Chapter Ten: Attempt of Escape...Doomed For Failure

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Hello everyone!  Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it!  Lol, the cliff hanger of the last chapter. |D  I couldn't help it; I wanted to see your reactions! x3  Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to Celine_Fullbuster, because she is an awesome writer and everyone needs to read her stories!  I hope you all like this cahpter, and I will be updating again soon!~♥  This song in the multimedia fits the mood of the situation, I think. c:  Plus, it's just a really nice song, haha! ^^;  Feedback is, as always, very much appreciated!  Until next time,



After Natsu got over his shock, anger and vengance replaced it, energy seeping from his body in waves.

"Let's go, Happy." Natsu replied, his face grave. "We have to go tell Erza and Gray that we've been tricked."

"Poor Lucy...." Happy sniffled. "I can't believe she's been gone this entire time."

Natsu's hands clenched tightly, but he didn't say anything as he set off in a run, heading straight for Erza and Gray.


"A-A Spirit Dragon Slayer? How can that be?" Lucy murmured, her eyes as wide as an owl's.

"It's one of the many types of Dragon Slayers, of course."

"But...I never heard of a Spirit Dragon Slayer..."

Rogue scoffed. "There are Dragon Slayers out there that nobody knows about."

"So...even if she was a Spirit Dragon Slayer, what does that have to do with me?"

Rogue's eyes teemed with darkness. "In order to seal away the dragons, Rose Valentine had to sacrifice her life." He dragged his eyes up to hers, and Lucy felt herself plunge into a pit of fear. "Somehow, her sealed soul is inside you, Light Being."

"What?!" Lucy exclaimed dismay sugar-coating her cry. "How could someone's soul enter mine?! It doesn't make sense!"

"That is something I do not know myself." Rogue growled. "But no matter; it doesn't make a difference if I know or not. The fact you have such powerful Celestial Spirit abilities, it only increases the amount of power you have inside of you."

"Does that mean I'm a...dragon slayer?" Lucy asked, her mind whirling and her body aching.

Rogue looked smugly amused. "No; you just have the imprint of her ability." He smirked slyly. "Which is just what I need."

Lucy squirmed. "What are really going to do with me?" She whispered, desperation starting to take over her body.

Rogue's eyes flashed. "I will re-summon the dragons."


"I can't believe this..." Gray muttered. "We've been dealing with a fake Lucy this entire time?!"

"What will we do?" Happy mewed, floating through the air sadly. "Lucy could be hurt right now, right?"

Erza's face was strained. "We have to find Lucy."

Natsu growled. "That's what I've been saying! Lets hurry and go!"

"Hold up, Flame Brain. We wanna save Lucy just as much as you do, but we don't even know where she's being kept!"

Natsu scowled, his face annoyed. "Then how will we find Lucy?!"

Erza was silent for a moment, but then narrowed her eyes slightly in thought. "Natsu, where was the first place you saw Rogue? When you first met him?"

Natsu's face went blank for a few seconds. "Uh...In Winterlight, I guess. And when we were on the train."

Erza stood from her chair defiantly. "Then we will start with Winterlight." Her face angry, she guestured for everyone to follow. "Let's go."


Lucy's head was bent over; she was slipping in and out of consciousness, extremely sleepy.

I can't sleep! She yelled at herself. I can't let Rogue catch me off guard!

Rogue had left her alone, not saying anything more than what he told her. Lucy realized--after Rogue left--that she was in really bad shape; cuts, bruises, and stiff muscles coated her, and she shook with slight pain.

She looked around frantically. There has got to be a way outta here... With a small gasp, she saw the chains that was holding her rusted in one area, right above the hook line. Eagerness filling her, she rubbed away, working quickly and apprehensively.


Natsu, Erza, and Gray all went back to Fairy Tail, explaining the impostor and how the real Lucy was kept hostage somewhere. They planned, deciding that the best place to look first was Winterlight. Makarov chose Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Wendy to go on, claiming everyone else would help out later. That was because Master Makarov needed them to work on things back at the guild; which a lot including himself were reluctant to do.

So, they set off, heading right for the train station. When they boarded, Natsu--naturaly--got motion sickness, his face turning purple. Everyone was vehement, wanting the train to move quickly so they could hurry and save Lucy. Who knows what Rogue was doing to her; and what he had done to her in the three days she was in his clutches.


Lucy gave a cry of frustration, letting her arms sag as she leaned over, panting heavily. She had been working feverishly, sliding the rusted metal back and forth between the steel of the healthier metal faster and faster. She had damaged most of the way through; all she had to do now was try and break it.

Looking around, she didn't see anything she could bang it up against, and settled with using the heel of her boot. With a grunt of effort, she lifted her sore legs and slammed her boot into the chain, which she placed on the wall. It made a metallic clang, and Lucy tried again. This time it gave, and Lucy pulled with all her might as the chain snapped and hit the floor.

She sighed with relief and accomplishment, pulling herself to her feet. Her hands were still bound by the chains, and she sucked in a painful breath through her teeth as pain flicked across her skin. She looked down at her wrists, seeing the festering cuts and worn skin starting to bleed, beginning to get infected. Dirt covered her body, and sweat covered her brow from working at the chains.

She took her first step in four days, dropping to her knees as her legs began to shake. With a noise of frustration mixed with pain, Lucy pulled herself up again, taking slow steps to the door on the wall. To her surprise, it was open, and she opened it quickly and eagerly. Coming into a long cobble-stoned hallway with fire-lit torches, Lucy trusted her gut and took a left, running as fast as her numb legs could carry her.

Panting from over work, Lucy came to the bottom of a set of stairs, and hope soared through her body. Despite her body's protests, Lucy climbed quickly up the stairs and to another door, opening it cautiously. It was another hallway, and with a shiver, she continued to run through it, praying there was an exit to the outside world up ahead.

It's alright, It's alright... Lucy told herself. You're almost there...

Suddenly a swoosh pounded through the air, like a sword slicing through air. Lucy cried in agony as a jagged cut appeared just below her shoulder blades, and she flew forward from the impact and skidded across the stone floor, slamming into the wall with a cry of pain.

"Did you think I'd let you go so easily?" Rogue's voice growled, and Lucy opened her pain-filled eyes to see him kneeling in front of her, his eyes filled with malice.

Lucy coughed, pain raking through her wrists, and now, her back.

Rogue growled again, grabbing the chain that held her wrists together and yanked, causing Lucy to cry out in agony. He dragged her back to her cell, literally throwing her inside and slamming the door shut with a clang.

"Looks like I'll need to lock the door, since you broke the chain." Rogue muttered, and Lucy heard a small bang reach her ears. He smirked evily. "Don't die yet, Light Being. Wait a few more nights until the Equinox, and then your life will end."

Lucy chsked with hatred and despair, shaking as she struggled to her knees and elbows. "I won't die. Not then and...not now."  She clenched her teeth.

Rogue's eyes flashed. "We'll see."

And with that, he left, his heavy footsteps disappearing down the halls.

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