Chapter 23: A Wound.

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Kon'nichiwa, everyone~! ♥ Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it~!  I'd like to apologize for not updating sooner, but I really have been busy. ^-^;  I'll be busy tomorrow, too.  I was actually pretty surprised I was even able to work on this chapter, much less update. :P  So that was a little achievement. c; Well, I dedicate this chapter to Llovesanime. ~♥ This person is really great; she definately deserves a dedication~!  Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, and remember; feedback is always appreciated. c;  Until next time, minna-san!

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When Lucy opened her eyes, she was shocked at where she was.  In nothing but pitch blackness, Lucy felt cold and alone, not knowing what was around her at all.  It reminded her of Etoiles Noires, back when Vallen had held her captive.  But the question remained; where was she?  Lucy was laying on her side when she had woke, so she lifted herself up, slowly and cautiously bringing herself to her feet.

"Hello..?"  Lucy called out, feeling foolish.  Who could possibly hear her out here?

Apparently, someone did.

"Miss Heartfilia.  I see you've arrived."

Surprised by the sudden voice, Lucy jerked to the side, seeing three grown men standing ten feet away from her.  They looked oddly familiar, and Lucy watched them, shock-faced, as they continued to look back at her.

Suddenly, it hit Lucy like a wall.

"You're the three Etheorians!"  Lucy exclaimed, pointing her finger at them in astonishment.  "H-How'd you-?!"

The middle one who Lucy guessed was the one that spoke to her earlier stepped forward.  "As I've told you, we've come to give you answers."

Yep, Lucy recognized it now; that was the same voice from before.

"What do you mean, answers?"  Lucy asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

All three of the men looked at each other, then back to Lucy.  "If you want us to elaborate, I guess we'll need some specail help.  Someone who you will trust."

Before Lucy could ask what he meant, Lucy felt another presence near, and turned to look its way.

She was shocked to see who it was.


Wendy resided next to Erza, who was currently sitting down cross-legged as Wendy healed the wounds on her arms.  Carla was resting beside Erza and Wendy, watching the building lost in thought.

She was still thinking about the premonition.

She had been spacing out ever since Erza and Gray had left her and Wendy to guard the outside.  Wendy had been silent for awhile, but then out of worry, she started talking out of nervousness.  Carla, being her "protector", had to try and calm Wendy down as they waited for any sign of their friends returning, safe and sound.

While they had been sitting there, Wendy and Carla had certianly heard commotion inside.  However, they weren't sure who exactly was making the commotion.  Carla had to admit; she didn't want to wait.  She wanted to help her friends with Renold, and she was sure Wendy wanted the same.  Sitting there wasn't doing anything for them, especially for Lucy and Mai.

However, all that changed when Carla had a continuation of the premonition.

It started out normal, but one thing was added to the vision that shined barely any light on the riddle at all.

Carla could still remember it clearly:

Right after Mai had Etheoria back, it showed three men who Carla recognized as the three male Etheorians Lucy had described.  They were sitting in the grass, but then it suddenly switched to nothingness.  

But...hadn't Lucy described a female, as well?

So, the question arose: where was the only female Etheorian?

Carla shook her head, frustrated.  If those were seperate people, than who was the individual that spoke to Lucy first?

Before Carla could evaluate, she heard a rustle nearby.

Erza and Wendy instantly prepared themselves, jumping up and standing next to each other cautiously.  Erza's expression was hard, and Wendy's was slightly startled.

However, all three of their postures relaxed when they saw the familiar figure walk on through the brush.

"Damn it!  What is it with woods nowadays?!"

Erza looked at Gray in amusement, but not without curiosity.

"It's you, Gray!"  Wendy exclaimed, slightly surprised.

Gray turned to look at them, surprised to see them there.  But when he remembered Erza assigning Wendy here, his expression relaxed.

"How'd you do in your battle with Colenburn?"  Erza asked, taking a few steps forward and crossing her arms.

Gray smirked.  "Well..."  Using his left arm, Gray pulled out an unconscious Colenburn, who was still drained from their battle.  

"...why don't you see for yourself?"  Gray finished, triumphant.

"Way to go!"  Wendy exclaimed, delighted.

Erza nodded in approvement.  "Aren't you going to ask if I was victorious?"

Gray smirked.  "Please; you're Erza."

Erza smiled amusedly at that.

"Now that we're all here,"  Carla spoke up, and they all turned to her.  "We'd better go after Natsu, Mai, and Lucy!"

They all nodded, their expressions suddenly determined and serious.


When Lucy collapsed, Natsu wasn't the first to notice.

Happy was.

"Nat-zu!"  Happy exclaimed, and Natsu turned to see what Happy was concerned about.

When he saw him huddled by Mai and saw Lucy across the area, both down, his eyes widened.  In anger, he turned back to Renold, thinking he did it.

"What did you do?!"  Natsu roared, anger flaring.

Renold looked annoyed, but also suspicious.  

"I did nothing."  He replied after a short pause, matter-of-factly.

However, Natsu wasn't set on believing him, not one bit.  Worry for Lucy and anger at Renold mixed together, refuelling his strength.

"What did you do, you bastard?!"  Natsu exclaimed, charging towards Renold with his fist high.

Renold clenched his teeth, obviously tired of this game, and shot three blows straight for Natsu's weak points.

However, Natsu kept going; they seemed to bounce right off him.  Shocked, Renold had little time to react before Natsu was right on him.  In a split second, Natsu was bringing his fist forward, and all Renold could do was swing right back.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"  Natsu roared, slamming his fist into Renold's outstretched one.

When they collided, air pockets shot off in all directions, slamming into the surrounding walls and making them collapse.  Happy protectively covered Mai's head while at the same time had a single paw covering his.  Lucy, however, was still laying on her side, her mouth lightly parted as she experienced the inside world.  Her ratted hair flew across her bruised face, and the tips of her clothes slightly rippled from the impact of Natsu and Renold's blow.

Renold looked slightly shocked as Natsu began to overpower him, and Natsu noticed it too.  With one final roar and push, a loud crack sounded through the air - resembling to a gun shot - and Natsu shoved Renold back.  Another blast of air rippled through the room as result, making it cut through the ground and making the building shake.  Sliding across the ground at least twenty feet, Renold came to a stop on his feet, lifting his head up to stare at Natsu in awe.

However, Natsu's victory was short-lived.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, Natsu made a choking noise.  Suddenly, jagged cuts appeared on his forearm, thighs, and his torso.  As pain exploded through Natsu's system, blood pooled from his mouth as his body reacted.  Abruptly shaky, Natsu dropped to his knees, coughing and spitting uncontrollably.  

Trying to regain his composure, Natsu leaned on his arms, his forehead brushing up against the ground.  On one knee while the other struggled to match the other's steadiness, Natsu's body shook as he finally took the damage of the attacks Renold had sent him.

Renold smirked, realizing the situation.  "Ah, I see!"  

Renold pulled himself to his feet, feeling silly.  

"You learned how to stall my Blood Abjuration magic, didn't you?  Very clever Salamander; I didn't think anyone could figure out how to stall my magic."

In response, Natsu looked up, his eyes swimming as blood not only trickled down both sides of his mouth, but down his left temple and past his left eye.  Despite Natsu's condition, he looked at Renold with a burning fury, his teeth clenched tightly together.

Happy watched speachlessly, his eyes wide with fear and shock at the situation.

"I..told you..."  Natsu huffed, able to lift his back up so he was merely standing on his knees.  "..I've fought the same magic...before..."

Renold grinned.  "Even though you were able to take those hits before, you aren't able to handle my more forceful ones.  How disappointing is that?"

Natsu snarled.

"My my, fiesty aren't we?"  Renold taunted, making Natsu's anger increase.  "Now, if you excuse me, I have a scehdule to keep.  So, if you don't mind--!"

Renold stopped, seeing Natsu pressing his fingers lightly onto the wound on top of his arm.

"I had this wound before..."  Natsu muttered, his eyes hidden from view.

"Lucy, hang on!"

"Natsu..."  Happy murmured, still residing next to Mai.

Only the bottom part of Natsu's face was showing, which showed him clenching his teeth tightly.  

"Because of this wound..."  Natsu muttered, his voice hoarse.  "...I lost something dear to me.  Someone I care about...more than anything.  I let her down.  I...went for her and ended up getting her back, but...I let her fall."

Natsu glanced at Lucy's unconscious body through his hair.

"How did she come back; that's what I want to know.  More importantly, I want to know how you could just let her die!  I thought all of you cared about each other."  Renold replied sarcastically.

Those words rang through Natsu's mind, making his expression turn bitter.

"I'd love to know how it happened!"

Though pain sky-rocketed through Natsu's arm, he didn't pay any attention to it.  

Natsu suddenly clutched the wound on his upper forearm tightly, digging his fingernails into the wound.  Blood went onto his fingertips, and Natsu was reminded of his failure to save Lucy because of the same wound on his arm.

In the exact same spot.

Kneeling over, Natsu yelled loudly.  "I won't let Lucy fall again!"

Natsu's voice rang all throughout the room and into the open air, having a heavy affect.  Renold stared, quiet, his eyes narrowed.

"That's why..."  Natsu started, moving himself.

Slowly, Natsu pulled himself to his feet, using the wall he was next to for support.  Slowly lifting up his hand which was facing upwards, flames flickered in the hollow of his palm, increasing steady until it was once again surrounding every part of his fist in a wild blaze.

"...In order to keep Lucy from falling...from leaving..."

Natsu revealed his eyes; his small black pupils were contracted in anger, a determined yet wild look in his eyes.  

Renold watched, his expression impassive.

Out of the blue, Natsu smirked.  "...I'll defeat you one thousand times over."





Looks like Natsu is ready to finish Renold, and finally tell Lucy how he felt about loosing her!

But what about Lucy?  Why has she come into contact with three of the four Etheorians?  And why is the female Etheorian nowhere to be found?

Find out what happens next in Chapter 24: The True Spirit of Etheoria.

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