MacCready X Settler Reader

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You were finding life in the Commonwealth difficult to say the least, being a Settler meant being pushed around by groups of raider gangs, taking whatever they wanted and when you fought back you'd end up being beaten senseless in front of your parents who couldn't do anything to help you.

As time went on it only got worse and worse, to the point were mercenary's joined in on the fun, The Gunners they were called. Included two sons of bitches named Barnes and Winlock. Sure they were dumb and couldn't shoot a squirrel with a rocket launcher but they were sure good at beating up fellow settlers who dared speak back to them

One of the Gunners caught your eye, A Sniper...from what you heard, his name was MacCready. He wasn't like the others from what you could tell. He didn't seem fazed with hurting Settlers.

But one day enough was enough.

After the Gunners had beat up most of the settlers for simply not being able to supply enough food for them it was you're turn to be punished

"You lazy ass! You can't do anything right can you?" Winlock snapped yet you didn't look fazed in the slightest, no matter what they couldn't hurt you. Sure they could beat you senseless but nothing could hurt you more than watching them hurt your parents and not being able to do something

"If we're that lazy then why don't you do it yourselves huh? You guys are perfectly capable of farming are you not?" You grumbled and when Winlock was about to slap you, MacCready suddenly spoke up

"Winlock, Barnes...The lads have spotted a few raider gangs approaching. Apparently they want the land back." He said causing the two men to growl out in anger "They aren't having these back. They're mine." Barnes said "Yeah and mine." They continued bickering as they began making they're way out of there

"You alright?" MacCready asked when Winlock and Barnes were finally out of sight "I'm okay." You stated as your (E/C) eyes trailed over to him to see him watching you intently

"Why did you stick up for me?" You asked "Meh..I was just sick of watching them push you around." He said yet you knew there was more to it. You could see it in his eyes

"There's more to it isn't there?" You asked and he sighed "They just aren't doing things like they said they would. We made a deal stating that we would be killing and Shi- Uh, and stuff but they can't even do that properly anymore." He said and you couldn't help but frown at the way he stopped himself from swearing

"It's good to swear you know? Takes some of the stress off."

"It's not that I don't want to it's just...I made a promise to my son years ago that I would change...become a better man." He said and you couldn't help but scoff angrily "Yet you kill people for Caps?" It surprised you that he didn't snap back at you, he didn't even look angry in the slightest

"If you was struggling to survive what would you do?" He asked, a frown forming on his face "I already am. Always have been but that doesn't give me an excuse to go out there killing for Caps."

"We have different backgrounds (Y/N)." He said "Is that what your parents raised you to do? Kill people and be rewarded? Especially at a time like this...people have worked ages to make a living and then there's people like you, who come along, take their stuff and then kill them." You was so angry

"I've tried to change. That's why I'm thinking about leaving the Gunners." He said and straight away you could feel the anger disappear and change into confusion "Why? What could possibly make you want to change your life? Aren't gettin' as many caps as you expected?" You scoffed "No...I'm just sick of being their toy. I'm constantly doin' their dirty work because they can't get off their asses." He frowned in annoyance

"Well....If you're actually tellin' the truth and you want to leave...I'm sure we could help each other out." You suggested causing his rather intrigued eyes to land on you "Oh yeah? How?" He asked and you smiled "Free my people from Winlock and return you get your freedom. We both win." He stared at you, obviously thinking about it "I thought you was against killing?" He asked and you shrugged "Sure, when it's innocent people being slaughtered...but I'm sure we both agree that Winlock and Barnes aren't exactly the most innocent."


"Okay? You take Winlock and Barnes out, I'll get rid of the others." You said and MacCready nodded as you placed your pistol in the holster, looking over the side of the house you was stood on top of, getting ready to jump and take out a few Gunners who weren't that much of an importance but before you leaped off, you turned your head to look at the Mercenary

"Be careful yeah? Because if you fuck up then you  screw up this mission and kill my people in the process."

"Good luck to you too." He rolled his eyes as he looked through the scope of his Sniper and you took that as a sign to go.

"Time to set my people free."

{A Few Minutes Later}

"MacCready What the fuck are you doin'?!" You yelled out in shock, of course he would do something like this!...He shot both Winlock and Barnes sure, but unfortunately everyone had been alerted and now that there was a few of his people to take out AGAIN he was running in the opposite direction leaving you alone with a crappy pistol

You didn't know where those guys came from, you had took out everyone before Winlock and Barnes were assassinated so how come these guys suddenly showed up?

You couldn't be arsed to think about it, so instead you shook your head and got ready for a very unfair fight.

'Just think of your people, they will be free. All you need to do is kill these guys' you thought as you ready yourself, as soon as they stepped around the corner you'd have to put a few bullets in a few heads.

"-Winlock and Barnes were weak. No wonder why MacCready informed us of the plan to over rule them." Your brows creased in confusion. Overrule? And wait.....HE INFORMED THEM?!

"That bastard." You whispered "Huh?" A voice said and when you glanced up in panic that's when you saw four men staring at you in confusion, but before they could say anything you put a bullet in one of their heads and jumped to the side as one of them went for you but the other two went for their guns.

"Wanker." You grumbled as one of the men hit you straight in the jaw, you stumbled back in pain but before he could get closer to you, you pulled the trigger causing his head to explode and you were pretty sure you was going to be sick, ignoring the familiar feeling of uneasiness you reached your arm out and shot another one of the men leaving just one more left but before you could even aim your gun at him he tackled you to the ground

"Ow!"you frowned in annoyance as you went to punch him in the face, not like you could shoot him now that your gun was lying on the ground far away from the pair of you

"Fuckin' bitch-" he hissed as he wrapped his hands around your neck causing your eyes to widen in shock, you was going to die! And all because of MacCready being a two faced prick!

You desperately tried to pry his hands off you but nothing would work, this guy was full of rage.

Your vision was starting to darken, hands gently falling from his and your kicks finally seemed to slow down

You couldn't even see his face anymore, that's how bad your vision was and before you passed out, the only thing you heard was a gunshot.

Your beautiful {E/C} eyes opened , only to see the face of....MacCready staring down at you. I know, Scary dairy.

"Uhhh...Seriously? Like couldn't you wait until I was fully awake? That was the scariest thing I ever seen." You grumbled as you gently pushed yourself up on the bed

"Sorry." He said causing you to roll your eyes "Are my family free?" You asked and he nodded "Yeah, no one will be bother you and your family for a long time." He said

"Why?" You winced as you tilted your head to the side "Well yesterday...not only did we kill Winlock and Barnes, but we also killed the guys in charge of another group of Mercenaries. No raider or gunner will bother you after what happened." He said

"We? Don't you mean me?" You frowned at him "Yeah...I'm sorry about that, it would've been too risky if I stayed around for the first half of that." He said "The first half? What are you talking about?"

"I couldn't be seen by them, I had to run off. But I forgot the serum that could save my son and when I returned I saw one of the men throttling you...I can understand why-" you glared at him

"Carry on and I'll throttle you."

"Sorry! Anyway. There's nothing to worry about anymore. You look after your family okay?" He said as he began heading towards the door, backwards

"Where are you goin'?" You asked "Back to my son, he needs the serum." He said and you thought over it for a second "Well, if it works. Why don't you bring your son back here? He'd be looked after." You said and a smile tugged at his lips

"Why on earth would you want to help me after what I did?" He asked and you smiled "You saved me and my people, the least I can do is make sure your son is perfectly healthy and well looked after."

MacCready did indeed take you up on that offer. Well after his son was cured of course. But the three of you lived like a normal happy family.

You were happy for once, and that's all you could ask for.

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