fallen angel

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"You kind of just appeared out of nowhere," Jeremy said as he linked his fingers with Delilah's.

"You have no idea..." Delilah muttered.

She couldn't meet his eyes knowing that she was keeping such a big secret from him.

"I know that is hasn't been that long, but there's just something about you. I care about you a lot, I think I might even-"

She cut him off before he could finish, "I need to tell you something."

Delilah stood up and pulled on Jeremy's hand in an attempt to get him up as well, however, he had other plans and simply wrapped him arms round her waist and pulled her back down beside him.

"Then just tell me." He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Not here." She said, glancing at the big open window besides them. "Come on, your bedroom will work I guess."

Jeremy followed her reluctantly, mumbling to himself. Delilah didn't focus on this though, the fact that she was possibly about to ruin everything seeming more important at this moment in time.

"What's this about?" He asked when they both came to a stop inside his bedroom. "Because I don't know if you noticed or not, but I was kind of in the middle of a fairly big confession..."

He was still smiling though, and the look he was giving Delilah made her stomach churn.

"I've kind of got my own confession to make." Delilah told him, focusing on her hands. "It might kind of void yours, I don't know."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, taking a step closer and hooking a finger under her chin so she had to look up at him.

"I'll explain it, I'll explain everything; I just need you to believe me."

His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "Of course I'll believe you. Why wouldn't I believe you?"

"Because it's going to sound crazy." She said with a sigh.

For a few moments neither of them said anything. Delilah could tell that Jeremy was waiting for her to say what she had to say but he was starting to get nervous.

"I am - I was an angel." It was barely louder than a whisper but she could tell that he'd heard her.

Several emotions crossed his face, none of them staying long enough for Delilah to identify them. She stayed quiet, waiting for him to say something, because he was in control of this conversation now. She knew that whatever he said went and she just had to deal with that.

"What do you mean you were an angel?" He asked after what felt like forever. His voice didn't give anything away and she wasn't used to not being able to read people.

"I was cast out of heaven." Delilah replied slowly. "You guys often call us fallen angels."

"Do you have wings?"

Honestly, that wasn't the question she'd been expecting him to ask next but Jeremy had a habit of keeping her on her toes.

"I did. They got ripped out when I got kicked out." Delilah wanted to laugh, because that sentence sounded ridiculous, but she couldn't because she could still feel the pain of having her wings removed. "Now I've just got some scars."

Jeremy bit his lips and after a moment he asked, "Can I see?"

Delilah gave him a confused look, but nodded slowly when she saw the pleading look in his eyes.
She turned around so that her back was to him, and took a deep breath before shrugging her cardigan off her shoulders. She was already wearing a singlet with a low back so virtually as soon as she dropped the cardigan she heard Jeremy take a sharp breath.
Delilah jumped slightly when his fingertips grazed over what was left of her wings. "Did it hurt?"

"More than anything I've ever experienced." She answered honestly.

When he pulled his hand back she put the cardigan back on and pulled the sleeves down so that they were covering her hands.

"Why'd they kick you out of heaven?"

Delilah realised that for the first time Jeremy actually sounded scared, like he was worried that she'd been cast out for murdering people or something.

"There was this person and they were supposed to die, but I wouldn't let it happen. I saved them and that went against God's design so they took my wings and sent me down here."

"Who was it?"

Instead of saying anything Delilah just looked at him. It took a little while but then she could see the wheels begin to turn and she could see him figuring it all out.

"It was me." He said when everything finally fell into place. "I was the reason you lost your wings."

"No." She told him quickly, seeing that he was beginning to blame himself. "No, Jeremy, I lost my wings because I didn't do what they told me to. I wouldn't let them take an innocent life for no reason. I made a choice and I wouldn't change it even if I could."

He reached out and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "I'm glad you stopped me before I told you I loved you." Delilah felt her heart sink. "Because it wouldn't have meant as much as it will when I tell you now."

"What?" She spluttered out, still trying to recover from the 180 that sentence had taken.

"I love you." He brought his hands up to cup her face. "And I loved you ten minutes ago when you were just some girl I'd met in the middle of the park, but now that I know what you endured just to save me I love you so much more."

Delilah tried to say something, but nothing seemed like the right thing so in the end she just shut her mouth and looked at him.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know." He smiled, running his thumbs over her cheeks in a soothing manner.

"Wait a second," He pulled away and placed his hand on her shoulders before laughing to himself. "Is that why you punched me when we first met?"

Delilah rolled her eyes, remembering the event all too well, and let a small smile creep onto her face,
"You asked me if it hurt when I fell from heaven." She groaned as he laughed again. "It hit a little close to home, so I hit you in the face."

"I guess it's just a good thing that I wasn't deterred by the whole thing." He said as he pulled her in for a kiss.

"I guess it is." Delilah mimicked when they broke apart.

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