Chapter One: Mission

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Chapter one, up and ready to go mina!~  Here you are guys!  Sorry this chapter is short too; I promise they will get longer shortly!  I've just gotta keep writing, haha.  I hope you like it so far!  I dedicate this chapter to MonkeyDNatsu, for loving my last NaLu fanfictions and giving me feedback so many times I can't count!♥ Enjoy, ne? Feedback is, of course, always welcome! Here you go: The first officail chapter of my new NaLu fanfiction!<3



"Oi, Lucy!"  Lucy turned, to see Natsu walking towards her with a flying Happy close by.  "We need to go on another mission again, right?"

Lucy thought for a second, clearly noticing she was bored, doing nothing.  "It's been a long time, but that seems like a good idea to me!"  She exclaimed, and they high-fived with excitement.

"I'm all fired up!"  Natsu exclaimed.


Lucy held in her hand a paper that contained a mission, Natsu looking at others on the board.

Strong wizards needed in order to put a stop to strange disappearances of fellow villagers.  People who have sighted the kidnapper claim it's a monster from the snow mountains.  Please send anyone who can defeat this monster and stop the kidnappings and maybe even the killings!

Reward: As much as you need

Urgency: Dire

"Oi, Natsu."  Lucy replied, a puzzled expression on her face.  "How's this one sound?"  Sure feels weird doing this again.  She thought, smiling slightly as she watched Natsu read it over.

Natsu gave her a wide grin, completely enthusiastic.  "Sounds good to me!  When should we start?"

Lucy put a finger against her cheek looking up slightly in thought.  "Whenever is fine with you, I guess..."

"Today, then!"  Natsu exclaimed, raising his fist in excitement.

Lucy laughed slightly, nodding.  "Evening, then."  She pointed to the print on the advertisement.  "It says here it is located in the city of Winterlight."  Her eyes shined.  "Sounds so pretty!"

Both of them were so excited, you could feel it across the room.

Erza looked at the two with amusement.  "Those two never fail to stay enthusiastic, do they?"

Makarov nodded.  "They should be.  It's their first mission since the Seven Year Sleep."

Erza nodded, acknowledging that fact.  "True; they must be determined to raise Fairy Tail's status more."

"Well the tournaments are coming up, we will definetly win that and become Fiore's Strongest Guild again."

Erza chuckled, smiling.  "Absolutely."


Packed, Lucy and Natsu were walkng down the road, Happy by Natsu's feet.

"Okay, we get to Winterlight by taking a train, and it should get us there in two hours or so, if you include the stops on the way."  Lucy replied, maping everything out in her head.

"Do we have to take a train?"  Natsu grumbled, making a face.

"Sorry Natsu, but if we walked, it take us a day or two to get there.  You saw the flyer; those people need our help now and we need to get there as fast as we can!"

"I know that, but..."  His face turned purple, and Lucy yelled in surprise.

"You get sick just thinking about it?!"  Lucy exclaimed, a sweat drop appearing on the back of her head.

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