~ Part 8 ~

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[ Normal POV ]

Sans propped himself just above Frisk using one of his arms, he used to other to cast his magic on her, ensuring she didn't hit the ground.

Frisk didn't seem to notice, but Sans realized the minimal distance in between them. He tried to hide the growing blush that was creeping into his face.

The flustered skeleton proceeded to gently float Frisk back on the couch.

As the problem had just begun to sort itself out, they heard someone join them at the scene.

"SANS? HUMAN?" Papyrus question, observing what lied in front of him.

Both Sans and Frisk were at a loss for words.

"AH, THE GREAT PAPYRUS UNDERSTANDS WHAT IS HAPPENING." He paused and looked at the both of them with shifty eye sockets. "YOU WERE ABOUT TO READ HER A BEDTIME STORY, WEREN'T YOU?"

The silence between the two on the couch remained.


Frisk couldn't help but laugh aloud which was seemingly contagious because Sans was right there with her. Papyrus didn't understand why they were in such a state, but felt pleased knowing he had cheered them up.

"AFTER THE SPAGHETTI HAS BEEN PROPERLY PREPARED, WOULD YOU MIND IF I JOIN YOU?" He asked enthusiastically, too naive to analyze the situation. 

There was no way either of them could've turned him down.

"sure thing, bro.""Of course Papyrus!" . . .

After the meal was served, as promised, both skeletons and Frisk all went to Papyrus's bedroom. The tall skeleton flung himself beneath the covers, Frisk curled up beside him, and Sans sat on the edge of the race car bed with one of Papyrus's favorite stories- "The Fluffy Bunny".

By the end of story, Papyrus was in a deep sleep, and Frisk was on the verge of joining him. Seeing that his companion was left without a source of warmth,Sans grabbed a spare blanket to cover Frisk with and quietly placed "The Fluffy Bunny" on his brother's desk.

"goodnight you two."

. . .

[ Frisk's POV]

My body ached with a unreal pain as I groggily force my eyes open. I observe my surroundings and feel a chill crawl up my spine.

I was surrounded by a field of golden flowers.

My body refused to obey any command I tried to give, almost as if I were stuck to the ground.Through my shattered throat, I called for help. But nobody came.

Suddenly, I see a hand appear in front of me, offering to assist me from the ground.

I can't see who's trying to help me, but I take the hand anyway.

I feel all sensation leave as I'm met by a face far too familiar for comfort.

CHARA stands in front of me with seemingly black blood flowing from her eyes and mouth. Her yellow and green sweater is drenched by blood and covered with dust.

I try to step back, but I feel vines wrap around my legs and trail up my body, keeping me still.

I hear FLOWEY'S evil laugh and start to tremble.

Chara gets to close for comfort and holds my chin in her hand.

The black ooze emitting from her face drips onto my sweater, the smell is unbearable. She just stares blankly, studying my every reaction.

I try my hardest not to cower.

I hear her whisper something, but it sounds like several different voices all trying to talk at once. The only phrase I managed to catch was "Give up".

Chara walks around me- the once yellow flowers turn gray and die at her touch. She observes me for a few seconds before looking intently at my back.

I hear the sound of sharpened metal. Shortly after, an unimaginable pain stabs through the back of my chest, ripping through my soul entirely.

"Let me help you, Frisk."


My eyes snap open and I lean forward, drenched in sweat. I look to my right and see that Papyrus is still soundly asleep.

The clock in his room reads 3:27 AM.

I wipe off the fresh layer of sweat and quietly climb out from under the blanket Sans gave me. The house was dead silent, my cold kept threatening to give away my position as I journeyed to the kitchen.

As soon as I successfully made my way in, I let out a tiny cough I had been holding in into my sleeve.

My attempts to creep around the house had been going excellently thus far, I make my way towards the fridge- feeling more like a ninja than a thief.

I opened the fridge, not expected to see anything but spaghetti. Instead, I found myself in shock.

There were all sorts of different foods and drinks that I would've never thought to see in such an predictable fridge.

As I took a closer look, each of the non-spaghetti related foods had notes on them.

Nice Cream/Milk - "for sore throat" MTT Brand Soup - "if cold worsens" MTT Shaped Toast - "nausea" Yo-Yogurt - "helps shorten cold"Tori's B-Scotch Pie - "kid's favorite"

I couldn't stop a giant smile from growing on my face, knowing that Sans went so far for my expense.

I grab a piece of MTT Shaped Toast and turn around to pop it in the toaster.

My movements come to a screeching halt as I feel the presence of someone else. I bumped into something and the memories from my nightmare started flooding back as if it were happening right then and there.

I shook widely and dropped the toast, weakly falling to my knees.

I could feel Chara standing over me, her eyes piercing through my soul that she had just crushed with her blood and dust covered knife.

I hear the voice again. But, it feels different.

"kiddo? what's wrong?"

It's not Chara, it's Sans. My Sans.

I burst into tears.

He leans down and I bury my face in his white t-shirt. Sans doesn't ask anything, but instead just holds me and calms me down.

His voice fills you with Determination. 

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