Chapter 21: Farewell {Final}

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Hello everyone!  Here is the very last chapter! :o  I don't want it to end, not at all! ♥ I had a lot of fun writing this book, I really did.  I love the way this ends, too! c':  I hope you all like it as well!  I dedicate this chapter to yukari_wolfstain.  Thanks for all the adds to your library! :'D  I hope you all enjoy this last chapter, because I really did!  Feedback is, as always, very much appreciated!  Until my next fan fiction, then!  I love you all!


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Lucy seemed to be gloomy the next day.  Despite spending time with Rose and Natsu, Lucy really was feeling down.  When the time came for Rose to leave, Lucy felt her heart plummet.  However, Rose had asked the guild to come with her, so she could show everyone something.  Oblidging, Lucy, Natsu, and everyone else followed Rose.

It was strange though; they were heading into the woods.  As they were walking, Lucy looked sad, and Natsu wondered what he could do to make her feel better.  Deciding on taking her hand, Lucy looked at him gratefully, and he squeezed her fingers.

When they reached a clearing, Rose stopped, turning to look at the Fairy Tail guild all together.

"Someone else wants to say goodbye."  Rose replied, smiling.

Everyone looked around in confusion.

Suddenly appearing behind Rose slowly, like a burnt out flashlight, was Annabelinda.

"Woah!"  Master exclaimed.

"Annabelinda!"  Natsu exclaimed, grinning childishly in happiness.

"Is this the Spirit Dragon?"  Cana asked, a bottle of bear in her hand.

"Wow!"  Levy exclaimed.  "It's huge!"

Gajeel looked up at the dragon, trying not to be interested by clearly so.

"It's nice to meet you, Fairy Tail."  Annabelinda replied, her scales shining.

"It can talk!"  One of the members exclaimed.

Master took a step forward.  "It's an honor to meet a dragon.  One so specail as well."

Annabelinda was silent as Rose rested a hand on the dragon's cool scales.

Then, she spoke.  "Lucy."

Lucy flinched when her name was called, and Natsu looked at her in surprise, along with the rest of the guild.

"Y-Yes?"  Lucy asked.

"Rose and I have something to tell you,"  The dragon replied, and guestured for her to come on over.

Hesitantly, Lucy started taking steps toward the two, letting Natsu's fingers slip from her hand.  She turned to look back at him, and saw that Natsu's expression was hesitant to let her hand go.  Lucy smiled reassurantly at him, and then turned back to Annabelinda.

The dragon took a step forward, letting her snout come close to Lucy's body.

I want to propose you something.  Annabelinda replied.

With a gasp, Lucy realized that the spirit dragon was speaking to her alone; not even Rose.

What is it?  Lucy asked, thinking she was speaking to herself.

However, Annabelinda replied right back to her as if they were talking out loud.  You could come with us.

Lucy froze from awe.  Come...with you?

Annabelinda blew air from her nostrils, but Lucy was still to shocked to notice.  

Yes.  The dragon replied.  Rose doesn't know I'm giving you this proposition, and I'm sure she wouldn't want me to.  But this is your decision, not hers.

Go..with you?  Lucy murmured through her mind.

The dragon nodded.

"Oi, what do you think they're talkin' about?"  Gray asked Erza.

"Who knows."  She replied.

Natsu was watching Lucy, worried.  He was took a small step forward, but after that, didn't move.  Happy was floating behind him.

Lucy smiled, putting a hand on the dragon's snout.  I'd love to.  But I belong here.  I won't leave my friends behind; I need them, and they need me.

Annabelinda nodded, pleased with Lucy's answer.  Was the dragon testing her from the very beginning?

"Good answer."  Annabelinda replied, this time out loud.

Lucy nodded, taking a step back.

Rose's turn, she looked at Lucy, who was tearing up slightly.  Rose opened her arms, and Lucy walked into them, putting her head onto Rose's shoulder.

Rose stroked her hair.  "Come now, Lucy.  You have friends here that will take care of you.  Besides,"  Rose added, and Lucy drew back slightly in surprise.  

Rose winked.  "You've got something new with Natsu.  He'll be there for you, I'm sure."

Lucy couldn't help a small laugh from escaping her throat.  "Are you becoming nosy, Rose?"

Rose considered it, making Lucy laugh softly again.  "Maybe,"  She thought for a moment.  "There's something I want to tell you, Lucy."

Leaning in, Lucy's eyes widened as Rose spoke into her ear.

Natsu had his arms folded, a pouting look on his face.  "Oi, quit whisperin'!  You're making me want to know what you're talking about!"

Lucy looked at Natsu in surprise, and then turned to look at Rose questionly.

Rose winked.  "Spell so he can't hear what I'm saying."

"I heard that!"  Natsu exclaimed, his expression grumpy.

Rose smiled at Lucy.  "Take care, Lucy."

Lucy nodded, taking steps back to return to the familiar crowd of her guild.  Natsu looked at her questionly, but Lucy shook her head, not willing to tell a soul what Rose had revealed.

Rose looked at the rest of the guild.  "I want to thank you all, since I wasn't able to do it that day long ago."

Annabelinda growled softly in affirmation.

"Because of you all, not only was I freed from my prision, but the dragons that were also trapped were as well.  So, thank you."

Everyone smiled appreciatively.

Rose looked at Lucy again.  "Remember where I'll always be, Lucy."

Lucy nodded, looking like she wanted to run up and hug Rose, and to not let her go.

Rose looked at Natsu.  "Take care of Lucy, Natsu."

Natsu grinned.  "Ah.  You can count on me."

"This is my farewell."  Rose replied.  "Thanks for everything, Fairy Tail.  Lucy."

Annabelinda and Rose both closed their eyes, and after a few moments, a bright flash of light appeared.  

When it diminished, Rose and Annabelinda were gone.


Lucy was sitting at her desk, writing a letter to her mother.  Her handwriting was neat and paced as she wrote on the partchment, the envelope nearby.

Dear Mama,

I'm sorry I haven't written you in so long.  You wouldn't believe what I've been through.  From when I last written you, we were heading off to find Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel's dragons.  Sadly, they weren't there.  Instead, we ran into a trio of dragon slayers, Loren and Lores, water and ice.  Turns out they were being brain-washed, and Rose wanted us to save them.  We ended up doing so, which was good. wouldn't believe...I almost died, Mama!  I was put into a different realm by a man named Vallen, and he took me as his tool to control the Black Stars. 

Natsu came in and fought all these different obstacles, and ended up fighting Vallen.  Being the guy that he is, Natsu was able to defeat him after a long battle.  I was able to help too, believe it or not.  Though it wasn't much, I think I made a difference; Natsu thinks so too.  And now that we are all back safe and sound, Natsu and I have become a lot closer.  I hope you're happy for me, Mama.  It looks like I have to go for now; Natsu will be here any moment.

Maybe someday, I'll be able to forget about the nightmare; forget about what happened to me.  But that's the thing.

I don't want to forget.

As she was nearing its end, Lucy heard the familiar call she enjoyed so much.

"Luucccyyy!"  Happy exclaimed.

Lucy smiled, turning to look at her window.

"Oi, what's takin' you so long?"  Natsu exclaimed, sticking his head in through the window.  "We gotta mission to do!"

Lucy nodded, excited.  "Right!  Sorry, I'm coming!"  

Letting her finished letter reside on the desk, Lucy grabbed her bag, springing onto her bed to look at Natsu in the window.

"Good afternoon, Lucy!"  Natsu replied, her face right next to his.  "Are you taking a shortcut?"

Lucy nodded.  "I trust you enough."

Lucy gave Natsu a quick peck on the lips, Natsu grinning as she pulled away.

"Let's go, Happy!"  Natsu exclaimed, jumping down to the ground and out the window.

"Aye sir!"  Happy exclaimed.

Natsu dropped to the ground, turning to look back up at Lucy.  "Okay, Lucy!  Let's go!"

"Right!"  Lucy exclaimed, starting to crawl out the window.

However, before she jumped, she looked at the letter that was finished on her desk, smiling at it.

"Hurry up, Lu-shee!"  Happy exclaimed.  "You're so slow!"

"I'm coming, geez!"  Lucy exclaimed, flying out the window.

Natsu caught her, letting her slide to the ground safely.

"Thank you, Natsu."  Lucy replied.

Natsu grinned.  "No problem, Luce."

Hand-in-hand, Natsu and Lucy started running to the direction of the trains.

"I'm all fired up!"  Natsu exclaimed, throwing his fist into the air.





The end.

I hope you all liked it; thank you all so much for reading. :')

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