Part Of The Game

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Jeno raised a brow and turned around, he saw a little cardboard sign that was decorated with various of art paper, glitter, etcetera. Were held by a few members of the football team.

"You're so pretty even when your head is turned around, look back in front of you baby."

The raven tilts his head to the side and looks back to see Jaemin standing quite literally on the fucking table with a huge smile.

"Lee Jeno, my beautiful and adorable boyfriend, I know this might be ridiculous and there's still the football match next week, but will you go to the winter formal with me?" Jaemin said.

Jeno gulped and looked around, he saw Hana with her arms crossed standing beside Jeongin as he also noticed the eyes were all on them.

He glanced at Renjun and Donghyuck who had a hesitating look, the chinese mouthed "answer him," as the other boys were clueless.

The raven cleared his throat, "Yes! I'll go to the winter formal with you," he answers as Jaemin grins and held his hand out.

He beckons as Jeno took it and the caramel haired pulled him up holding his waist as they stood on the table with the younger gripping his biceps.

"He said yes!" Jaemin cheered as the whole room cheered with him. They all chanted "kiss" at the quote on quote couple while clapping their hands.

Jaemin smirked and lifts Jeno's chin up before connecting their lips together and even added tongue making the raven blushed.

"Okay lovebirds, get the fuck down there, Jaemin's nasty ass shoes are crusting my damn lunch," Mark retorted.

The boys laughed as Jaemin stepped down and held Jeno by the waist lifting him up making the boy squeaked and clung onto him.

The caramel haired sits them both down with Jeno sitting on his lap. "I can't believe you did that," Jeno whispers turning his head.

Jaemin smirked, "gotta work hard and make it believable you know?" He whispers back leaving a kiss on his ear.

Jeno bit his lip, "yeah," is all he could say before turning his head back at the front and tried to brush the feeling off.


Jeno was laying on Donghyuck's bed as the tanned male and Renjun were on their own spots. The raven haired groans with his face pushed in the pillow.

"Why did he have to make it so complicated?" He whined and turning his position to lay on his back.

Donghyuck sighed, "that kid is oblivious when he has his eyes on the ball," he paused when Renjun turned on his Air conditioning.

"Like he has his eyes focused on Hana not even thinking about the fouls of the action, whether or not it's already a foul and he should be kicked off, he just wants the ball and score," he continues.

He plops down beside Jeno's head and brushed his stepbrother's hair. "In this situation, you're part of the game," he said.

The raven raised a brow and fumbled with Donghyuck's hoodie strings, "which one? The opponent or the ally?" He asked.

His stepbrother pursed his lips together, "that's for you to decide." Is what he said first.

"But either way, you're getting pushed off the side after getting used as bait so he could get the ball. Even if you scraped your knee or got injured, he's all for winning." He ends.

Jeno hummed in acknowledgement, "wise words for a jock, I'm impressed," Renjun said out of the blue.

Donghyuck smirked, "impressed enough to go on a date with me?" He teased.

The Chinese shrugs, "when I'm not busy, sure," he answered before going to the bathroom.

Jeno grins when he saw Donghyuck's face and laughed, he smacked his chest, "got yourself a date from Huang Renjun, my best friend. Don't fuck it up big bro," he snorts.

Donghyuck blinked, "holy shit I have a date," he widens his eyes before standing up and doing a weird dance but immediately halts when Renjun came back from the bathroom.

"Just doing a little celebration," He chuckled and scratched his nape awkwardly.

Renjun raised a brow, "uh-huh," he nods and looks back at Jeno, "so when will you go to your shift?" He asked curiously.

Jeno hums tapping his chin, "I think I'll head there now, I have to change and all anyway," he said.

Donghyuck pursed his lips still not liking the idea of Jeno's workplace and selling his body for a living. He felt bad obviously, and he's trying his best to help.

The Chinese clicked his tongue, "can we come with?" He asked making Jeno sit right up.

"Why?" Was all he could ask scanning his friend's frame as if he's a rare creature.

"Hey Donghyuck," Renjun calls as the said boy turned his head at him, "what does having our first date together at Jeno's workplace sounds?"

The tanned male bit his tongue, "fucking ridiculous," he said but then slowly grinned, "but I'm in for it."

Jeno widens his eyes, "are you two crazy?!" He exclaimed not believing what the fuck just happened.

Renjun walks over and squished Jeno's cheeks together, "oh c'mon, it'll be okay. You can go do your work while Donghyuck and I will have our little date also keeping an eye on you making sure you're safe."

"How can I be sure with all of this," Jeno motions at the last word.

Donghyuck walks to them and ruffles Jeno's hair, "we won't tell anyone, our little secret, come back home without our parents noticing, enjoy our night and hoping for the best for you."

"Also not get drunk," Renjun notes and glared when Donghyuck had a sad face of not being able to get wasted and fucked up tonight.

"We'll keep this a secret, like all of what Donghyuck said. Walk home and maybe have a sleepover, my parents are out anyways," Renjun shrugged.

Jeno sighed, "fine, I trust you two, just don't get lost or get wasted and get lost." He said making the two other boys laugh.

"Well then, let's go!"


Jeno walks out after changing back to normal, comfy, oversized and none revealing clothes.

He already finished wiping his light makeup off, eyeliner, blush and lipstick, and puts some chapstick on his lips.

"How was it? Were the clients okay? Did they force you?" Renjun asked as they walked out of the bar.

Jeno hums, "I mean, sex is sex, they were good. The clients tonight weren't too bad and they didn't forced me. Which is common since I'm the so called "precious princess" in the bar."

"The privileges," Renjun chuckled lightening up the mood.

Jeno chuckled as well and nudged his stepbrother, "so what did you think?" He asked.

Donghyuck shrugs, "well you said it yourself, you weren't forced and it was okay, so I guess I'm not too mad or something?"

"But still need to be careful okay?" Jeno nodded at him making him sigh, "It's sort of good that you're the "precious princess" in the bar," he chuckled.

Jeno snickered as Renjun almost bumped into a light post, the six shots of tequila getting to him.

"Like you can be respected most of the time since they don't want to hurt you or the bar's golden boy, but the bad thing is that you have to deal with a lot." He frowned.

Jeno sighed and patted his shoulder, "I'll tell you if something is bothering me mkay? Plus, I've already dealt with a lot of bullshit in my life, not really much in the bar."

"I still can't believe you get a smack on the ass every time you pass someone, which is almost all the time every few minutes," Jeno snickered at his words.

Donghyuck tsked at the memory not too long ago when he saw his own stepbrother getting his ass smacked as he swayed his hips passing a few men around. He almost passed out just by that.

Renjun then circles his hands around Donghyuck's bicep, "we'll talk about that later, pretty sure Jeno's had enough of compliments about his body tonight or well, everyday."

Jeno rolled his eyes with a smile. The chinese pecks Donghyuck's cheek, "how was the date?" He asked.

Donghyuck sighed dramatically, "it was annoying and I wanna have a rematch." He grumbles.

Renjun tsked and rolled his eyes, "you're only saying that because a few guys interrupted us and also dragged me away, but hey I got back didn't I? Punched them in the face." He shrugs.

"Let's just go home, the fucking alcohol is getting to me," Donghyuck whined as Jeno laughed and dragged both boys to the house as they snuck in.

They got in Donghyuck's room back safely and secretly, also almost got caught when Donghyuck himself screams for help because he's too fucked up to climb and also fell back to the dumpster.

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