Chapter Twenty Three: Discovery of a Lifetime! [Final]

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Kon'nichiwa, my nakama! ♡  Here is the final chapter of my story Fairy Tail: With Me♥ (A NaLu Fanfiction). I hope all enjoyed this story as much as I have when writing it. c: I hope your not mad at me for the way this ends, but it could be a clue for something I will not name. ;) So, see if you can figure it out! ^^ I dedicate this final chapter of With Me to pinkmage, for all the support you've given me!~ I hope you enjoy this chapter especially, okay? Be sure to start reading my new story, Fairy Tail: The Luminous Star of Caballeen! It is a NaLu fanfiction as well; my newest. ;) Well, feedback is very much appreciated, and thanks for reading! You all are incredible!<3



Everyone had smiled tenderly when Lucy fell asleep in exhaustion, and it was Natsu who carried her -- bridal-style -- across the earth to the treck to get back to Fairy Tail.  Problem was, was that they had no idea where they were.

Deciding the best thing to do, Erza led the team to the city on the horizon, deciding to get directions there.  It took them a few hours, but Lucy had slept the whole way.  When they got there, turns out the city wasn't far from Magnolia; about two to three hours.  While Wendy and Natsu stayed behind to watch after Lucy in a temporary hotel, Erza and Gray went to get information about the next train to the middle station, which would then take them to Magnolia.

While they were gone, Lucy had awoken from her slumber.

Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, seeing them in an unfamiliar place.

"You're finally awake!"  Wendy exclaimed, joy in her eyes as she leaned over the bed with Carla standing at the foot of it.

"Yay, Lush-ee is awake!"  Happy exclaimed, his mouth full of fish.

Blinking to try and break through the barrier of sleep, Lucy rubbed her eyes.  "Where are we?"

"A hotel."  

Lucy stopped, freezing.  

"Erza and Gray went to look for a train."  

Lucy looked up, and smiled softly as Natsu stood nearby with his arms crossed and a big grin spread across his face.

"Natsu."  She murmured happily, her eyes shaking slightly in gentility.

His grin widened.  "Oi, nice to finally see you awake."

Wendy bit her cheek childishly.  "But you still have to rest, Lucy!  Your wounds aren't fully healed yet."

Lucy nodded.  "Yeah, okay."

Just then, Erza and Gray walked inside.

"The next train will be here in a few hours."  She looked at Lucy with amusement.  "You should get some sleep until then."

"But, I'm not-"

"She's right; we don't want you collapsing on us, do we?"  Gray added, his hands in his pockets as he smiled with amusement as well.

Lucy paused, looking at the bed sheets.  "Alright."

After she got comfortable -- to her surprise -- she fell asleep quickly.


When the train came, everyone had boarded and rode to the next stop, pleased that the next one would be coming in a few minutes; perfect timing.

Erza was eager to get back and tell the guild everything had worked out; they had saved Lucy, stopped Rogue and the resurrection, and were returning home safe and sound.

Not bad.

Natsu was dreading the thought of getting on the train again, hating the stupid things.  But with a scary command from Erza, he jumped on against his will.

When they arrived in Magnolia, they made straight for the guild.  Once they got there, everyone started celebrating, realizing their comrades were home safe and sound.  Lucy was put into the infirmary to continue sleeping, new bandages wrapped around her body securely.  During that time, though, Erza had told the rest of the guild what had happened, mostly speaking to the Master about it.  Natsu was eating about as much food as an elephant, Mira laughing innocently while polishing a beer glass.

The familiar ruckus of the guild was like a lullaby for Lucy; it made her smile in her sleep.

Then..she had a dream as her sleep deepened.



"...C'mon, Light Being, you gotta open your eyes."

Hearing an echoing voice, Lucy opened her eyes, feeling cold air slide across her skin.

She sat up, widening her eyes as she saw she was in the middle of nowhere, snow falling softly from the sky and resting underneath her as she rubbed her arms from the chill.  With a slight look of confusion, she turned her head left and right, but didn't see anything around her or appearing out of the snow.

But...  I was positive I heard something... Lucy thought, narrowing her eyes to try and see through the fall of the heavy snow.


Gasping slightly, she looked right behind her, where Rose stood but didn't before.

"Rose!"  Lucy exclaimed, jumping up and looking at her with happy surprise.  "You're here!"

Rose shook her head, smiling with amusement.  "I'm just a message from the real Rose; a spell.  I wanted to tell you something; something you might find interesting."  

Annabelinda appeared behind her, towering high into the sky.

Lucy stopped.  "What is it?"


Natsu roared with laughter as Gray slammed into the wall, his clothes spinning right off him.

"You askin' for trouble, Hot Head?!"  Gray snarled, grabbing him by the collar.

Natsu smirked misheviously.  "What's the matter, popsicle?  Can't handle the heat?"

"Why you..."  Gray muttered, ice forming in his hands.  "Now it's on!"

Wendy sighed.  "If they keep this up, they'll wake up Lucy."

Erza smiled at the two with hopelessness but amusement as well.  "I'm sure Lucy will be fine.  She's practically recovered."

"Oi!  You burned my pants, you Flamed-bastard!"

"What's the point?!  You'll end up stripping again anyway!"


" it you need to tell me?"  Lucy asked, curiousity dripping through her voice.

Rose was silent for a moment.  "Do you remember when we were working on try to start the Light of All Stars?"  She started, her hands clasped in front of her.

Lucy nodded.  "Yeah, right before I had that sudden drainage..right?"

Rose nodded.  "Yes."  She turned to look at Annabelinda.  "Annabelinda was speaking to Natsu about something."

Lucy started.  "What do you mean?"

She turned to Lucy abruptly, her expression serious.  "It was about the other dragons.  The ones that include Natsu's dragon, Wendy's dragon...even that Iron Wizard's dragon."

"How'd you know about Gajeel?"  Lucy breathed, vapor escaping her mouth and into the open air.

Rose shook her head.  "That isn't important right now."

Lucy flinched slightly.  "Well, yeah.  Igneel, Grandeene, and Metalicana.  They...all disappeared on the same day years ago."

Rose nodded one single nod, looking away in the other direction.

"We wanted to help you along with them, Lucy."  Rose replied, and Annabelinda blew smoke out of her nose in approval.

"How're you..going to do that?"

Rose turned to her, her expression hard and serious.

"By telling you the location of the dragons."

Lucy's breath caught, and she felt her body run cold as the revelation hit her hard.  "The..location...of the dragons?"


Lucy jumped awake, sitting straight up in bed and throwing the covers off her shoulders and down to her lap.  Breathing heavily, she shook with the new knowledge.

The knowledge of the whereabouts of the missing dragons.

And, more importantly, Natsu's dragon; Igneel.

Feeling her excitement and adreneline pumping, she widened her eyes as she realized what Rose had given her; an amazing piece of information.  Jumping out of bed, she sprinted to the door, throwing it open to the loud noises of the guild.

"Natsu!"  She yelled.

Her voice echoed throughout the entire guild, startling the members to stop what they were doing.  Everyone looked from the tables, turning to look at her with surprise and curiosity.

Natsu and Gray stopped their quarrel; Natsu's fist resting on Gray's face while Gray clutched Natsu's scarf.

"Lucy?"  Natsu replied, surprised.  "What is it?"

"I know where they are!"  She exclaimed.

"Who?"  Natsu asked as Gray let go of him; he turned to her.

"I know where Igneel is!"  She exclaimed, panting.

There was a thick silence, but then Natsu widened his eyes.

"I-Igneel...?"  He breathed, his eyes widening.  "You know where he is?"

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