Before Natsu battles Vallen, make sure he uses this."

"Aye!"  Happy exclaimed.

"Good luck, Happy!"  Wendy exclaimed, and everyone watched the exceed with mixed expressions.

Hope, worry, doubt, and most of all: eagerness.

"Aye sir!"  Happy exclaimed, flying inside the portal with renewed adrenaline.

Rose had Lucy's keys in her hands, and she looked down at them as the portal closed.

"Lucy..."  She murmured.  "Don't worry, I see your friend's emotions.  They will save you; their feelings are too strong."

"I'll bring up a screen for Happy this time!"  Loren exclaimed, and one surfaced into the air right next to the one of Natsu.

Happy was inside, flying as quickly as possible inside Etoiles Noires.  Seeing so, everyone looked relieved to see that Happy was alright, and heading for Natsu as quick as he could.

"I think Happy was a good pick for going."  Wendy replied.

Erza nodded, smiling.  "Ah.  He'll be more help to Natsu than any of us, I think."

Rose turned to everyone, and they all looked back at her.  "Now, I imagine we need to alert your guild as to what has happened."  She looked at Wendy.  "Would you do the honor, Wendy?  I think this is a job for you and you alone."

Wendy looked away with embarrassment.  "Eh, well...when you put it like that..."  She blushed.  "I guess I'll do it..."

Rose sighed with relief.  "Thank you."

Erza set a hand on Wendy's shoulder.  "Be careful, okay?  Get to the guild quickly; I don't want you to get hurt."

Wendy nodded, feeling determined.  "Right.  I'll do my best!"

Carla clucked her tongue sassily at them, putting her hands on her hips.  "You underestimate us!"

Erza laughed slightly.  "Not at all.  I know you can do it."

Carla summoned her wings, and grabbed onto the back of Wendy's shirt and started pulling her into the sky.

"Bring back Natsu and Lucy for me!"  Wendy exclaimed over her shoulder.

They all nodded, smiling as she left them, heading for the portal to get back to the mountains.

Erza turned to Rose, and saw the keys in her hand.  "Rose, how are you so sure Natsu will be alright?  Who's going to help him wake up?"

Rose smiled.  "As I told you, you'll see."  She looked up into the sky.  "All I know, is that they won't fail me.  Trust me, she knows what she's doing."

" "She" ?"  Erza requoted, confused.

Suddenly, it clicked.

Erza smiled.  "I see.  I'm surprised.  Now that I understand, I know Natsu will get out of there."

Rose nodded.


Natsu was running in the white again.  He was starting to get out of breath, and he slowed, looking around wildly before coming to a stop for rest.  Why?  Why did he feel like this?  It still felt like he was forgetting something.

"Damn it..."  Natsu muttered, his hands on his knees.  "I can't give up now..."

Natsu, I'm surprised to see you still caught in its clutches.  To think, I thought you had a strong will.

Natsu froze.  "W-What...?"

It's nice to see you again, Son of Igneel.

Natsu's eyes widened.  He recognized that voice.

"Annabelinda!"  He exclaimed.  "I thought you were gone!"  He turned around in a circle.  "Uh...where are you?"

I can't materialize here in these illusions.

"Illusions...?"  Natsu muttered, confused.  "What do you--"

He gasped.

He remembered; this time, he remembered everything.  Vallen, Lucy falling, and him going into The Black Stars to try and save her.  He had been in an illusion all this time!  Many emotions over took Natsu all at once.  anger, determination, shame, and fear.

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, that word being the first thing that came out of his mouth.  "I'm supposed to be fighting Vallen to get Lucy back!"  He dropped to his knees.  "Damn...I can't believe he got me..!"

Do not be so hard on yourself, Salamander.  Rose and I are here to help you and your friends.  The real test of your feelings, Natsu, is if you can get out.

"Oh, I'll get out!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "Just watch!"

Use your heart.  Lucy is waiting for you.

"Right!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "I won't fail!"


"Annabelinda?"  Gray exclaimed, surprised.  "Rose, how did you end up getting her here?"

Rose smiled slightly.  "She's only here in spirit.  That's one of the powers of a Spirit Dragon Slayer.  It takes a lot out of me, but I manage somehow."

"Incredible..."  Erza murmured.

"So what are the rest of us going to do?"  Loren asked.

"All we can do is wait."  Rose replied.  "Annabelinda is going to do everything she can to help him get out of his reverie."

"Man, this sucks..."  Gray muttered.  "I hate just sitting around."

"We have to believe in Natsu."  Erza pointed out.  "Be patient."

Gray sighed.

"Is Natsu...?"  Lores murmured.

Erza, Gray, Loren, and Rose all turned to look at him.  He was still watching the screen; he didn't want to miss any sign of Natsu stirring.

"What is it, Lores?"  Erza asked.

"Really, it's been two days.  How long are you going to watch like that?  When Natsu wakes up, he'll wake up."  Gray replied.

"You haven't eaten much, either..."  Loren added, worried for her sibling.

Lores gasped.  "I did see it!"

Everyone stood in curiousity.

"See what?"  Gray asked.

"Look!"  Lores exclaimed, pointing to the screen.

They did as he was told, and they gasped as well.

Natsu was climbing to his feet, his eyes covered in shadow.  He looked stiff, because he'd been laying there awhile with his sore injuries.

"He's awake..."  Rose murmured, her face filling with relief.

"He did it!"  Loren exclaimed.

Natsu was breathing heavily;as he took a small step forward, he wobbled slightly.  Stopping, he growled, and you could see the anger pulsing in his muscles.  Then, slowly, he lifted his head.  His eyes were in small black dots of anger and determination.

He'd gotten past his next obstacle.

"I'm all fired up!"  Natsu yelled.





Finally, Natsu has been released!  Will he face another obstacle, or will Natsu finally get to battle Vallen?

Find out in the next chapter, Chapter 14: Natsu vs His Toughest Enemy!

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