Paladin Danse X Reader

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You huffed out in annoyance, mainly because Danse was ignoring you but also because you had been sent out on a mission with him and lack of communication can put the mission in jeopardy

"I'm pregnant." You tried to get his attention however it failed miserably

"I'm a synth."


"I'm cheating on you with Hancock." Of course it was lie but even that didn't get his attention!

You frowned and that's when you had an idea!

"I'm going to assassinate Elder Maxson." Another lie but unlike last time his head shot up and his eyes met yours

"Well at least that got your attention." You grumbled "What is troubling you soldier?" He asked

"Well I was meant to ask you what exactly are we doing? I mean..I was listening to Elder Maxson and all but he refused to mention all details until I left."

"He told me to keep that information withheld from you." He admitted and you couldn't help but roll your eyes "Why?"

"He thinks it'll be better, the less people knowing about it then the less chance of the wrong people finding out and destroying it." He said

"Oh yeah, and who am I going to tell really?" You scoffed

"MacCready, Hancock, Deacon-" he began listing all your friends "No I wouldn't!" You scoffed

"...." Danse stared at you with a 'don't lie to me' face and you stared back, trying not to break under his intimidating stare

"Fine! Okay I would." You grumbled, annoyed with the fact you couldn't keep it together

"Exactly, Elder Maxson doesn't want that to happen as it would demolish his plans for the institute." Was the only bit of information you got from your husband

"Fine, I see how it is." You scoffed sadly as you glared at the seats in the vertibird as you travel to the destination


You stepped out of the vertibird, Black sunglasses on and scanning the area for any enemies

"All clear Paladin." You confirmed and that's when Danse hopped out of the vertibird

"If I'm shot at I'm blaming you." He said and you rolled you eyes with a slight smile on your face "I wouldn't dare let such a thing happen to you."

"Well at least it's you who has my back covered, I wouldn't trust anyone else." He said "That's nice to know." And it was, it proved that he cared about you

"Shall we begin with the mission then?"

"Let's go."

{A few minutes later}


That's the best way you could explain, the both of you had gotten split up when the lack of communication got the best of you

You honestly didn't know what to do, you were running around Bunker Hill trying your best to find a way in as bullets wizzed past your head at a ridiculous speed, nearly blowing your head off completely

All the doors were locked and you couldn't make it around the back due to the hundreds of synths there

"Knight? Why aren't you with Paladin Danse?" One of the scribes asked "We was split up in the shoot out." You admitted "I haven't seen him, I'm sure he's okay though, the Paladin is a brave soldier and would stop at nothing to make sure he and his team is fine." He reassured you

"I just hope he's okay." You said, ducking once again as another bullet wizzed between the both of you

"Scribe! Best of Luck to you out there! I've got to find a way into the Bunker without getting shot to death!" You shouted over the sound of screaming, bullets and teleporting Synths

"Good Luck Knight!" He shouted and you nodded your head as you quickly turned and ran

'Find Danse, that's my main goal as the others didn't even tell me what we're actually looking for' you thought, your crazed eyes darting around the place and as you turned the corner you immediately froze as you saw the multiple Synths being teleported in

"Oh fuck!" You gasped in shock and before you could even raise your laser rifle the sound of another laser rifle going off was the only thing you heard

'Danse?! He came to your rescue! Oh thank g-' you felt something cold trickling down your stomach and you frowned as you looked down and that's when you saw a hole in your abdomen

"Oh my god..." as you looked back up that's when you saw all the rest of the Brotherhood soldiers rounding the corner and shooting the remaining synths with quite a struggle

"Scribe." You choked out and that's when the Scribe turned their attention to you and their face paled

"Get the Knight to safety!" A fellow Knight yelled and the Scribe ran to your side to help you, sure you was standing up but you wouldn't be for long

"I've got you Knight, I'll get you patched up and then I'll call in a vertibird so you can be transported back to the Prydwen." The Scribe said However your vision had started to blur and you began stumbling back and before you knew it your vision had darkened and the last thing you saw was the Scribe jumping forward to catch you

{The next day}

"The mission was a success, well done." The voice you knew all too well boomed, Elder Maxson was Congratulating someone or some people on a mission? Was it the mission you was on? How could that of been a success?

"Thank you Elder."

You stayed silent as you stared up at the ceiling, your (E/C) eyes analysing each and every little bit of detail as you were trying to figure out why you was strapped to a machine, fighting for your life whilst other people are getting congratulated for a mission well done

You heard the sound of a door being opened but you couldn't move in the slightest to see who it was

The person who had walked in didn't say anything so you thought it was just someone who got the wrong room

"(Y/N)." They whispered out and you knew exactly who it was

"Danse..." you whispered back, at least you wasn't too weak to talk

"I am so sorry...I-I've failed you." He said "No, you couldn't ever fail completed the mission and that's all that matters."

"You matter too, your under my command." He said "And your my husband." You said and he couldn't help but smile slightly

"Wow! The Paladin is actually smiling." You gasped out in shock, he just rolled his eyes at your teasing

"Carry on and I won't be." You both chuckled however you let out a hiss as pain shot throughout your body making Danse frown

"I honestly am really sorry, if only we stayed together then this wouldn't of happened." He began ranting "It doesn't matter Danse, I'm here..and so are you. That's all I care about." You admitted

"I Love you."

"And I like you too."

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