Chapter 15: Awakening

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Hello, everyone! :'D  I can't believe I was able to update again!  Look at me go, lol!  This will be it for tonight, haha.  I've got to get up early tomorrow, so...yeah. owo I hope you all like this chapter haha! ♥ I made this one especially long, so you're welcome! :P  I dedicate this chapter to truth000. c:  She's such an awesome writer, ne? Whelp, I hope you all enjoy, and remember; feedback is very much appreciated!  Until next time, my lovelies~ c;


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A small girl with short blonde hair ran through the courtyard, enjoying the day chasing after a butterfly.  Her mother sat in a chair a ways away, along with her father.  They watched her with tranquil and content, chuckling at her once she tripped and fell flat on her face.  The little blonde-haired girl looked up at her parents, tears in her eyes at first but then laughing sweetly along with them.

"Mama, read me a story?"  She asked, walking up to her and pulling on her mother's dress.

"But what about that butterfly?"  Her mother asked, smiling beautifully down at her daughter and laughing.  "Don't you want to catch it?"

The small girl looked up at her mother with a cute smile.  "I don't want to catch it; everything deserves to be free!"

Her mother smiled tenderly down at her, lifting her onto her lap.  "That is absolutely true,"  She replied, twirling the little girl's blonde hair in her fingers.  "Nothing can be caged and forced to do something; for the spirit will always choose it's own path."  

The blonde child giggled, nodding.  

"Let's see..."  Her mother murmured.  "What story haven't I told you?  Ah!"  She exclaimed, rubbing her nose against her daughter's, making her laugh and scratch it.  "How about one of a free spirit, since you made such an excellent point?"


I...want free...  Lucy thought, but then she went back into her deep slumber.

She couldn't break free.

Not alone.


"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"  Natsu exclaimed.

"Dark Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"  Dark Natsu exclaimed.

Their magic collided, but exploded the instant it made contact.  Because Natsu had been using a long attack, Dark Natsu was above him, and he came crashing down and leaving a trail of smoke in the air.  Natsu grunted as Dark Natsu slammed his fist into Natsu's face, making him hit the ground and bounce a few feet backwards.

"Dark Fire Dragon's Roar!"  Dark Natsu exclaimed, throwing his head back as fire filled his mouth.

Natsu had been in the process of pulling himself to his feet, and he had to jerk out of the way so his opposite's magic didn't hit him.  It was strange; Natsu didn't think his own magic would affect him, since it was fire.  But, however, it was dark magic.  That was the only thing that was probably making it hurt.

Natsu charged under the beam of dark fire and surprised his opposite, lighting his fist on fire and slamming it into Dark Natsu's gut in one fluid motion.  He was sent skidding backwards, and Natsu ran for another attack.  They slammed their fists together, making another burst of air explode from their contact.  They were both forced back, and they stared each other down without saying a word.

"Answer me this, me."  Dark Natsu sneered.  "What makes you think you'll win this battle?  We're evenly matched."

Natsu smirked.  "You're wrong, there's plenty difference between me and you!"

Natsu charged again, but the spike in Dark Natsu's anger was beginning to take effect, just like Natsu's would have.  He dodged Natsu's attack easily, slamming his fist into Natsu's face.  It made blood spurt from Natsu's mouth and also made him slide across the ground from the force of Dark Natsu's blow.

"What is the difference?"  Dark Natsu asked.  "Cause as far as I can tell, I'm winning!"

"Geez, am I really this cocky?"  Natsu asked, smirking with amusement.  He rubbed off the blood that was trickling down his chin with the back of his hand.

Natsu lit his hand on fire.  "I'll tell you what the difference is!"

Charging, Natsu surprised his other self and swung for his side, barely missing it.  Dark Natsu counter attacked, and they advanced on each other over and over, evenly matched.  They were a tangle of limbs and fire, completely identical in figure and expression.  Natsu was yelling a long battle cry as their speed increased, and Dark Natsu pulled back his chin just in time before Natsu was able to send a swift uppercut to it.

"I have things you don't!"  Natsu exclaimed triumphantly.

"What?"  Dark Natsu growled.

Natsu was able to get an opening as a result of his taunting, and slammed his flamed-elbow into Dark Natsu's ribcage.  His opposite was forced back, his face angry.

"I have friends..."  Natsu replied, the flames on his hands growing brighter.  "I have family!"

"Ah.  You do, but so what?  That doesn't matter in a fight."  Dark Natsu replied, his expression shadowed.

Natsu scowled.  "Now I know you're not me.  I would never say a thing like that!  My friends give me the strength to stand and fight, to keep going!"  Natsu charged again.  "And one of my friends needs my help now!"

Dark Natsu's eyes widened with anger and stress, and he waited for Natsu to approach.  Natsu did, and he slammed his fist into Dark Natsu's.  A wave of black and red fire flew everywhere, forming a wall between them.

"Don't you know?!"  Dark Natsu exclaimed.  "You can't save her!"

"What?!"  Natsu exclaimed.

Smirking, Dark Natsu saw that he had gotten his former self's defenses down, and he brought his other fist up and aimed for Natsu's left cheek.  However, Natsu grabbed his clenched hand with his own, and stopped Dark Natsu's attack.  Though the fire burned, Natsu held on, his own fire mixing with his dark version's.

Dark Natsu smirked.  "Oi, don't you understand?  Vallen is too strong for you!  I would know!"

Natsu smirked.  "Like I care!  I'll beat him down, no matter how strong he is!"

In anger, Dark Natsu pushed him back and off him.

Natsu slid to a stop, his head leaning slightly forward making his hair cover his eyes.  "Everyone is counting on me...Lucy is counting on me...So, Lucy, if you can hear me, I want you to know..."

He lifted his head into the air and shouted as loud as he could.  "...That I'm coming for you!  Don't give up; never give up!  That's not what the Lucy I know does!"

His voice echoed far and wide, expanding throughout Etoiles Noires with a powerful and strengthing ring.

And it triggered a reaction.


Vallen had left Lucy to herself, and she was currently still magically connected to the invisible chains of darkness.  They clanked as a strange breeze slithered into the level of the Etoiles Noires, and along with it a voice from a different part of the realm.

"Lucy is counting on me...So, Lucy, if you can hear me, I want you to know that I'm coming for you!  Don't give up; never give up!  That's not what the Lucy I know does!"

It flowed through the unconscious Lucy's ears, and at first didn't seem to have an effect on her.

"Lucy!"  Lucy thought vaguely, feeling like her body had just surfaced from close-suffocation.  Like she had just surfaced from underwater; everything became clear.

She stirred more strongly, and this time both her fists clenched tightly.  Celestial light appeared along the outline of her body, and the chains began to shake.  Though Lucy wasn't moving despite clenching her fists, the chains still shook.

Natsu..!  Lucy exclaimed in her mind more strongly, and the chains vibrated harder.

Her expression tightened, and her eyes twitched as she struggled to break from the intertwined chains of fate.

"Believe in me...  I'm coming to take you home!"

Natsu!  Everyone!  Lucy practically yelled in her mind, and the chains also lighted up with Lucy's magical light.

Suddenly, they snapped, both physically and mentally.  Lucy's eyes snapped open, and they were bright with her Celestial Spirit Seals.

Her lips opened just a slither to whisper one word weakly.



Dark Natsu scowled.  "I dunno what you're tryin' to do.  Nothing will or can reach her."

Natsu smirked, lighting his right hand on fire once more.  "Then you don't know the power of feelings.  I can accomplish anything, especially when I have the will to save someone I care about!"


Natsu froze, and turned around abruptly to see Happy flying towards him.

"Happy!"  Natsu exclaimed happily, excited to see him.

"Aye!"  The exceed exclaimed, floating down next to him.  Happy froze when he saw Dark Natsu.  "Nat-zu, this is your last obstacle?"

Natsu nodded, turning back to look at his opposite.  "Ah.  He's been a pain in the ass, too."

Happy snickered.  "You just called yourself a pain in the ass..."

An anger mark appeared on Natsu's head.  "Oi, shut it!"

"Well, I'm here now, so let me help!"  Happy exclaimed determidly, his mood abruptly changed.

"All right!  I'm all fired up!"  Natsu exclaimed.

Happy grabbed onto the back of his vest, and they took off into the sky.  Dark Natsu growled, and he threw his head back to try and hit them.

"Dark Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Happy darted lower in the air to avoid the attack, and then sailed right back up in place.

Natsu looked over his shoulder.  "Happy, Max Speed!"

"Aye sir!"  Happy exclaimed, his wings turning blue.

"Bastard..."  Dark Natsu mumbled.

"Here's an example, me!"  Natsu emphasized, using Dark Natsu's insult right back at him.

As Happy grew faster in speed and they grew closer to Dark Natsu, Natsu lit his fists on fire and a ferocious expression crossed his face.

"Happy is my friend; he is here for me!"  Natsu started, his fire growing.  "That gives me strength to fight; to beat you!  And if you can't see that..."

Natsu swung his arm back, and Happy let him go, letting Natsu sail towards Dark Natsu like a missle.  Dark Natsu prepared himself to dodge, though he was slightly off balance.

"...Then there's no use explaining the power of feelings to you!"  Natsu roared.  "Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!"

A giant explosion racked across the perimeter, one explosion right after the other.  The air shook, and Happy looked down from flying in circles to try and spot Natsu.

"He did it!"  Happy exclaimed.


When the dust clouds cleared, Natsu was pulling himself to his feet, breathing heavily.  His shoulders dropped up and down, and they shook with exhaustion.

"Natsu!"  Happy exclaimed, coming to a stop above him.

"Happy..."  Natsu murmured.

"You did it, Nat-zu!"  Happy exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

Natsu grinned widly.  "Ah!  And it was thanks to you, Happy."  He turned to look back down at he dark self, and saw that he was slowly disappearing.

"He was a fun opponent!"  Natsu exclaimed, watching him until his opposite self fully disappeared.  Then, he looked farther into Etoiles Noires.  "All that's left is Vallen."

"Here, Natsu."

Natsu looked down at what Happy was holding.  It looked like a small blue stone.

"Oi, what's this?"  Natsu asked, taking it into his hand.

His face grew startled as it evaporated, the dust falling onto his skin and then magically covering his entire body with blue light.

"Oi, Happy!"  Natsu exclaimed warningly.

Happy looked excited.  "It's a healing charm!  It'll heal all of your injuries, Natsu!"

Natsu's face turned into childish excitement.  "Really?!"

Looking at his body, the blue light died down, and Natsu's injuries were all healed.  His magic was rejuvinated, as well.

"Awesome!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "Happy, who gave this to you?"

"Rose did!"  Happy exclaimed.  "She's here to help us get Lucy back!  She's also the one who put a spell on me so I could enter for a little while."

"Rose?!"  Natsu exclaimed in surprise.  After a second he slammed his fist into his palm in realization.  "Oh, that makes sense!  Annabelinda came while I was in those illusions too!"

"So she did get through to you?"  Happy asked.  "That's good!"

"Ah.  We'd better get going, then!"  Natsu smirked.  "Lucy's waiting for us!"

"Aye sir!"





Natsu has finally destroyed all his obstacles!  Next up: his battle with Vallen!  Can he save Lucy in time?

And what happens to Lucy now that Natsu's voice of feelings reached her?  Will she struggle, or will Vallen snare her again before she even has the chance?

Find out what happens next in Chapter 16: Threatening Vow.

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