Chapter 5

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                    Another rainy morning begins, outside a red minivan park proceeds to park in the small driveway. A set of doors are open and closed. Denver pulls back the light blue curtain. Ben slides closed a door, showcasing a plain attire. On the other hand, Monica displays an expensive attire. She is dressed in a pair of gray Ugg boots, a pair of skinny jeans and a white Ribbed Distressed – Trim sweater. Two out of the three items originated from Forever 21.

        Denver heads toward the front door. A self-conscious notion creeps into the back of her mind. She catches sight of herself in the hallway mirror, before reaching the front door. She shakes her head, aware that she is being stupid. A couple minutes later, she opens the front door to greet her guests.

"Hello Denver". Monica hovers in the doorway with a nervous energy. She brushes a couple strands of hair away from her face. "Ben kind of invited me. He said my third wheel approach to the planned company was okay".

"It's okay. I'm glad you came. Come in". Denver steps aside, allowing them to enter.

Ben places a folded-up dark blue and black poka dotted umbrella by the door.

"Is your mom around?" Monica asks, curious.

"No, she is working with Robin at the bakery. She'll be home later". Denver begins heading down the short hallway, leading her guests to the living room.

"So, she left you here by yourself" Monica understands and Denver nods. "Lucky, my mom would never allow that. She is way to protective of me and can sometimes be very nosy".

"My mom can be that way too. But we have a good relationship. Lots of trust and knowing boundaries" Denver explains. "I'm sure your mom means well".

Monica sits down on the couch and hugs her arms around her knees. "You know I don't exactly agree with the way Jess behaves".

"So, then why are you friends with her?". Ben takes a seat beside Denver.

Monica shrugs. "I wasn't the best at making friends and Jess was kind of my first friend. She used to be different".

"Why not express to her that you don't like her behavior?" Denver asks.

Monica shrugs, again. "She won't change anything".

"You told me about your writing assignment from class. Can I read it?" Ben half asks, abruptly changing the subject.

"Yeah, let me get. I'll be right back". Denver departs the armchair and ventures to her room.

Monica puts her legs down and sits back on the couch.

"You don't need to be so on edge" Ben tells her.

"She doesn't want me here. She just allowed me to come to be polite. She really wanted to just hang out with you" Monica explains.

"No, she didn't. Denver is one of those more the merrier types" Ben replies.

Denver returns to the living room.

"Is there any after school actives you're involved with?" Monica asks, curious.

"I work at the bakery sometimes" Denver answers. "During school breaks and sometimes the weekends".

"That must be fun," Monica replies.

"Denver has a pretty good connection to getting some awesome baked goods" Ben informs Monica.

"Cool. I guess I should remember that when my birthday comes along" Monica replies. "I was curious, if you'd be interested in joining the cheer squad".

"I'm not really the cheerleading type. But I'll accompany you to tryouts". Denver glances to Ben. Who still happens to be reading her story.

"Tryouts are supposed to be soon. I don't know exactly when. But I'll let you know" Monica replies.

"Okay,". Denver collects her story from Ben. "What's your thought of the story?".

"Really good. I didn't know you like to write" Ben answers.

"I write sometimes, I don't know I'm skilled enough for anything to really come of it" Denver replies.

       Half an hour later, Emma parks her car in the driveway. She opens the door, drops her keys in her purse and grabs the folder from the passenger seat. She heads up the walkway to the front door.

"Your mom must be home," Ben assumes.

"Yeah". Momentarily, Denver disappears to unlock the door.

"Hey D. I'm home". Emma closes the door and sets her coat on the peg board by the door. She picks up her purse.

"Hi mom. Ben and Monica came by" Denver replies, spotting Emma in the doorway.

"Great. How are you guys doing?" Emma asks them.

"We're good. Denver is a pretty great host" Monica answers for both of them.

"How was our day?" Ben asks.

"Good. Pretty busy at the bakery. What have you three been up to?" Emma asks.

"Mostly talking" Ben answers.

"Would you two like to stay for dinner?" Emma asks.

"Mom, they don't have to" Denver informs.

"Yeah, we don't desire to make more work for you" Ben adds.

"No problem at all". Emma walks over and takes a seat on the couch arm. "I'm so excited you have some friends". Emma hugs her daughter. "I'm going to go see what we have for dinner options". She gets up and ventures off to the kitchen.

"You really don't have to stay, if you don't desire to" Denver tells them.

"We'll stay. It doesn't seem like your mom minds" Monica replies. "She seems pretty happy about our company".

     Denver excuses herself and checks on her mom in the kitchen. The pantry door is propped open by the broom.

"Mom, you don't have to be so nice. I can tell them to leave" Denver tells her, softly.

"No. It's fine. I'm glad we have company. Something different" Emma replies.

"Um...okay. So, would dinner be easier if we received take out?" Denver asks.

"No. I want to make dinner". Emma picks up a box of Ronzoni brand pasta. "Does pasta sound good?".

"Yeah. Let me just check with them" Denver answers, returning to the living room. "Are you two good with pasta?".

"Yeah, we're good" Ben answers her as Monica nods. "Can we help in anyway?".

"If you want". Denver heads back into the kitchen.

Emma places a half-filled pot of water over a burner on the stove.

"Thanks for dinner" Ben tells Emma.

"No problem. It'll be a nice change to have some company. Usually, it is just Denver and I" Emma replies, opening an overhead cabinet. "How is school going for you two?".

"Fine. Monica wants to try out for the cheerleading squad. She wants to have Denver try out to" Ben responds.

Emma catches Denver's eye. "So, D. Are you going to be a cheerleader?".

"Uh, no. I don't think I'm coordinated enough. Besides, I've never really been the cheer squad type of girl" Denver explains.

"Might be fun to do something different" Monica suggests.

"Excuse me, where are the bowls?". Ben hovers by the counter.

"Cabinet, over the sink. On the right" Emma directs as she stirs the bow tie shaped pasta in the pot.

Ben collects enough bowls for everyone.

"So, Monica. How did you and Denver become friends?" Emma asks, while Ben passes her the bowls.

"Probably Ben's doing. He told me about Denver" Monica answers and nervously glances to the floor.

"Then Ben asked if Monica could join us today. The more the merrier, right?". Denver opens a drawer and begins to collect some silverware.

         Finally, Denver retires to her room. She sits on her bed and deposits her shoes beside her bedroom table. Emma checks on her daughter. She knocks on the side doorway. Denver collects her journal from a drawer of her desk.

"Dinner was fun. Ben and Monica seem like nice people". Emma straightens a pile of books on the desk.

"Yeah. Thanks for doing that". Denver opens her journal to a fresh page.

"Monica seemed different from your description" Emma states.

"Yeah. I guess I was wrong about her. Monica seems to have a bad influence" Denver replies.

"Hopefully, you'll be a better influence" Emma suggests. "Have you reconnected with Riley any further?".

"Uh, no. Not really". Denver pauses. "She doesn't seem real interested in becoming friends again".

"That sucks. You two were so inseparable" Emma replies.

"During the dinner, she declared she'll decide if she desires to have the friendship back" Denver explains.

"I'm sorry sweetie" Emma apologizes.

"It's fine". Denver shrugs.

"Now that I've seen you and Ben interact, I see why you like him" Emma states.

"Mom, we've been through this. We're just friends" Denver clarifies.

"That's what I used to say about your dad" Emma informs. "Goodnight, babe".

"Goodnight mom" Denver replies.

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