Chapter 42: Final Determination; Saving Fiore!

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Hello, minna! ^^  Here is the next chapter for you; I hope you like it! ♥  Not many left, now!  I'm starting to get that feeling...the feeling of not wanting this fan fiction to end! ^^;  I really had a lot of fun writing this, I really did!  I dedicate this chapter to fairytailnalu1!  Thanks for all the complements you've given me on my chapters; it means soo much to me! ;w;  Go and fan him, ne? c:  Feedback is very much appreciated, and until next time! ^^

♡{ яу-¢нαи | тнє иαℓυ ωяιтєя }♡


Lucy's arms shook, but she kept them up as her eyes were blank and cloudless again.  The ball of light was bigger, but only by so much.  Her head was tilted upwards, her mouth slightly parted as she worked to power up the massive sphere above her head.  The wind started picking up from the intensity, and Lucy cringed when she felt a slight pain hit her in the chest.

Below her, Lucy's friends were working to keep up the distraction.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!"  Wendy exclaimed, and it sounded like metal on metal when Wendy's cyclone collided with Daronyt's scales.

"Go!"  Erza exclaimed, throwing Natsu through the air and at Daronyt with incredible speed.

Natsu's body glowed, sparking on fire.  "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

Rushing forward, the fire in front of Natsu shaped to a spear, and Natsu roared a battle cry as he charged.  Slamming into Daronyt's lower thigh made the dragon screech, violently thrashing its body around to shake off its attackers.

It's done!  Lucy suddenly exclaimed, seeing the ball of light grown to its extent.

Lucy gave a signal, but Happy only noticed it.  "Natsu, I think Lucy's ready!"

Natsu looked up, and saw that Lucy was looking down at them.

"Ah,"  He replied, nodding.  "Erza!  Gray!  Wendy!  I think Lucy's ready!"

They all nodded, pushing back to watch Lucy intently.

Alright Lucy, let's finish this.  Rater replied, and Lucy started to move.  This should finish Daronyt off!

Right!  Lucy exclaimed.  Time to finish this!

Lucy's aching arms lowered, but the giant ball of Star Mist magic stayed above her.

"Star Mist Act..."  She started, though her voice ringed through the air.

"This'll finish Daronyt off, right?"  Gray asked, clenching his teeth.

Erza nodded.  "It should."

"Go for it, Lucy!"  Natsu cheered, grinning widely.

"Aye!"  Happy agreed.

"...of the Heavens: The Pillar of Celestial Caballeen!"

Lucy pushed her arms forward, this time connecting only her pointer-fingers and thumbs.  It was like the ball of energy disappeared; it was absorbed into Lucy, who glowed incredibly brightly.

"Take this!"  Lucy exclaimed, but this time it was her normal voice; her own.

Out of her connected hands shot out a vast pillar of white light, burning so hotly Natsu and the others had to shield themselves.  It spun towards Daronyt, but then started to split into certain sections, still spinning in a rapid circle.  They took the form of birds with magnificent wings for an instant, but then went right back into being lances.

Slamming into Daronyt, one went into its lower back, middle back, and then two on each of its sides.  Lucy's attack went right through Daronyt's heavy scales, so powerful and sharp the rays exited the opposite sides that they entered.

With an ear-piercing screech, Daronyt started to topple over, the ground breaking as its weight couldn't balance anymore.

"She did it!"  Wendy exclaimed, happy tears on the corners of her eyes.

Lastly, Daronyt completely fell on its side, giant holes pierced into its body.  The tails alone caused an eruption in the ground, sending dust high into the air and causing an earthquake.

Finally, it stopped moving.

"Way to go!"  Everyone cheered, high-fiving.

Zeke was watching from the ground, smiling softly.  You did it, Lucy.

Lucy was in the air quite a ways away from them, slouching over as the light around her began to flicker.

I'm proud of you, Lucy.  Rater replied, sounding a little wierd; a little cautious.  You saved Fiore.  Be proud of that.

We all did.  Lucy murmured through her mind.  I feel strong for once.  However...  She smiled slightly.  I still have a ways to go; there's always room to improve, especially if I want to catch up with my friends.

True.  Rater replied, pleased.  I can go now; finally, it's over.  Take care of this power, Lucy.

Y-You're letting me keep it?!  Lucy exclaimed through her mind, her body not completely back in her control yet.

I think you can handle it.  Rater replied through her mind, amused.

You can't go yet!  Lucy exclaimed.  Wait a minute!

Goodbye, Lucy.  Thank you.


His presence faded from her mind.

Rater...  Lucy murmured, torn.

Suddenly, she gasped, completely in control of her body now.

Which, for once, she wished she wasn't.

Feeling no magic left in her body, her grip on Star Mist completely faded, leaving her empty.

Natsu stopped cheering with the others for a split second to look up at Lucy, who looked strange.

"Happy.."  He warned, getting a bad feeling.

Happy turned to look with him, and the others followed their line of sight.

The light around Lucy disappeared, and she started to drop from the sky like a stone.

"Lucy!"  Natsu yelled, and Happy shot off as quickly as possible.

As Lucy fell, head first, the injuries she had from before came back, her guard no longer there.  Her dress disappeared in a blur of light and stars, leaving her back in her blue and white heart tube top and skirt.  Her boots were completely shredded, along with quite a few rips in her clothing.  Lucy's hair went back to normal length, leaving her the way she was.

Natsu rushed forward, getting there a little late as Lucy dropped below him and continued to fall.  However, he continued, clenching his teeth tightly as they made a sharp dip in the direction of the ground to follow her.

"Lucy!"  Natsu called again, but Lucy didn't reply; she was unconscious.

"Hurry, Happy!"  Natsu urged, reaching out for her ankle but missing by feet.

"I'm trying, Natsu!"  Happy exclaimed over the wind.

Flying faster, Natsu reached the same spot as Lucy was, but to the left of her.  Happy dipped to the side, with Natsu straining to grab Lucy before they hit the ground.

"Gotcha!"  Natsu exclaimed, wraping his arms around the unconscious-Lucy.

"Wah!  H-Happy, pull up!"  He exclaimed, seeing the fast approaching ground.

Grunting in effort, Happy strained to pull up to keep them from collapsing to the ground, making a sharp lift just feet above.  However, they were in the forest, so Natsu put his hand over Lucy's head to protect her from the debris as they sailed by.

"Happy, let go!"  Natsu exclaimed, realizing they needed to slow down.

"Be careful, Natsu!"  Happy exclaimed, but did as he was told.

Turning onto his back, Natsu used his body as a cushion for Lucy, skidding across the ground and creating a long crater in the ground from their path.  As they skidded across the ground, Natsu bent over to protect as much of Lucy's body as he could, his eyes covered by shadow.

Finally, they came to a stop when Natsu hit a tree with his back, which he cried out in pain to.

After a minute of recovery, Natsu lifted himself up and looked at Lucy, who was still unconscious.

"Oi, Lucy!  Are you alright?  Get a hold of yourself!"  Natsu exclaimed, his eyes shaking.

Suddenly he stopped.  Seeing the wounds on her body, he realized that she had fought Daronyt while in this condition; the non-injured skin she had during the time of using Star Mist had just been an illusion.

"Oi!"  Natsu murmured feircely.  "Lucy!"

After a moment of silence, Lucy stirred, her eyes twitching right before she opened them.

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, relief on his face.

"Natsu?"  Lucy murmured, surprised.  "What..happened?"

Natsu clutched onto her shoulders.  "You fainted after using Star Mist.  Try not to move."

Lucy blinked a few times, then remembered that Rater was gone.

"He..left."  She murmured as Natsu began to stand up, Lucy in his arms.

Natsu stopped.  "Huh?"

"Rater.  He left and gave me Star Mist."

Natsu was quiet, and was about to say something when Zeke came out of the trees.

"Lucy."  He exclaimed, stopping a few feet in front of them.  "Is she okay, Natsu?"

"She's fine."  Natsu replied for her, seeing that she was too tired to say anything.

The others appeared shortly after, coming to a stop next to Rater.

"Let me start to heal her."  Wendy replied, glad Lucy was okay.

Natsu set her down, letting Wendy set to work.  Then, he collapsed to the ground, sighing heavily.

"We did it."  Gray replied, everyone smiling now.

Erza nodded.  "Yeah.  If it hadn't--"

Wendy yelled loudly as she was sent flying back away from Lucy.

"Wendy!"  Everyone exclaimed.

Coven appeared from the shadows, grabbing onto Lucy by the arm and looking furious.

"You!"  He hissed, shaking her violently.  "You've ruined everything!"

"Let her go!"  Natsu exclaimed, cursing himself for forgetting about Coven.

Lucy was blocking their view of Coven, her back to them.  Using that, Coven slammed his hand into Lucy's stomach and sent her flying back with a yell.

"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, running forward to catch her.

Lucy slammed into him, and they were sent flying backwards and out of sight.

"Natsu!"  Erza and Gray exclaimed.

"I should kill all of you!"  Coven exclaimed, his eyes menacing.  "But.."  He turned away.  "I'll let Daronyt do that!"

"What are you talking about?  Lucy killed it!  Daronyt's dead!"  Gray exclaimed, taking a step forward.

Zeke looked stressed.

"I'll sacrifice my life force to bring it back!"  Coven exclaimed, disappearing.

"Oi!"  Gray called after him.

"He can't be serious..."  Zeke murmured, his eyes shaking.

"Guys!  Hurry; come over here, quick!"  Natsu voice rang out from the trees.

Running over to them, they saw that Natsu's face was slightly frantic.  Lucy was gripping tightly onto his vest with her right hand, though she was kneeling beside him.

"What is it?"  Erza replied.

"Something's wrong with Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, and they came forward and around him.

Wendy dropped to her knees next to Lucy.  "Lucy, what's wrong?"

Lucy struggled to talk, but blood trickled out her mouth.

Suddenly, she gasped.  "I know now!  Lucy's been poisoned!"

"What?!"  They all exclaimed.

"It just like when we were hit by that beam, Natsu."  Zeke replied, his face strained.

"That bastard..."  Natsu growled.  "How'd he poison her without using that beam...?!"

No one answering, Wendy started to try and heal her, but then stopped after a few minutes.

"Eh..?"  She murmured, her eyes full of horror and confusion.

"What is it, Wendy?"  Erza asked.

"I-I can't heal Lucy!"  Wendy exclaimed.  "The poison is too embedded in her system!"

"That can't be!"  Gray exclaimed, his face shocked along with the other's.

The ground rumbled, and everyone exclaimed in alarm.

"What's going on?!"  Carla exclaimed.

A roar erupted through the air, and everyone froze with denial.

"No!  I-It can't be!"  Erza exclaimed, her eyes wide.

Daronyt's body came into view, mysteriously back to life.

"I thought we killed it!"  Natsu exclaimed.

Another ferocious roar erupted the air, and Daronyt was back up again.

Zeke scowled.  "There's only one thing to do, now..!"

He walked over to Lucy, kneeling down next to her.

"Lucy!"  He replied, his voice urgent.

Lucy barely glanced at him, but it told Zeke she was listening.  "What are you doing, Zeke?"  She replied, looking at him with surprise, though the pain lingered.

Zeke stretched out his hand.  "Lucy, give me Star Mist!"


What is Zeke planning to do?!  And what does he need Star Mist for?  Can he even take it away from Lucy?

Find out in the next chapter, Chapter 43: Zeke's Sacrifice!

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