Chapter Five: Sleep-Lucy

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Wah!  Sorry, mina!  I hope you didn't wait too long?  I had a lot of stuff to do, conditioning...a whole bunch of stuff! ^^;  But I was glad I was able to upload a chapter of With Me, at least!  I dedicate this chapter to FairyTailMagic for becoming my fan; Arigato!♥ Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I've got great surprises and 'oh my gosh' moments in store for you, teehee!~ Can't wait!!  Feedback is always and very much appreciated!!<33

'Till next time, ne?



Once Lucy and Natsu made it back to Winterlight, Isogashi welcomed them back happily, and above all, gratefully.  Lucy proceeded to tell him how they had taken care of the Crawler, and how he didn't have to worry about it anymore.  

And once Lucy finished, Isogashi told the two that the villagers were unharmed, and found a way to return home safely.  Turns out, the Crawler hadn't killed them, but taken them into the woods; leaving them to venture through the wilderness on their own.  Some had minor injuries, but nothing fatal or extreme.  Everything turned out fine, and the festival would continue as planned.

Since Natsu and Lucy got back before sunset, Lucy decided to go for a walk, letting Natsu do whatever he wanted without causing trouble.  But she knew he was a lost cause; he was going to cause a commotion anyways.  Having time to herself seemed to help clear Lucy's mind, and she thought excitedly about the festival most of the time.  She loved festivals, and she really wanted to hope that what has been going on lately was just her writer's imagination.

But when Natsu and her turned in for the night, things went horribly awry.


Seemingly in a trance, Lucy got out of bed, making no signs that she recognized the area around her.  She was in her pajama bottoms and a green tanktop.  But when she walked out the door, she didn't even bother to put any shoes on.  The streets were quiet; everyone was getting some rest for the long and exciting day ahead of them.  The only noise that was heard was the water in the fountains; or in the spring resorts.  Lucy walked normally, but there was something behind her peregrination; like something had taken over her.  Her movements were sluggish and weary; her body walking in catatonia.  Her eyes were clouded over, her mouth slightly parted as her mind still slept, unaware of her body's alteration.

Sleeping-Lucy continued to walk through the street, walking through alleys and main thoroughfares, like she knew exactly where she was going.  A large fountain began to ripple through the air, bringing a peaceful atmosphere to the area.  Everything else was strangely quiet as Lucy dazedly made her way to the edge of the fountain.  She made a vacillate stop, looking up at the statue that descended down into the middle of the fountain's structure.

It was of a beautiful lady, who possessed a celestial key in her hand.  She had a necklace with all other eleven keys around her neck, and the woman's expression was that of courage and strength.  The carving was exquisite; flawless, even.  Lustrous marble with the colors of gray and blue contained inside marked the true beauty of the structure.  The plaque, which was stamped in golden cursive, stated:

Ms. Rose Valentine

Savior of Winterlight

However, Sleep-Lucy paid no attention to it, and simply reached her hand out endowed-like towards the statue, as if in longing.  When her hand touched the face of Rose, a convulsive impulse went through her body, making a whisper of a gasp echo out her lips.  Slowly, Sleep-Lucy pulled her hand away, almost regrettably.

Then, turning, she went deeper into the city.


Lucy woke with a gasp, flying upwards in bed like she had been pulled.  She was panting heavily, clutching her forehead while trying to rub the sweat that dripped from her face away.

Was that...a dream?  She looked around the room, clutching the bed sheets to her heart.  Slowly, Lucy pulled back the covers when she saw nothing was in her presence, and gasped slightly when she saw her feet caked in dirt and cyst.  It wasn't a dream!  Her pupils narrowed, shaking with fear.

Ms. Rose Valentine

Lucy inhaled sharply, remembering the nameplate that was on that women's statue.  Jumping out of bed, she dressed quickly, running out the door and straight for the statue of the cryptic Rose Valentine.  But she couldn't remember which way it was; which was avant-garde, because she seemed to know exactly where she was going last night.

"Excuse me..."  Lucy asked, walking up to a person who was setting up their booth at the last minute.  "Could you tell me where the statue of Rose Valentine is?"  As Lucy said her name, she felt something stirring in her mind, like a retrospection.

The man nodded, giving her a friendly smile.  "Of course."  He pointed to the east, which was ahead of Lucy.  "The middle of the town is that way; keep following this path and you'll eventually make it there."

"Thank you!"  Lucy exclaimed, running in the direction the man bespeaked.


"Natsu, where'd Lucy go?"  Happy called, flying above his head.

"I dunno; probably went to read or somethin'."  Natsu replied, walking through the festival idly with his hands behind his head.  "If I know Lucy, she's probably readin' something like-"

A loud reverberation thunderclapped through the air, and screams rang out as buildings far from him exploded, sending victuals and objects flying through the air in a frenzy.  People ran through the alley-ways, running past Natsu in a hurried hysteria.

"What's going on?!"  Natsu exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise as he stared at the unfaltering blasts frequently blowing things into smithereens.

Another explosion sounded ahead of Natsu, and he blocked his face with his arms as he strained to stay grounded.  When he pulled his arms away, he cried out in surprise.

"Lucy!"  Natsu yelled, horrified.

Lucy was struggling to sit up, bruises and lacerations all over her body.

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