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Jeno had a decent morning, Donghyuck had let him use his shower and gave him one of his hoodies since his brother kept using the same one each week.

It was weird, knowing that one of your old enemies started being nice to you, especially when you're related.

Waking up with a gentle knock from Donghyuck, and gets gently dragged around the rooms was a bit different. A good different.

Jeno can't help but ask to himself, "is this what it feels like if you and your sibling doesn't have a rivalry going around?"

Not only that was weird, but the way Donghyuck changed the topic and dragged Jeno to his car with him as the driver to avoid any interactions with their mother was also new.

Their dad was already at work, he left early in the morning with a little note at the fridge. Their mom however, has the night shift, but it's sort of a good thing since Jeno has the same. Only a different type of job.

Everything was new, except the part where they still have to sometimes act around their mother like they didn't just made a truce against her.

Once Jeno stepped out of Donghyuck's car, a few gasps and gossips were heard and he felt like it was deja vu again, but this time with his own stepbrother instead of his "boyfriend."

Donghyuck snorted at the people staring at them but rolled his eyes when some of them immediately assumed they were dating and Jeno is cheating on Jaemin or whatever.

But that's not the case, not wanting to do this right now. He walks beside his brother towards the latter's locker since he himself doesn't really need anything on his, plus Jaemin was there.

Speak of the devil, Jaemin stood there with a dumbfounded look as he watched them approach. "So what's happening?" He asked.

Jeno blinks and shrugs, "made a truce," he said and grabs a few books for his scheduled classes for today.

Jaemin hummed and wrapped his arm around Jeno's shoulder as people were looking, "I'm happy you two made up and stuff," he smiled.

Donghyuck gave Jaemin a fist bump, "so did we," he said with a chuckle.

The caramel haired scans Jeno's outfit while the boy was still looking for his English book, he just then noticed the unfamiliar sweater. "Who's sweater is that?" He asked with a tone that he couldn't describe.

The raven haired made a 'huh' sound and turned around shutting his locker close with his books in hand, "this?" He asked glancing at his– or well Donghyuck's sweater like he just first seen it.

"Oh, it's Donghyuck's," he shrugs as Jaemin nodded stiffly before clearing his throat. He didn't know why he thought Jeno was wearing some random guy's clothes and got that feeling.

Noticing the look on Jaemin's face, Donghyuck teased, "you don't need to be jealous and all Jaem, Jeno and I are brothers. That would be incest," he laughed.

The caramel haired blinks furiously and chuckled along, "right," he said, "and I wasn't jealous, we're not actually together," he whispered the last part.

Donghyuck almost stopped laughing but pretended that he didn't while his brother's face fell and pursed his lips. Right, of course Jaemin wouldn't be jealous, they aren't actually together and he doesn't like him back.

Jeno not wanting to be suspicious faked a laugh, "yeah, no need to be jealous babe," he jokes at the last part to cover up his moment of silence.

The caramel haired bought it and rolled his eyes before pinching his nose as they walked towards Jeno's class, "you're so cute baby," he teased.

The raven haired scrunched his nose and bats his hand away, "shut up Na," he pouts.

Jaemin snorted, "feisty, that's cute and sexy," he whispered making the boy blushed and looked away to avoid eye contact.

Some people who passed them cooed,

"Aren't they so cute together?"

"They look fine, seems like nothing is wrong between them,"

"See? Jaemin and Hana aren't having something going on, those are just rumors."

"But I'm part of the football team, I literally see their sexual tension everyday and it's so gross."

"Honestly, why is Jaemin even going after Hana if he has Jeno? I just don't get it,"

"Jeno looks cute, Jaemin is a lucky guy,"

The whispers goes on and on as Jeno heard them thanks to his great hearing. Some made him happy and blush, some made him frown and overthink. The latter is winning over.

He shook his head as they arrived at his classroom with his "boyfriend" and brother were having a conversation about sports.

He sees Renjun waiting at their usual desk and waves as the latter waved back with a smile. Jeno turns to Jaemin noticing a few people looking at them expectantly.

"Well we're here, you two can shoo away now," he giggled.

Donghyuck placed a hand over his chest as if he's offended. "My own brother shooing me away, it's so adorable," he faked sobs.

Jeno rolls his eyes and can't help but smile knowing what Donghyuck's dumb plan is later at lunch. Don't worry, they both agreed on it so no blaming here.

Jaemin chuckled and kissed Jeno on the lips who melted at the action everytime, sadly that makes one of them.

They pull away with a slight 'smack' sound with Jeno blushing like crazy and Jaemin nosing at his black hair.

They bid their goodbyes and Jeno heads to his seat beside Renjun's with the boy greeting him and starting a conversation.


It was lunch, and Jeno was sitting without Jaemin beside him today. He had asked the boys where the caramel haired was but they just snickered and teasingly told him to wait.

He just pouted and sat there like a kicked puppy while Donghyuck glances at his watch and scrambles to his feet almost hitting Renjun by the elbow.

He looks around and whistles, the loud chattering went silent as they looked at his way. He didn't have any shame written on his face but instead determined.

"I have an announcement to make! So all you whores and bitches fucking listen to me because I ain't repeating shit like you're deaf," he yells.

A few snickers were heard as Renjun smacked his hip while Mark was pinching the bridge of his nose.

The tanned male takes a deep breath and raised his voice, "Jeno Lee over here is actually my stepbrother," a few gasps filled the room making him roll his eyes.

"Yes that's right whores! Jeno Lee and Donghyuck Lee are related, so if any of you assholes hurt my baby brother, beware cuz I'm a bear! I'll roar and skin y'all alive motherfuckers!"

"Are you done now? I think they've got it," Jisung rolls his eyes at their ridiculous friend yelling like a moron.

"Nah, I've known these bitches for years, they ain't have braincells," Donghyuck replied.

Renjun sighed, "just do a mini Q and A later or something, this is so embarrassing," he clicked his tongue.

Donghyuck shrugged and looks at the people again, "okay that's all, go back to babbling shit now. " he ends his announcement and sits back down.

Jeno chuckled as they went back to chit chatting with each other, he glances around again and frowned. He asks, "seriously, where's Jaemin?"

The boys looked at him and gave each other some mocking looks, Chenle folds his hands together and placed his chin as they all smirked, "why don't you turn around?"

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