Chapter 12: Decisions

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Ohai-yo, minna-san! ♥ Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, but I had absolutely no inspiration at all these last few days.  Oh and also...I had to go to the hospital.  All of you are probably like What?!? Trust me though, I'm fine. c: I went to the hospital because of the possibility of me having Appendicitis.  So, I had to stay in the hospital for a day.  But I'm perfectly healthy, and there's nothing to worry about!♥ Onto the dedication...I dedicate this chapter to FlamesxKeys. c: She deserves a dedication!  I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and remember; feedback is always appreciated!  Until next time, then~!

яу-¢нαи ❖тнє иαℓυ ωяιтєя ❖


"Natsu, you really can go home if you want."  Lucy replied quietly, sitting on the edge of her bed.

Mai was fast asleep on the far end of Lucy's bed, under her covers.  Lucy was looking up at Natsu, who had his arms crossed as he stared at her, Happy already asleep as well.

Natsu looked at her.  "You can't get me to leave, Luce.  I gotta protect you just in case those guys come back."

Lucy sighed, giving up on her attempt.  Despite her wanting him to leave, Lucy also felt grateful for Natsu's presence.  After a few minutes, however, Lucy's mind started to stray to Venom Strike.



Lucy looked at the ground, preoccupied, and didn't notice as Natsu sat down next to her.  "What is it do you think Venom Strike wants with Etheoria?"

Natsu looked at her, his expression neutral.  "How should I know?  All I know is that they're after you now, so that means I have to protect you."

Lucy sighed, but this time out of amusement.  "I see."

Natsu surprised Lucy by pulling her in, letting her head rest on the crook of his neck and her cheek on his shoulder.  "I promised I wouldn't let you go again, right?"

Lucy's face softened, and she nodded, lightly moving her right hand to grab onto Natsu's vest.  "Yeah.  You did."

"Then expect me to!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "After what happened..."

When he trailed off, Lucy pulled back and looked at Natsu curiously.  "Natsu?"

He didn't answer.

Lucy blinked, understanding he was still bothered about what had happened.  "Natsu...are you still worried about what happened?"

When he still didn't answer, Lucy sighed, realizing she was going to have to convince him somehow that she was alright.  Feeling a little bold, Natsu was surprised as she peered forward, planting a silent kiss on his lips.

When Lucy pulled away, she looked slightly flustered.  "You really need to stop worrying about that, Natsu.  I'm not going to leave, ever again.  I promise."

After a minute, Natsu grinned, back to his normal self.  "Right.  I believe you."

Lucy smiled, resuming her position against Natsu's shoulder and closing her eyes.  As she started to drift off, Lucy heard Natsu whisper something into her ear.

"Goodnight, Lucy."

Lucy smiled sleepily.  "Goodnight, Natsu."

And as she just started to slip in and out of consciousness, she could've sworn she head something else.

"I love you."


The next morning, Lucy took Mai out for new clothes, since hers were still tattered from Mai's conflicts with Venom Strike.  Mai was as excited as can be, and seemed to be getting more and more adamant during the time she spent with Lucy.  Natsu and Happy tagged along of course, having nothing better to do until they all left for Royale.

Lucy stopped at one of the markets, letting Mai look in the window in amazement before taking her inside.

"Ne, where do you want to start?"  Lucy asked, putting her hands on her knees to get on eye level with Mai.

Mai's eyes were gleaming.  "Everywhere!"

Natsu's expression was bored.  "Oi, what are we supposed to do?"

Happy nodded.  "Clothes are so boring!"

Lucy stopped from looking through the first rack of clothes for Mai's size.  

She bit her cheek sassily.  "You're the ones who wanted to come along!  So, if you don't wanna wait, then go do something else."

"Lucy's too cruel!"  Happy whined.

Natsu sighed heavily, disappointed.  However, he obeyed sluggishly, Happy trailing behind him as they disappeared into the crowd.

Mai pulled out one and instantly loved it.  "Lucy, I want this one!"

Lucy turned back to her from watching Natsu leave, her happy-go-lucky expression back.  "Oh really?  That one looks so pretty!"

The one Mai had picked out was orange, but it was a decorative dress with white lacing, both sleeves laced while the trimming was as well.  A white ribbon was around the waist, and the skirt fell in three layers.  The top layer was the orange silk, while the middle was the same lacing and the third was the orange again.

"Go try it on!"  Lucy exclaimed excitedly, pointing to the dressing rooms.

Mai nodded, her eyes glimmering with excitement.  "Right!"

Lucy straightened as she watched Mai head to the rooms, her expression endearing.

Mama used to take me shopping like this, sometimes.  She thought, pleasant memories flooding back.  We used to have so much fun...

Lucy turned to look at any other clothes for Mai, searching through a seperate rack behind her.


Lucy stopped, excitement growing on her face as she turned to see Mai spinning in a full circle with the dress on.

"What do you think?"  Mai asked, blushing with shyness.

Lucy grinned, putting her hands on her hips.  "You look adorable in that!  I take it you want it then?"

Mai nodded vigorously.  "Absolutely!"

Lucy walked to the person behind the counter, handing them the amount of money the dress cost.  As Mai walked out of the store with a fresh hop in her step, she took Lucy's hand, wrapping her small fingers in Lucy's.

Lucy was surprised at first, but then she felt warmth bloom in her chest.  Wrapping her fingers around Mai's small ones, Lucy found herself lifting Mai up, letting her jump high into the air and swing around.  Lucy and Mai laughed together, and Lucy felt much more happy since Rose left.  She didn't want this to change.  Lucy and Mai continued walking down the cobble-stoned street, looking for Natsu.  When she spotted him, he was leaning against the wall of a building, Happy and him waiting for Lucy and Mai.  

However, it seemed he had spotted them first, and Lucy wondered why he had a soft expression on his face.  He had been looking at Lucy and Mai, watching as they had approached him down the street together, laughing.

"There you are, Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, letting Mai drop back down to the ground.  However she stopped when she noticed his expression hadn't changed.  "Eh?  What are you giving me that look for?"

This time, Natsu grinned.  "No reason!"

Mai ran up to him.  "Natsu, did you see my new dress?  Do you like it?"

Natsu grinned childishly.  "Ah.  It looks great on you, Mai."

Mai beamed, and Lucy smiled as well.

Natsu turned to Lucy.  "Let's go, then."

Nodding, Lucy started walking with Mai hanging onto her hand, and Natsu jogging to her side.  Happy flew above their heads.  Lucy was surprised when Natsu grabbed onto her right hand, taking his warm hand in hers.  Though, after she got over her surprise, Lucy smiled at Natsu, who grinned back at her.  As they continued walking, they all enjoyed the silence and the peacfulness of the city.  Lucy found herself having a great time, being with Natsu and Mai.

I really have grown to like Mai, even though it's only been for a short time.  Lucy thought, glancing down at the child who was laughing.  I gotta do my best.  As they continued on, Lucy spotted her apartment in the distance, and continued walking with abundance.

Suddenly, Lucy felt a sharp pain run through her skull, and she stopped, her eyes shooting wide.  Natsu, Happy, and Mai hadn't noticed, but they were about to.  Lucy felt her legs lose all strength, and she slowly started to collapse.

This is when Mai stopped, seeing Lucy had stopped moving.  Natsu had stopped as well, seeing that Lucy was acting strangely.  When they saw Lucy hit the ground on her knees, her hands slipped from both their grasp, and she fell to her side, crunched up into a ball.

"Lucy!"  Natsu and Mai exclaimed with surprise, dropping down to her side.

Lucy was clutching onto her Etheoria eye with both hands, pain raidiating through it and into her skull.

"M-My eye..."  Lucy muttered.  "It hurts!  I-It hurts!"

"Oi, pull yourself together!"  Natsu exclaimed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Lucy!"  Mai exclaimed, tears on the corner of her eyes.

"What's going on, Natsu?"  Happy asked, dropping to the ground next to him and Lucy.  "Why is Lucy's eye acting up?"

"I dunno!"  Natsu exclaimed, confused. "Isn't it compatible with her magic..?!"

"We've come to claim what is ours."

Natsu and the others froze, though Lucy was still writhing on the ground.  Pulling his head up, Natsu landed is eyes on four people standing in formation.

"What do you people want?"  Natsu growled, pulling himself to his feet.

In the midst of that group was Colenburn, Lenn, and Renold.  However, there was a man in front of them all, who seemed to have a superior aura.  Dressed in the same cloaks, Natsu only saw the new enemies' face as he pulled his hood down.  He had short gray hair, and a scar running down his left temple.  He had dull green eyes, and pale skin to match.

Natsu instantly hated him; however, he directed his attention elsewhere.  "Renold."

Renold sneered.  "We meet again, Salamander.  Did you really think we'd stay away for long?"

Natsu snarled in response.

The man in the front stepped forward.  "I am the leader of Venom Strike, Zeth.  We've come to claim our final step.  If you get in our way, be sure to know you will be eliminated."

Natsu stepped in front of Lucy and Mai.  "So, you're after Lucy, then?  Well, don't think you're getting any closer to her."

"Happy..."  Lucy muttered, hovering a hand near the exceed.

Happy looked at her worriedly.  "What is it, Lucy?"

"Take Mai and go to the guild...get help and keep her safe."  Lucy muttered, her voice low as the pain radiated.

The Etheoria in my eye is reacting to Venom Strike.  Lucy thought.  But why?  Is it because it recognizes the ancestry as the people who attemted to destroy it years ago?

"But.."  Happy started.

"I'm not leaving you!"  Mai exclaimed, protesting.

"Now, Happy!"  Lucy exclaimed, and Happy flinched.

"A-Aye!"  He exclaimed, grabbing onto Mai and taking off into the air.

"Lucy!"  Mai exclaimed worriedly, trying to get Happy to let go.

Natsu watched Zeth, not taking his eyes off the group of Venom Strike Members.  "You're going to have to get through me, if you think you're touching her."

Zeth narrowed his eyes at him.

The wind around Natsu started to pick up, and it lifted his clothes and rustled his hair.  As the fire on his fists apppeared, Natsu's face turned threatening.

"Zeth, let me take care of him."  Renold replied, stepping forward.

Zeth shook his head, blocking Renold from proceeding.  "No, I'll fight him.  He thinks he can stand in our way?  I'll have to show Salamander he cannot.  In the meantime, why don't you grab the girl?"

"Bring it on!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "I'll char all of you, and pay you back one hundred times over!"





Looks like Venom Strike is finally done with interruptions, and is ready to take what they need!  And now that the leader is revealed, just how powerful is he?

Find out what happens in the next chapter, Chapter 13: A Fight For What's Right!

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