Chapter 20: Reunited

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Hello, minna!  Here is the next chapter, as promised!♡  I hope you all like it!  I dedicate this chapter to littlesmile07!  Thanks for all the complements. c':  Well, I might be updating again today, who knows!  Whether or not, please enjoy this chapter and more to come!  Thanks so much fro reading all my storries, mina!  It means soo much to me! ;w;  Feedback is very much appreciated, and until next time,

♥ ♡ яу-¢нαи ♡ ♥


"N-Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, tears still in her eyes from earlier.

Natsu's fists were on fire, and he was grinding his teeth together.  Roaring with anger, Natsu charged down the hill with incredible speed that shocked Lucy.  He slammed his fist into Zeke's face, who was just getting up from the mound of rubble.  He was sent flying diagonally-upwards into a tree, flying straight through the one-hundred feet thick trunk with a thunderclap.

Natsu dropped to his feet, which scuffed against the ground.

"Looks like I made it, huh ya bastard?"  Natsu exclaimed, smirking wildly as he slammed his fists together.

"Natsu..!"  Lucy murmured, fresh tears gathering in her eyes.  "You idiot...what the heck are you doing here?"  She asked, though she was smiling.

Natsu turned, smirking.  "Here for you, what else?"

Walking towards Lucy, Natsu burnt the shadow vines away and caught her before she could collapse from exhaustion.  "I gotcha, Lucy."

Surprising him, Lucy clenched onto Natsu's vest like she wouldn't let go.  

"Idiot..."  She replied, resting her face into his shirt.  "I'm so glad your here!  I m-missed you all!"  She tried to hide her tears of relief, but she couldn't help it when they fell.  "A-Aren't you mad at me for leaving..?"

Natsu's face was surprised, but then it softened.  "Of course not.  Loke told us why you left; how we could be mad at you when you were doing what you thought you had to?"

"Uhn..."  Lucy confirmed, relief filling her even more.  "Thank you, Natsu."

"I hate to interrupt, but I have an assignment I have to finish."

Natsu's face hardened, and he rested a hand on top Lucy's head as he took a step back.

Zeke dropped to the ground, making a light clacking noise as he did so.  "Hand her over."

Natsu pushed Lucy back behind him, smirking.  "You finally want to fight, coward?  Bring it on; I'm all fired up!"

He looked back at Lucy.  "Run, Lucy.  Happy and the others shouldn't be far behind me."

"B-But I can't just leave.."

"Go on, Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, though it was softly.  "I've been waiting to slug this guy for a long time."

Lucy hesitated for a moment, but not before nodding and smirking.  "Alright!  Get him good for me, okay?"

"You got it!"

Turning, Lucy started to run off.

Zeke growled, passing Natsu to try and follow.

However, Natsu caught him by the shoulder and stopped him.

"This was for those few days ago."  Natsu simply stated.

With a bang, Natsu slammed Zeke's torso into the ground, making the ground crack and fly up past them.  Zeke growled, breaking out of Natsu's grip and standing his ground while facing the dragon slayer.  Nastu's face was angered now, and his fists suddenly clenched tightly to have fire erupt from them.

"It's time to finally give you the beating you deserve!"  Natsu exclaimed, the fire lighting up his features.

With a sudden battle cry, Natsu charged forward.

Zeke stretched out his hand, shards of purple smoke erupting from his palm.  They expanded and grew the farther they flew into the air, and they propelled straight for Natsu.  However, he smirked and jumped from one to another, dodging them swiftly as he made his way through the air and right for Zeke.

Zeke barely dodged Natsu's flying fist, his manuver so unbalanced he stumbled backwards.  

"Fire Dragons Iron Fist!"

Natsu slammed his fist into Zeke's stomach, making Zeke slouch forward from the impact.  However, the velocity of Natsu's hit made Zeke fly backwards, hitting the wall with the symbols on it.

Natsu rolled his shoulder.  "Is that all you got?"

Zeke rushed forward, surprising Natsu, and grabbed him by the arm.

"You wanna see what I've been practicing, Dragon Slayer?"  Zeke hissed, his eyes dark.

Pulling Natsu forward, Zeke slammed his palm into his chest.

The reaction was phenominal.  Natsu felt a slam on his chest, and was sent flying through the air and slamming into the trees.  When he came to a stop and dropped to the ground, Natsu coughed, looking up for Zeke.

Zeke appeared through the air, dropping to the ground with a click.

"What the hell was that?"  Natsu growled, lifting himself back up.

Preparing to light his fists on fire, Natsu clenched his hands together.

But the fire didn't come.

"What the-?!"  Natsu exclaimed, astonished.

Zeke smirked.  "I took your magic away, for the time being."



Turning, Lucy saw Happy flying through the air.

"H-Happy!"  Lucy exclaimed, smiling brightly when she saw him.

Happy flew straight into Lucy arms.  "I'm glad you're not hurt, Lu-shee!"  He exclaimed, buring his head into her chest.

Lucy smiled.  "Geez, I'm alright Happy."  She suddenly remembered.  "Right!  Happy, where are Erza and Gray?"

"You called?"

Lucy looked to her right, and there was Erza and Gray, smirking with success.

"Erza!"  Lucy exclaimed, happiness in her voice.  "Gray!"

"Geez, Lucy.."  Gray replied, rubbing the back of his head.  "You had us worried!"

"We don't really have any reason to be mad at her,"  Erza started, speaking to Gray though she was looking at Lucy.  "After all, We're just glad you're okay."

"Thank you."  Lucy replied, smiling softly.  "But we have to go help Natsu now!  He's been fighting Zeke since he told me to run..."

Gray groaned, rubbing the back of his head.  "Argh!  How many times is that Fire Head going to keep getting himself into trouble?!"

"Let's go."  Erza replied, her face serious.


Natsu skidded backwards, his feet scuffing against the grassy earth and making dirt spray everywhere.

Panting, Natsu stood shakily from his crouch.

Zeke was a few feet away.  "Had enough yet?"  He asked, smirking.

Natsu smirked as well.  "I'm just getting started.  You use magic for nothing but depleting people's magic, then use the shadows to attack.  You're nothing but a coward."

"What?"  Zeke growled.  "You wanna see magic?  Fine."

Pressing his hands to the ground, a purple ring of magic erupted from underneath his feet.  It expanded so far out, though, that it went under Natsu's feet.

"Try and deal with this, since your magic is depleted!"  Zeke roared, craziness in his eyes.  "Black Magic: Summoning of the Six Forfeits!"

Monsters made of purple smoke erupted from the ground, but much more complex than before.  One was extremely huge, ranging about as tall as the monstrous trees above Natsu's head.  The other five were smaller, a few feet taller than Natsu himself.  They didn't have a definate shape, just red eyes and purple smoke-like bodies.

"Damn.."  Natsu cursed, clenching his teeth.

Suddenly, the biggest arch of ice erupted from the shadows, capturing the giant monster by the feet and freezing it all the way to it's head.  The ice then shattered, making the giant monster explode and evaporate into the air.

"Gray!"  Natsu exclaimed, excitement on his face.

Gray was walking down from the tree roots, smirking.  "Can you not do anything by yourself?"

"Whaatt?!"  Natsu exclaimed, suddenly angered.

Gray rolled his eyes, and Erza appeared in her Heaven's Wheel armor.  "Now is not the time!"

Lucy appeared nearby, Happy carrying her out of the sky.

"Zeke..."  Lucy murmured, staring him down.

"Junsuina."  Zeke replied, crazed excitement back on his face as he looked at Lucy.  "Thanks for making my job easier."

"So he depletes magic, huh?"  Gray asked.  He cracked his knuckles.  "Should be fun!  Guess we shouldn't let him touch us, then!"

Natsu's magic had returned, so he lit his hands on fire.  "He's mine."

Charging forward, Natsu rushed forward and flew for Zeke, while the others took one monster at a time.

"Gate of the Bull, I open thee!  Taurus!"

Taurus slammed his axe into a monster, making it stumble back a few paces.  "No one will touch Lucy's nice body!"

Lucy continued.  "Gate of the Lion, I open thee!  Leo!"

Loke appeared from the ground, emerging in a column of light next to Lucy.

Lucy glanced at him with an amused smile.  "You told them, huh?"

Loke smirked, looking at the monsters.  "I couldn't help it."

Lucy shook her head.  "After them, then!"

"Got it!"

Erza switched armors, going from her Heaven's Wheel to her Fire Empress Armor.  Throwing her sword with all her might, Erza made the monster she was facing evaporate.

"Ice Make: Lance!"  Gray exclaimed, and shards of ice exploded from his hands, flying straight for one of the monsters.

It roared loudly in agony, falling back and hitting the others.  The team advanced on them, firing magic at them from a distance and making one by one evaporate.

Once the last one disappeared, Lucy threw a fist into the air.  "We did it!"

Natsu flew past them, Zeke hot in pursuit.

"Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, surprised.

"Damn, he managed to touch me again!"  Natsu growled, his fists snuffed out as he tried to dodge Zeke.

Suddenly, Zeke changed targets, flying straight behind Gray and slamming his fist into his back.  Gray grunted, falling to his knees as his ice magic dispersed.  Next was Erza, but she was more prepared.  She used the heel of her sword to shove him away, flying after him.

Loke and Taurus had disappeared, but Lucy was starting too feel something come over her.

Erza was - surprisingly - able to be brushed against with Zeke's fingers, and she felt her magic drain away as she returned to her regular Heart Kruez armor.  Just a single touch could affect anyone, and take their magic away.

"Erza!"  Lucy exclaimed, trying to help Natsu and Gray.

"Run, Lucy!"  Erza ordered.  "If he gets to you, it's over!"

"I don't want to!"  Lucy exclaimed, shaking her head.  "I wanna help!"

"Happy!"  Natsu exclaimed, and before Lucy could protest, Happy scooped her up.

"Aye sir!"  Happy exclaimed, starting to carry her away.

"Leave this to us, Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, standing up again.  Gray and Erza followed.

"Everyone.."  Lucy replied, torn.

Happy left them in the trees, caring her back to where the ruins were.


Natsu roared, swinging for Zeke over and over again.  But for some reason, Zeke was much faster than before.

"He's so much more fluent!"  Erza murmured, trying to figure out what the difference was.

Zeke jumped back, and Natsu growled with annoyance and panted with exhaustion.

Erza suddenly knew.

But before she could say anything, Natsu was finally able to land a punch, making Zeke suddenly...


"What the?!"  Gray exclaimed, watching with wide eyes.

Erza clenched her teeth.  "Of course!  It was was a clone!"

"A clone?"  Natsu asked, staring at his hand.  Suddenly he gasped.  "Then that means..!"

"Lucy!"  Everyone exclaimed.


"We better hurry, Lucy!"  Happy exclaimed. 

"Right!"  She exclaimed, Happy setting her down so she could run on her own.  "Where should we-"

She felt something slam into her back, and she was sent flying into one of the crumbling walls.

"Lucy!"  Happy exclaimed.

Lifting her head up, Lucy saw Zeke standing nearby.

"Zeke?!"  Lucy exclaimed, surprised. "Where are my friends?!"  She demanded to know.

"I left them dealing with a clone of mine."  Zeke replied.  "You've really caused so much trouble, you know that?"

"Zeke!"  Voices shouted.

Gray, Erza, and Natsu emerged form the trees, coming to a stop a few feet away from them.

"Everyone!"  Lucy exclaimed, relief in her voice.

"Huh.  Looks like you were able to take it out a lot faster than I thought."  Zeke growled, turning to them.  "Why don't you give up?  You're out of magic, and you're about to collapse on your feet."

Lucy felt the same feeling as earlier appear.

You're the only one with magic left.

R-Rater?  Lucy thought, her eyes going wide.  Is...that you?


I don't have any magic left either.  Lucy protested.  What am I supposed to do?

I showed you those images again to bring out the strongest feelings in you.  Haven't you realized it yet?  You already have Star Mist unlocked.

W-What?!  Lucy exclaimed in her mind.  

I will help you one more time.  Activate: Star Mist Resolution!

Lucy's eyes suddenly went white.


Stay tuned for the next chapter:  Chapter 21: Lucy's Form of Power!

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