MacCready X Reader (Gunner)

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You and MacCready knew each other since Little lamplight and as soon as the both of you got let out of there, you was on the road to Diamond city however that had be turned upside down by the bunch of raiders who decided that it was a good idea to ambush you and MacCready

"Honestly? We're just 16." You spoke up and even though you knew you shouldn't of said anything you did it anyway causing the raiders to laugh

"Doesn't matter, we've had younger." Their leader admitted and both you and MacCready stared up at him in wonder

"What do you want?" MacCready asked "Simple, we need more sharpshooters and you two look like you fit that bill let's get going!-" He yelled as he began walking off and before you even got to question it he yelled "Don't even think about walking out of this." He said and before you could speak up you received the butt of a gun right to the head, knocking you unconscious straight away

Ever since that fateful day, you and MacCready had been working for the gunners an extremely long time, 7 years to be exact and now the two of you had started to get restless. Sure you had your off nights but now it was permanent and it was lowering your mood

"Maybe we should just leave?" You suggested as you was leaning against the wall staring at MacCready "Sure, we'd just have to take a few jobs in the commonwealth and get our caps that way." He said and you nodded "It's better than this shit hole. Sure the caps are good but...after doing this for so long I've realised just how much I hate it."

"I know exactly how you feel, Barnes and his girlfriend won't be very happy but at least we won't have to do their shit anymore." MacCready said and you nodded in agreement

"Let's do it. Let's leave this place and start somewhere fresh." You suggested and MacCready grinned "That sounds like a great idea."

Oh how wrong you were

At first you were stationed at Diamond city however the price for a house was ridiculous. 2000 caps? Really? There's people out there getting a room for nothing and you had been forced to pay that or nothing. Disgusting

"Honestly we've just paid them 2000 caps and we haven't even got anything in here!" You gasped out in shock after you scanned your new house

" (Y/N), honestly it's better than what we had to do before, camping out with the others, sleeping with one eye open in case they decided to end You for good measure." He said and you grunted

"Sure, Whatever." You wasn't angry at him but mainly Diamond City, sure the place But the prices were ridiculous and the people were off their rails. Accusing anyone they saw, of being a synth and then it ended up with someone getting shot 100% of the time

Over time, due to your hatred of the place, you had ended up being kicked out of there. Both you and MacCready and he was beyond pissed

"They don't matter anyway..surely there's somewhere better." MacCready said

Once again, wrong!

Next place was Goodneighbor and that turned out even worse!

You was pestered by Bobbi no-nose, followed around by Edward who wanted you to do some jobs for his boss mainly for their benefit and then MacCready...yeah, I guess you didn't expect that right? But he was actually annoying you more than anyone else and the reason for that was due to his constant flirting with the locals.

You loved MacCready and there was no denying it, you worshiped the ground he walked on and then he threw it back in your face by flirting with Daisy every time you'd be buying ammo from next door

So when you headed Back there you knew straight away what to expect, you headed over to buy some more ammo and you could hear the two of them speaking

"MacCready! I thought you left?" Daisy asked "Left? How could I leave such a pretty girl like you." You could practically hear the smirk in his voice and you just wanted to punch him

KL-E-0 had sensed your anger almost straight away "Don't let it get to you baby." 'She' said and you glanced at 'Her', slightly creeped out by the fact that 'she' referred to you as Baby so as soon as you could you made your way out of there and headed over to MacCready and Daisy

"Are you two done yet or what?" You asked, pure annoyance evident in your voice

"Are we?" MacCready asked with a smirk as he looked over at Daisy who rolled her eyes "Yes we are." She confirmed and then you nodded and dragged him away

"What? I was having fun!" He said "Yeah well too bad." You snarled slightly as you began making your way to the door

"Why are you acting like that?" He asked causing you to turn around, should you tell him? You might as well

"Because....I love you." You finally admitted and you watched as his eyes widened in shock, all them years running together and he hadn't had a clue that you did

"You don't like me back do you?" You asked the Merc who was standing in front of you, shocked at your statement but your voice broke him out of his trance "O-Of course I do, you've been there for me all my could I care about anyone else when I've got you in my life?" He asked and you couldn't help but blush at his words.

Before you could even say mulfruit he was already standing in front of you, his hands now holding yours gently

"No matter what happens...I want to be fighting Whatever this world throws at us, with you." And to end it perfectly...He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours

"I Love you."

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