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Jeno wakes up early and gets ready, he was lucky enough that he didn't have a shift yesterday night and slept early than he normally does.

He grabs his stuff and turns the lights off in his room, he walks downstairs and grabs a granola bar from the kitchen and walks out of the house as he takes a bite.

He suddenly stops at the sight of an unfamiliar car in front of his house, he tries to remain calm at the thought of it was some kidnapper waiting for him or something.

The window of the vehicle rolls down in the driver's seat to reveal Jaemin looking at him, "get in," he beckons as Jeno just remained on his spot.

Jaemin sighed and clicked his tongue, "it will be more believable if we go to school together," he shrugs, Jeno puffed out his cheeks clearly not liking the idea of getting in his car before walking to the passenger's side anyway.

The raven haired opens the door and quickly gets in, he slams the door shut as Jaemin glared at him from the action, "what the hell was that for?" The caramel haired gritted through his teeth.

Jeno snaps his head towards him with the same glare, "this will get us attention, too much attention," he hissed under his breath.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "that's the fucking point," he dismissed and turns back to the front before turning the gear lever back to drive.

Jeno stays quiet as he sends Renjun a quick text about what was about to happen and apologizing he couldn't walk to school with him. The elder replied that it was fine and he be waiting for him in the classroom anyway, wishing him the best of luck as well.

"Do you remember the plan?" Jaemin asked as they were in the school parking lot, the latter finding a free spot as he does so.

Jeno nodded with a sigh as he fixes his sweater, Jaemin hummed in approval and parked his car in an empty spot, he turns off the vehicle and takes out the key. The caramel haired opens the door and walks out.

Jeno gulps as he looks out the window to see a lot of people crowding at them, must be because of Jaemin, pfft obviously. He takes a deep breath as Jaemin walks around the car to his side and opens the door for him.

Jeno slowly steps out of the car and could hear people gasps and began to gossip to each other when Jaemin took his hand in his and entwined them.

Jaemin tugs on his hand as they both walk towards inside the school, and if Jeno were to be asked which one was worst than the parking lot, he would answer the main hallway.

He sees people taking their phones out and recording them as they continue to walk, Jaemin had his posture straight, head held up high, confidence in his aura.

While Jeno was the complete opposite, looking around anxiously, his grip on Jaemin's hand unconsciously tightening, his back slouching, his head down as he looks at the floor, diffidence and anxiety in his aura.

Jeno heard some of them whispering to one another, and he couldn't help but listen to them as they walk by heading to Jeno's classroom.

"Ew, why him?"

"Are they dating?"

"Jaemin and the school's loser? Is the boy on drugs?"

"This must be a joke, Jaemin wouldn't date someone as ugly as shit."

"I'd rather fuck a pig or a monkey."

"Who even is that?"

Jeno shuts his eyes and took a breath as he blinks the tears away, he didn't even notice they arrived at his classroom until Jaemin turned to him.

Jaemin leans in to his ear, "they're watching," he whispers as Jeno scans the area to see almost everyone staring at them, he spots Hana and Jeongin nearby and he hums.

Jaemin pulls away a bit before leaning in to peck his forehead, "see you later baby," he said audibly and Jeno felt like cringing.

He puts up a smile despite having a mask on and nodded before they gave each other a quick hug, Jaemin's arms around his waist while his was around the boy's shoulders.

They pull away and Jeno walks inside the room and quickly rushes to his seat, he puts his bag down and lowers his head as some of the people around are still watching him.

The bell rings and thank the Lord the teacher came inside the room in just a matter of seconds, the students all sat down and began to pay attention as Renjun turns to his friend and whispers, "wow."

Jeno just sighed, "I know," he whispers back. Renjun didn't push it any further knowing the younger likes to keep things to himself, and right now he's keeping his emotions to himself deep down.


Jeno was walking towards the garden where he and Renjun planned to have lunch at until an arm stopped him. He gasps as he turns around to see his boyfriend tugging at him.

"We're eating at the lunch room," he said as he pulls on Jeno's arm despite the boy trying to free himself. Before Jeno could even decline and free himself, they just now arrived and he already wants to leave.

Everyone was once again staring at him as Jaemin leads him to his table where his friends and not to mention, Jeno's stepbrother, Donghyuck were sitting at.

He looks away as Jaemin sits them both down and wraps an arm around his shoulder. "Guys, this is Jeno, my new boyfriend," he winks as the boys examined the raven haired.

They nodded and introduced themselves as they gave a smile to the boy, but for Jeno, it seemed more likely fake especially Donghyuck's. He really wants to leave asap.

They starts eating their lunch as Jeno didn't have the appetite to anymore, for the most part is because of his mask, they'll see his face if he takes it off.

Jaemin kept making audible compliments as he talks about Jeno and laughing along when Chenle and Donghyuck kept making fun of Mark.

Jisung then turns to them as he raised a brow, "are you not going to eat?" He asked as the others turned to Jeno as well. The boy shook his head with his bangs shaking along.

Chenle munches on his cookie, "why are you quiet?" He asked and Jeno felt a bit uncomfortable, he knew he was quiet most of the time but that's because he's not good at talking. Luckily Renjun understood him and doesn't pressure him.

"So how did you and Jaemin got together? Weren't you guys, like, I don't know? Enemies?" Mark asked as Donghyuck nodded with a glare towards his stepbrother.

Jaemin decided to speak up, "Not really, I just found Jeno interesting and asked him out when that happened." He shrugs and made it a bit louder when a few students walked by as they listened to their conversation.

Mark nodded as they started asking more questions about Jeno, majority of them were making him uncomfortable and squirm on his seat.

"Do you like to wear sweaters a lot or is that just what you wear all the time?"

"What's your type? Like is Jaemin even your type?"

"Have you done it before? Or are you a virgin?"

"Who was your first kiss?"

"Why do you wear that ugly mask all the time?" Jisung suddenly asked as Donghyuck smirked, the younger was about to lean forward and pull Jeno's mask down until the boy couldn't take it anymore.

Jeno abruptly stood up and runs out of the cafeteria, ignoring all the stares from people and Jaemin's calls, he runs towards the bathroom and bumps into Renjun on the way there.

He ignores his friend before going inside, he quickly goes to a cubicle and shuts the door lock as he hears Renjun going inside.

"Jeno?" Renjun calls out as he checks each cubicle carefully, he hears faint whimpers and choked sobs in one of them nearby and he felt so bad.

He knocks on the door, "Jeno? Can you open the door for me?" He asked softly, he only hears a few shuffles and asked again, "JenJen?"

"G-go away i-injun," he hears Jeno stutter out.

"No, I'm not leaving until you open the door for me Jen," he said determined and only hears quiet sobs in response, "please Jeno, let me help you," he pleads.

He hears a hiccup before the sound of the door lock opens, he opens the door and his heart breaks at the sight. Jeno was sitting on the floor curled up into a ball as his head was buried between his knees sobbing quietly.

Renjun sits down in front of him and hugs him tight as he pats his back trying to comfort him, "Jeno, shh, it's okay," he whispers as Jeno only hiccups.

"N-no i-it's not! I- th-they- he-e, it i-it w-was–" Jeno stutters as he struggles to breath, he clenches on his chest and grips on Renjun's shirt tightly as he trembles and began to sweat.

Renjun frowned and rubs his back, "are you having a panic attack JenJen?" He asked softly and Jeno nodded trying to breath. "Awh, it's okay alright? I'm here, Injun's here Jeno, I'm not leaving you okay?"

Renjun felt so bad for Jeno, he has went through a lot and now he's having a panic attack, never did the raven haired done that in school nor in front of him, he guesses the sudden attention and all of the judgments reached Jeno's breaking point.

Renjun pulls away and cups Jeno's face as the boy had nonstop tears streaming down his face, "Jen, breath with me okay? Follow my lead," he instructs as he takes a deep breath and the boy follows.

Renjun exhales deeply and Jeno followed with his breath still shaky, they continued to do that with Renjun giving praises as the raven haired started to calm down.

A few minutes later, the bell rang and Renjun checks the time as Jeno wipes his cheeks with the tissues he was given, it was already almost the last period and they missed a few of them.

But they didn't care, Jeno's health was more important than some boring class for Renjun, they stayed there until the bell rang again indicating school was now over.

Renjun guided Jeno to his locker and quickly got his stuff before rushing out of the school, Jaemin had met them halfway at the entrance as Renjun huffed, "move."

"Where are you going?" Jaemin asked ignoring what Renjun had previously said.

Jeno just looked down and hid behind Renjun's shoulder as students are looking at them again, "We're going home obviously, now move." Renjun said.

Jaemin raised a brow as Renjun pushed him to the side and walked out with Jeno, the caramel haired followed them and stopped them again.

"Oh my God," Renjun said frustrated, "can you just let us go for now? Jeno already had a panic attack because of this bullshit," he snaps and leaves Jaemin standing there mouth agape.

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