Chapter Seven ; Beer and Mischief

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      After the announcement that Mira had made and everyone was notified, the wizards rushed home to gather their belongings for the slumber parties. The girls who lived at Fairy Hills went to get their things, and lock up their personal quarters so that the 'men' couldn't snoop around, however, the boys would find a way.

Now that the skies had turned dark and stars were starting to appear, the boys left the guild with the key to Fairy Hills, leaving the guild to the girl's. The hall remained silent for a split second before the loud voices of the mages erupted into the air.
"Who wants to break out the alcohol!?" Cana questionably shouted towards everyone, riling a few up.

"Now now. You know what happened last time the some of the girls got drunk. I think it's best we leave that for later on." Mira tried to reason with the brunette, who was already on her second barrel.

"But Mira!"

The friendly disagreement was interrupted by Sorano alongside Meredy at the door with a pillow, "Excuse me," she spoke rather softly whilst poking her fingers, "We heard about the sleepover, and were wondering, could we possibly join in?"

Mira's eyes averted her argument as she was immediately behind the Crime Sorciere females, pushing them inside of Fairy Tail, "Silly me! Of course you can! I should have been more specific."

"Thanks Mira!" Meredy chirped, walking towards the water wizard herself. Juvia had been bummed out ever since what had happened with Gray. It had been so long since he had promised her an answer, so why couldn't he finally answer her? "Hey Juvia, how're you feeling?"

"Fine." Juvia replied blatantly lying.

Meredy saw right through Juvia's act. "No, you aren't. What's wrong? What did Gray do?"

"He promised Juvia an answer, but Juvia has yet to receive one. What if he doesn't..." Juvia sighed and looked down at her lap. Their conversation was cut off by Mira proposing that everyone should play a game together.

    Over at Fairy Hills, the guys were just getting started. Jellal sat against a wall, quiet and unbothered. Natsu and Gray were fighting, as usual.  Laxus didn't want to be at the wretched thing, but Mira was forcing him to stay and host the party.

To everybody's surprise, the men from Crime Sorciere were party animals. Erik and Macbeth were having a dance of in which Richard  was judging. The boys were all enticed in this turn of events to the point where they were almost entertained for awhile. Liquor in hand, they were routing for the dancing wizard of their choices.

Macao was routing for Macbeth, while Wakaba was cheering on Erik. Even Natsu and Gray stopped their useless fighting to watch, and eventually, they decided that they wanted to join in on it. With the addition of two more idiots, the cheering got even more intense. Before long, Elfman joined in along with Freed and Bixslow, and soon, most of the guild had joined in, leaving poor Richard to judge it all.

There were still some who chose to do other things. Jellal was inanimate as his head was pressed against the wall, Laxus now began thinking up ways to ditch the place, and Gajeel was deep in thought, thinking about the baby, Levy, and his new life with the woman he loved.

The older men of the guild, too,  stayed out of all the commotion, just trying to get some rest by relaxing with a speed drinking competition hosted by Gildarts. Sawyer was beating Gildarts, as he was so fast at drinking, he close to winning the contest.

"Hey! Ice Maniac! That was my foot you stepped on!"

"I didn't step on it, you moved it under my foot, Pinkie!"

Natsu and Gray rekindled their arguing again, and since they were still in the dancing group everyone around them began to fight too. It became destructive in almost no time with vases smashing, and walls cracking. Laxus shook out of his plans of ditching. He knew he would have to do something about the fight, or Fairy Hills would be wrecked into a pile of rubble before the first rays of daylight began to shine through the windows.

"Everyone stop!" Laxus's thunderous voice boomed across the room, causing all of those fighting to look up, "This isn't the guild hall, we can't wreck it without any thought towards the matter. Get yourselves in check or I will!" His gaze loomed over Natsu and Gray, "I especially mean you two."

A nervous chuckle came from the doorway, "I guess we came at a bad time, huh?"  Sting Eucliffe stood there, with all of Sabertooth behind him. "You see, we heard there was going to be a party, and thought that we should come and show you guys how fun us Tigers are at parties." He gave a sheepish grin as he walked inside. "-Oh, and we invited Blue Pegasus too."

"Hello, Fairy Tail wizards!" Hibiki said exuberantly while the rest of the Trimens echoed his words.

Ichiya spoke with Nichiya beside him, both sparkling, "We also brought Lamia Scale, if you don't mind."

"It's no surprise that Gray is behind this little scuttle." Lyon aimed his disapproval at his fellow Ice-Make wizard. "He always has wanted to brawl at inappropriate times."



    A knock was heard at the guild's doors, "I'll get it," Lucy offered, standing up from the game. She turned the handle, "Yukino! Minerva! What are you two doing here?" 

    Yukino meekly shifted her weight, "Well, Sting somehow heard about the slumber parties, and-"

    "-Being the moron he is, he called up all the other guilds inviting them to come."  Minerva finished Yukino's thought, "So, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus all met up at Sabertooth and walked here to crash the party."

    Lucy smiled cheerfully, "Well of course you guys can come in and join us!"

The group of wizards poured into the guild, and Yukino re-explained the whole situation to Mira, who laughed it off, "By the way, how exactly did he find out about it?"

"Master Makarov apparently called Sting and invited him to a sleepover party with the guild masters, but Sting declined and decided to join in on the 'real fun'." Minerva added air quotes to the explanation. "He complained that he didn't want to hang out with old people all night."

"He sounds so much like Natsu, it isn't even funny,"  Wendy commented with a drop of sweat dripping from her forehead.

"In my opinion, one Natsu is enough," Carla responded flatly to the young mage.

Cana had been complaining all night about it, and now she finally had a good point to make, "Can we break open the alcohol now, Mira? We have a bunch of guests."

    "I suppose we can now, just please, don't over do it this time."

The girls started talking about the boys of their guilds, complaining, complimenting, and all sorts of things.  Mira tried to pry if anyone had any crushes out, but ultimately, her plan failed. Juvia did open up on her worries about Gray and got a comforting friends to share it with. Levy also got to talk about baby, and what the name might be, which moved the topic to Gajeel and her.


    "And then, they attacked my children!" Makarov was angrily venting out to the other guild masters what had happened over the week. "But it's still not over!"  He was moving his facial expressions as well as arms to motion along with the story.

    "My, My, that's truly terrible, Makky!" Master Bob exclaimed at the gruellingly awful description of the attack on Fairy Tail.

    Ooba added irrationally, "If anyone were to do that to my guild, I would spin them for sure. I would spin them all day and night!"

    "As much as you're guild destroys stuff, you would think people would stay away and not mess with you. If anything, I think they mess with you guys the most,"  Goldmine inquired his thoughts towards the troubled Dreyar.

    Master Makarov nodded furiously, "They nearly took Erza's life. When she got back to the guild, she was mangled, and there was blood everywhere. And then they tried to beat my children again when we went to rescue Jellal. When they got back to the guild with him, all of them were on the verge of death!"

    "No they weren't!" Porlyusica snapped at the old geezer, "They were brutally injured, yes. But not all of them were on the verge of death, just a few. Stop stretching the truth of such a serious matter."

    Makarov sourly crossed his arms, "Now why did I invite you again? That's right, because you're my friend, now act like it. I don't mean to stretch the truth, but that's what it feels like when one of your own gets hurt for no reason."

In efforts to lighten the mood, Master Bob cracked open a barrel for them to all share, and poured them all cups. "Cheer up, Makky."

"I'll try, but I find it hard to have fun with all of the worry." His voice was sour and no fun.


The boys had finally finished being stupid and destroying things. At this point, Jellal and the more responsible boys were trying to fix things and clean up so that the girls wouldn't beat them up. Natsu wasn't tired but everyone else was. The dance party took the life out of them. "Guys! Let's do something fun!"

    Happy chimed in,"Yea! You guys are boring!" He stretched the 'r' in boring for emphasis.

    The boys groaned in exhaustion. "We can just talk." Jellal suggested as he put the last bit of Erza's armor onto its stand. They had taken up her armor room because it was the biggest.

    "Yes! Please!" Most of the boys said hurriedly. Natsu grumbled in disagreement and slid down the wall. Jellal joined the large group of wizards accumulated in the room, unsure if everyone heard him.

    'You'd better get some juicy things out of them!' Mira towered over Laxus in her Satan-Soul form. 'Or I will hurt you.'

    Laxus wasn't afraid of the mage, but he didn't want to take another beating so he brought up something he would never talk about. "Let's talk about the girls in our guilds."

    "Eh?" Everyone of the boys screamed in confusion.


    The girls were more drunk than usual and most of them were spewing nonsense. Mira hadn't drunk a single drop of alcohol and was one of the only sober mages, on purpose of course. "I knew this would happen." She groaned.

    Kagura came to stand next to the white-haired girl. "I have this potion..." She said nonchalantly.

    Mira wasn't really focused,"Hm?"

    "I brought it because I predicted this." She paused. "It cancels out any previous drunkenness and takes away the possibility of getting drunk." Mira looked at Kagura with hope as she pulled the white potion out of her bag. "Just one drop." Mira snatched it from Kagura and dropped some in each one of the girls glasses, including the barrel of beer.

    "Now, the fun can really start." Mira smirked, mischievously.

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