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"So what did you wanna share?" Jeno asked sitting on his bed as Renjun flopped down across from him.

The older sighed, "did you remember how I got so worried and a bit upset when you and Jaemin were supposedly dating?," he asked.

Jeno hummed and crosses his legs, "fake dating," he corrects and Renjun chuckled. He doesn't use the word fake a lot but now he does, it's unavoidable when it's about him and Jaemin's "relationship."

"Yeah, fake dating," Renjun snorted as Jeno rolled his eyes with a smile. He sighed again and bit the inside of his cheek, "because I was worried you would get hurt and go through what I did." He said.

Jeno raised a brow with a 'huh?' and he crawls closer to lean his face with curiosity in his eyes as he looks at his friend.

Renjun laughed at his silliness and cuteness as he pushed his face away with Jeno still confused and pouting.

He pats his friend's head and clicked his tongue, "my last relationship," he starts and Jeno already understood what he meant. "Was like this, we fake dated and he got what he wanted while mine didn't last," he smiled bitterly.

The older tsked at the memory, "he got his lover, I got peace but it didn't last long." He paused and looks at Jeno, "It felt like I was still in war whenever I see them together, I see red and at the same time sadness," he smiled forcefully.

Jeno frowned and held his friend's hand, "I just got worried you'll go through what I did and not get to live life like you expected it to be, you're like a brother to me so I care a lot."

The younger leans his head on Renjun's chest as the boy ran his fingers through his black hair, "because you already suffered enough and I just don't want you to give up because you're so strong Jen," he sighed.

Jeno looks up and wipes the tear that ran down Renjun's cheek, "I don't like him anymore, I like someone else but too afraid that it would happen again," the older said.

The raven haired nodded, "you don't have to rush things if you don't wanna, if that boy knows you like him then he should wait for you," he reassured.

Renjun smiled and Jeno can't help but ask, "wait, so who is it?" He tilted his head.

The older laughed at him and flicked his forehead making him yelp and lean back muttering a 'meanie' as he hugged his pillow tight.

"What if I told you that special someone is who you're not close with?" Renjun tested.

Jeno gasps, "you like my stepbrother?" He widens his eyes, "wow," he breathes out.

Renjun facepalms, "sorry I didn't know you'd get that quick, and I hope you're not mad for me liking your stepbrother," he sighed.

Jeno shook his head and smacks the pillow at Renjun who yelped and rubs his arm, "no no no no no," he said hastily. "I don't really care, you can like whoever you want but I'm just shocked," he chuckled.

Renjun rolled his eyes and smacks his arm earning a squeak, "shut up, your stepbrother's a bitch but that's what we have in common," he snorts.

The raven tilts his head, "you're not a bitch though," he said innocently with a pout.

The Chinese wheezed and ruffled his hair, "to you I'm not, but I can be towards people against you lil bro," he laughed.

Just then someone knocked at the door as Jeno looks at the time. His parents are still at work but who could it be?

He stands up and opens the door to see Donghyuck standing there, "uhm, hi?" He said confusingly.

Donghyuck pursed his lips, "can I come in?" He asked as Jeno raised a brow. He didn't hesitate to roll his eyes at the younger, "you owe me an explanation you know," he crossed his arms.

Jeno panics as Renjun looks at them, "he'll tell you if yu quit being a bitch to your own brother," he snaps.

Donghyuck blinks at him before sighing, "fine," he said in defeat, "I solemnly swear to quit being a bitch towards you and not tell anyone else about your secret."

Jeno hesitated but lets him in after a few minutes, he closes the door and goes back to the bed as his stepbrother was sitting beside Renjun.

"So? You gonna tell me what the hell is happening? I ditched football practice and left Jaemin to handle the team for this," he paused. "I don't actually feel bad about him but don't tell him that," he adds.

Jeno chuckled at that as Renjun rolled his eyes but laughed too. It was silent for a moment and the awkwardness made it worst.

The raven haired took a deep breath, looks at his stepbrother to his friend and back to the latter, he clutches on the pillow and finally, he spills it all.

From how he was treated everywhere, how his dad still doesn't know, how he struggles with his everyday life, how he developed depression and anxiety, how he works at the bar as a prostitute to earn money.

How he breaks multiple times after he met Renjun because he's the only one there for him, how he gets abused by their own mother, how he gets stressed about his schedules especially when he has a shift at the bar.

How he misses his dad so much, how he felt upset when Donghyuck treats him like a mini version of his stepmother, how he works a lot to earn himself the money since he doesn't even get any from home.

To how he has a crush on Jaemin, how he felt upset at the thought of Jaemin still going after Hana by using him as bait, how he hears the gossips and the sudden attention, how it makes him feel tense.

He says it all, and by the time he finishes, both him and Donghyuck were crying as the latter was feeling so guilty.

"T-that's it for now," he hiccups and cries. The room was only filled by sobs from the brothers until Donghyuck launches himself to him and wraps him in his arms.

"I'm s-sorry that you had to go th-through this," he apologized and waited for both of them to calm down. Once they did, he pulls back and sniffles, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Jeno blinks and shakes his head, "b-because you hated me anyway," he stuttered.

The tanned male cries whilst shaking his head and tries to wipe his tears away. "I don't," he whispers, "I genuinely don't hate you. At first I did but now I don't."

"Then why'd you treat me like I did something wrong?" Jeno hiccups.

Donghyuck sniffled, "Mom," he said as he wipes his eyes, "she brainwashed me to hating you. I did hate you when we first moved in because I thought you would ruin my life," he sobs again, "but turns out it's the other way around."

"I didn't hate you after a few days we first moved in, I thought you were pretty cool and liked how I have myself an adorable lil bro," he chuckled as Jeno jokingly smacks his arm.

"But then mom found out and brainwashed me for years to hating you, saying you ruined my life and started doing what she did," he paused and looks at Jeno in the eyes, "but I wasn't informed she included abuse," he sniffled.

"I realized that she was wrong when she called you out at breakfast, but I still had to act in case she makes it worst," he admits.

He sighed, "I honestly didn't know she abuses you and doesn't even give you any money that you had to work at a bar to sell your body, and that makes me angry even more."

"Or else, I wouldn't have done those things since the beginning and would've stuck up for you. But she was probably too strong and brainwashed me."

Jeno sniffles as Donghyuck continues, "and about Jaemin, He's an idiot if I'm being honest here to which I am," he chuckled to brighten up the mood successfully doing so.

"Like using you as bait to get Hana back who cheated on him for months? That's some bullshit right there I'll tell you that," he remarks.

Renjun and Jeno laughed at him as he grins smugly, "Honestly, I already thought it was a bad idea since the start but he didn't listen and instead used my own baby brother as a bait for the damn clown fish."

Jeno widens his eyes at the 'baby brother', "baby brother?" He asked as Donghyuck chuckled and nodded at him, "you really mean it?" He asked again.

His brother smiled and nodded again, he felt so emotional right now by the fact that his own stepbrother, the person who he wanted to befriend with, is now officially calling him as his baby brother for the first time.

"Thank you big bro," he whispered shyly making the other two boys giggle at him. "It feels good calling you that," he blushed.

Donghyuck snorted, "well let's get used to it then," he smirked, "oh and I'm not done with Jaemin by the way. I'll start looking out for you and also spy on him," he states determined.

Renjun raised a brow, "even when him and Hana are doing it?" He asked as the three of them grimaced in disgust at the thought.

"Ew," Donghyuck mutters, "except that," he rolled his eyes. "I'm too gay for that straight shit," he said as they all laughed.

Maybe Jeno has gained another friend, this time, his own family.

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