Human Reader X Deathclaw

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I just wanted to say, I know this isn't following the 'storyline' or whatever in fallout, but I'm going to make the deathclaw a....ex dog okay? You'll understand later

Also wanted to say thank you to Azureman136 for requesting this. I hope you enjoy it ( probably not) but I tried. Sorry about the wait as well.
Okay, after you heard of the 'Activity' at the museum of witchcraft you couldn't help but feel intrigued so here you was making your way over to your destination.

Travelling alone is something you preferred for missions such as these, sure it was risky but it gave you an opportunity to gain more loot.

When you arrived, you immediately come across a dead body

"Uhhh?" You whispered out as you leaned down and picked up the holotape lying besides the body

After you listened to it you turned your head and saw the doors to the basement so you had no other choice but get in through that way

When you finally made your way into the museum you froze in fear as you heard loud stomping upstairs. It didn't sound human like at all.

You only had one choice and that was to do this stealthy, that way you didn't alert whatever thing was above you

You slowly made your way through the rooms, occasionally glancing at dead bodies that were thrown down, eaten and ripped apart

You was going to die in here. That's the only thing you could think of as you continued making your way up, this time on the same floor as whatever this...creature thing was.

The stomping got louder and louder with each step you took and as you peaked around the corner of the door that's when you saw none other than a HUGE deathclaw.

Your face paled and you felt your whole body go cold as it turned it's head, it's beady eyes lingering on you as it snarled

"Ohhhhh shit....." you breathed, not risking reaching for your gun as you knew it would only make the situation worse.

Instead the two of you continued to stare at each other but what confused you was the fact that he hadn't even dared attack you yet. All the rest did every time you had been unlucky enough to stumble upon them

This one was was extremely strange. There was no attacking, no roaring at you at all. It just stared which made you just as uncomfortable but what you didn't understand was the fact that..this deathclaw had just been ripping people apart hadn't even took a step towards you

After what seemed like forever, the beady eye'd creature tilted its head as it completely turned your way now so the both of you were stood opposite each other.

"alright this is just crazy, I need to get out of here right now before I go mad-" you went to head back down stairs however the creature roared at you and to say you shit yourself would've been an understatement.

So...was you a prisoner of this huge animal? Was it going to torment you until you had enough and then rip you apart just like the others? You wouldn't be surprised at all to be honest

But after staring at each other for a very long time you took a slight step forward making the creature step back slightly, shaking the building

"Woah!...calm down big guy. I ent here to hurt you." You said, trying to sound as gentle as you could so it didn't feel threatened

The more you stared the more distressed you noticed the creature was, why? Maybe because you was in it's home? Did it even live here? Who knows?

"I need to go into them rooms okay? I won't harm you but we need to come to an agreement okay?" You began, obviously forgetting this creature didn't understand you

After travelling alone for so long, you hadn't really talked to anyone, it actually put you at ease

"Good, you just stay there and don't attack me alright? Maybe there's a sick comic in there were I can improve my skills?" You began talking to yourself again as you began walking slowly, so you didn't alarm the creature that didn't even look phased at your presence

As you passed the creature and walked into the room it began to follow you making you slightly nervous but if it wanted to of killed you it would've done that already right?

"Oh my!" You shouted in excitement as you picked up a comic making the creature tilt its head again but you didn't pay any attention as you read through it, after you attained your new skill you noticed another room this time however there was a trail of blood leading into the small room.

"Oh no." You whispered to yourself as you began making your way over and that's when you saw a bunch of smashed eggs. Your eyes widened in shock and that's when everything began to add up!

That's why the Deathclaw looked so distressed! It's eggs were taken by a bunch of people who understandably are all arseholes! Taking something that's not theirs. How dare they.

You growled in anger as you picked up another holotape which only made your mood worse, they took these because someone offered them a large amount of caps

No wonder why the Deathclaw had killed them all, of course something like that would happen! They wouldn't like it if you walked into their house and stole their kids would they?

Your (E/C) eyes landed on a perfectly intact egg and straight away your face lit up in excitement as you gently picked it up and made your way out of the room carefully where you saw the Deathclaw looking rather lost

"Excuse me?" You asked, feeling a bit stupid that you was talking to an animal/creature like this but when it's attention was on you, you gently lifted up the egg and you noticed how it's eyes filled with pure joy and it gently picked up the egg from your hands with its mouth and that's when you noticed something wrapped around its neck

You frowned as you gently pulled the collar off and read the faded words

'If pet is lost, please return to (Address). Yours sincerely (Y/N)'

Your eyes widened in shock as you glanced back up at the huge creature as it gently nuzzled it's face into your neck as a thanks and then pulled back again

"(P/N)?" You whispered and the Deathclaw looked back at you

"I thought you died!" You cried in pure happiness, as you hugged the creature that didn't even think about retaliating. Instead it loved the attention it was getting.

Little did you know, as time progressed your pet Deathclaw that used to be your pet dog would follow you everywhere, and defended you from the dangers of the wasteland

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