Chapter 4: Mistaken For Another?

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Hello, everyone! ♥ How are you? c: Here is the next chapter, I hope you all like it!  I have volleyball at twelve, so I won't be able to update until at least half an hour after my open gym ends, which will be two-thirty.  I hope today'll be a good day for me...I always hate going if I'll do bad! ^^; Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to starryflames!  She's a great friend, and I admire her so incredibly much!  I hope you all enjoy, and remember: Feedback is always appreciated, and wanted! xD  Until next time, then~!


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"You,"  the man replied,  "Are in possession of Etheoria's Knowledge."

Lucy's eyes were wide with confusion.  "I have no idea what you're talking about...!  W-What is Etheoria?"

It sounds awfully like Etherion...  Lucy thought, grabbing a key from her case.  Could they somehow be similiar?!

"It's been years."  Lucy's attacker replied.  "After all this time you've grown, and it's been hard to find you."

His face had gone freakishly shadowed and his posture was threatening.  Lucy had a bad feeling about this.  Just as the thought finished, Lucy's attacker reached behind him, and Lucy gasped at the weapon he was bringing out apeared over his shoulder.

A whip made of chains came out and dropped to the ground, right next to the stranger.  The end had a sharp tip on it, and it gleamed in the afternoon sunlight.

"I am Renold, and you are coming with me."  The man replied, and Lucy flinched at his words.

"I don't think so!"  Lucy exclaimed, lifting Virgo's key.

A drip of sweat fell down Lucy's forehead, and her teeth were clenched.  Virgo is the fastest spirit I have.  Hopefully...she can match his speed, even if it's only a little!

"I summon, Gate of the maiden, Virgo!"  Lucy exclaimed.

Renold watched with caution as Lucy's spirit was summoned, the light dimming after a few moments of brightening the area around them.

"Is it time for punishment, Mistress?"  Virgo asked, bowing to Lucy.

"Virgo!"  Lucy exclaimed, ignoring the comment.  "This guy's fast, so be careful!"

"Yes, Princess."  Virgo replied, crossing her arms in preparition for battle.

"A Celestial Spirit?"  Renold replied, his face confronted.  "That won't keep up with me!"

Charging forward, Renold instantly used his speed, going to Virgo's right.  Flinging his right arm, the whip shot off like a bullet and straight for Virgo.

"Look out, Virgo!"  Lucy exclaimed.

Virgo shot down into the ground, narrowly missing the chained-whip.  Renold stopped in puzzlement - but also aggrivation - as he turned to look around for Virgo.

Suddenly, Virgo appeared from behind him, and brought her leg up to hit Renold.  However, Renold blocked it, jumping away.

"He is good, Princess."  Virgo replied.

"Keep going!"  Lucy exclaimed.  "We can do it!"

Renold instantly threw his chain, blade facing towards Virgo.  Virgo jumped to the right, letting Lucy and herself think she dodged it.

"Good job!"  Lucy exclaimed, smirking.

All of the sudden, the chain turned around before it could slam into the wall behind, making Lucy gasp and Virgo think twice.  

"It came back?!"  Lucy exclaimed, shocked.

It knocked into Virgo and straight through her, moving back to Renold.

"Virgo!"  Lucy exclaimed.

"Princess, it seems I underestimated him.  Please be careful."  Virgo replied, her torso disappearing.


Lucy's eyes buldged out of her head as Renold was suddenly there, grabbing her throat and slamming her into the brick wall.

"I said,"  Renold replied, his voice deep and threatening.  "You're coming with me."

T-This seems nostalgic...  Lucy thought, remembering Rogue doing the same to her back in Winterlight.

"Let...go!"  Lucy coughed, scratching at Renold's hand.  "I-I'm not going anywhere...with you!"

Suddenly, Renold froze, watching Lucy's glaring eyes as realization dawned on him.

"An imposter...!"  He muttered, suddenly angered.  "I was given false information!"

However, despite realizing it, he still held on to Lucy's throat, and Lucy found herself loosing air rapidly.

"Why you...!!"

Renold was sent flying, leaving Lucy to drop to the ground.  Natsu took Renold's place, stepping in front of Lucy.

"Are you alright, Lucy?"  Natsu asked, looking at Renold.

Lucy nodded, rubbing her throat as she looked up at Natsu with relief.  "F-Fine..."

"Happy, watch Lucy for me."  Natsu replied, lighting his fists on fire as he advanced onto Renold, who pulled himself from the ground.

Renold looked angered, but not at the fact of Natsu landing a blow on him.

"What do you want with Lucy?"  Natsu asked, his face hard.

Renold didn't say anything, but suddenly disappeared.

"Oi, come back here!"  Natsu exclaimed in surprise.  "Don't run away!"

"Is he gone?"  Happy asked, standing beside Lucy.

Lucy had a rapid fit of coughs, but it died down just as Natsu got to her.

He kneeled down, putting a hand on her shoulder.  "Oi,'re not hurt, are you?"

Lucy shook her head, looking up at him gratefully.  "No, I think I'm okay.  Thank you."

"Who was that, Lucy?"  Happy asked, confused.  "One minute we finished rounding up the rest of the bandits, and we see you fighting a random guy up here!"

Lucy looked confronted.  "I'm sorry, he certainly surprised me too.  He thought I possessed something..."

"Possessed something?"  Natsu asked.  "Possessed what?"

"Something called the Etheorian Knowledge..."  Lucy replied.  "But I think he realized I didn't have it, and took off."

"What is that?"  Happy asked, confused.  "I've never heard of that before.  And it kinda sounds like Etherion!"

Natsu blinked.  "Etherion?"

"Don't you remember, Natsu?  The time we battle Jellal when he was under control and you at it to go into Dragon Force!"

Natsu's face turned to one of realization when he remembered.

"Looks like we got into someone else's business..."  Lucy mumbled, pulling herself to her feet.  "But, it's okay now, I guess.  He left since he realized I wasn't the one."

"Man, I wanted to fight him..."  Natsu muttered, crossing his arms.

Lucy sighed with amusement, and grabbed his wrist.  "C'mon, we gotta get these bandits to the mayor."


"Excellent!"  The mayor exclaimed, signaling for the guards to grab the prisoners.  "You managed to catch them all?"

"Piece of cake!"  Natsu exclaimed, being cocky as his arms rested behind his head.

He and Lucy were standing in front of his desk, and Lucy looked back as the guards took the bandits out the door.  She had bandages on her stomach, but they were covered by her clothes.  Other than that, she was unscathed.  Natsu didn't have any injuries, and he looked good as new.  However, he didn't have to fight Renold.  When the door had shut, Lucy turned back to the mayor respectfully.  Happy was in between Natsu and Lucy, standing on the ground.

"So, how much payment do you want?"  The mayor asked a little too enthusiastically.

There was a small moment of silence.

"All of it!"  Natsu suddenly exclaimed childishly.

"Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, horrified.

Natsu turned to look at her.  "What?"

"We are not taking all his fundings!"  Lucy exclaimed, outraged.  "That's awful!"

"I-I thank you for that..."  The mayor replied, rubbing the back of his head.  "Most people would make me give them everything.  So, what would you want?"

Lucy looked at him respectively.  "Just enough to cover my rent, please.  And some for Natsu and Happy, too!"

Natsu grumbled, looking away with boredom.

"You've got a deal!"  The mayor exclaimed, and Lucy's face lit up.





Looks like the mission is completed, and the team can head on back home!  But what was up with Lucy's attacker?  Could something be going on that might be quite dangerous?

And what is the Etheoria Knowledge?

Find out what happens next in Chapter 5: Surprise Attack!  Meeting the Bearer!

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