Fairytale High's Student Councelors (My Character's)

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Below are some of Fairytale High's school counselors who we believe will show you what Fairytale High is all about! They may seem like quite the rag tag group, but don't let them fool you!

Name/Nickname: Aurana "Aurora" Fontalia
Age: 18 (in human time)
Gender: Female
Sexuality/Preference: Bisexual
Mythical Creature: Siren
Personality: Aurana is very flirtatious, as it runs within her siren nature. She uses her looks and body to get what she wants and she can be cold and heartless towards those who wrong her. Once you get close to Aurana, she treats you like you're her brother/sister. Don't betray her though, otherwise you might wish you had never met her at all.


Other: has some various tattoos over her body and a nose piercing as well as earrings.

Name/Nickname: Jaxor "Jax" Elas
Age: 17 (in human time)
Gender: Male
Sexuality/Preference: Straight
Mythical Creature: Cyclops
Personality: Jaxor is a very shy guy who often isn't noticed due to his quiet, nerdy demeanor. He doesn't have many friends, but if you get close to him you can find out he isn't a bad guy at all. He's a hopeless romantic and loves to read and play video games. He's the best in his class which is why people are jealous and sometimes bully him.
Outfit: stated below

Brown hair, dark blue sweatshirt with black stripe on hoodie, blue eye, tan skin, blue jeans, black converse.
Other: tattoo on the back of his neck of a tiny galaxy

Name/Nickname: Kai Grey
Age: 19 (in human time)
Gender: Male
Sexuality/Preference: Straight
Mythical Creature: Werewolf
Personality: Kai is know for his arrogance and charm with the ladies. He is known as the school's bad boy and had gotten i. Trouble multiple times. Rumor has it his parents pay for his enrollment which is why he hasn't been expelled yet. Not many people cross Kai so he often just hangs out with his small group of misfits Caudillo trouble at school. Once you get to know him though, Kai just might open up to you and show he isn't all bite.
Outfit: look at picture

Other: Tattoos all over his body. Necklace of a moon.

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