👀Railroad Agent Reader X Deacon👻

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"Stop being a feckin' spook Deacon." You called, watching out the corner of your eye, as he crawled along the floor, attempting to scare you but failing miserably "Oh for fuck-" he began "Ah-Ah! No swearing!" You tutted, shaking your head in disappointment "So you can swear but I can't? That's discrimination." He glared teasingly "Is feck really a swear word?" You asked. Swivelling in your chair to glance at him "Oh hold on- let me go and get my dictionary~" you glared at him "Oh right, because the bombs seriously spared a dictionary." You couldn't help but grin "I'm sorry to tell you, (Y/N). But have you seen the size of them fuckin'-" You glare "Uh, the fudging things?" He corrected "I have." You admitted "Exactly! If anything were to survive, it would be them." You couldn't help but smile, shaking your head "Why on Earth are we talking about dictionary's?" You asked "Errrr, because you don't know if Feck is a swear word." He answered like you were stupid, causing you to glare at him again "Feck is-" you began, only for a booming voice to cut through your very serious conversation "(Y/N)! Deacon! Get your asses here!" Des yelled, causing you and Deacon to "Oooooooh." Knowing you were going to get your butts handed to you.

And with a sigh, you pushed yourself up off your swivel chair, and headed towards the leader, with Deacon right behind. "She's totally going to whoop your ass." Deacon said, causing you to scoff "excuse me? Deacon- If you don't recall, you've spent the last three hours, perving on the vault dweller~ I've been working on-" you began, attempting to tell him..that if anyone was going to get their ass whooped, it would be him, for futile work.

"Perving?!- Now stop right there-" you grinned, getting closer to the entrance of the HQ "I was not perving on the vault dweller, I-it was a direct order from Des!-" he defended, causing your smile to widen, eyes glinting "Des...asked you to stalk the vault dweller?" You asked, eyebrows practically shooting off your head, with how quick you raised them "Well-"

"So tell me again, Who told you about us?" Des suddenly asked, causing both you and Deacon to glance at each other in confusion, telepathically sending each other a 'The Heck she talking about?' Before nearing the leaders back, and that's when both of them noticed someone standing in the middle of the room, a companion at each side. And whilst Deacon looked at the figure with recognition, You stared at them like they had five heads. After all, they had no symbol you could tie them to, so you had no idea who they were.

"-In diamond city." You snapped back to reality, as they finished...whatever they were talking about. You was too busy trying to work out who they were, and why Deacon seemed to know them. "You wasn't followed were you?" Des asked, obviously paranoid. "No, we made sure of it." They said, nodding towards their two companions, who reassured the leader "Good.....Good......But that still doesn't explain what you're doing here?" She asked, more intrigued than angry, after all, it was extremely rare for someone to find their HQ "Oh yes...well...I want to join the railroad." They admitted.

And everything went silent....That was until you practically choked on air, yet Des didn't even send a look your way "You...want to join us?" She gave them a suspicious look, causing you to nervously glance at Deacon, but he seemed amused at best. Which was actually more worrying than if he was nervous "I do." They admitted "Why?"

"Because I know, that you are the only people who can help me, with a little problem I have." They said, and if you had a drink, you would've spat it out in shock "What?! Since when are we-?" You began, only to be cut off by Des sending a harsh glare your way, causing you to huff in annoyance, before leaning against the wall, turning your head to see Deacon grinning at you, before you raised your middle finger, causing him to gasp, pointing a shaky finger at your gesture "......I'll put a cap in the swear jar." You mumbled, cheeks going red in shame, before looking at the figure in the middle of the room again

"And what is this problem?" Des asked "A courser chip." They admitted, and practically everyone froze, as they stared down at the loony "I'm sorry, what?!-" this was getting more and more ridiculous as seconds ticked by "You do know, that it's nearly, impossible to-" Des froze, causing you to follow her gaze, and that's when your eyes landed on a familiar chip. One that caused your heart to stop beating for a minute "Oh feck.." you whispered "Another cap in the swear jar!" Deacon called, causing you to whirl around, sending him a death glare "How many times do I have to tell you?! Feck is not-" you began, ready to defend your honour "Shut up you two!" Des yelled, sick and tired of your shenanigans, before turning her frowning gaze, back onto the strange...Courser chip wielder.

"I need this decoded." They admitted, "What for?" Des asked "Does it matter?" Oof, this courser murderer was an arse "How can we trust you?"

"We can." Deacon suddenly said, causing everyone to turn their gaze onto him "We can?" You asked "You know the vault dweller I was stalking?...Yeah, well-" he gestured towards the figure in the middle of the room, and you glanced between the two of them, before your eyes widened "Brilliant!- I have to ask, did you know he was following you?" You asked, practically beaming in amusement, as the Vault dweller turned their confused gaze onto Deacon, who sheepishly smiled "He was?" They asked "Looks like you haven't lost your mojo, Deek." You teased, wiggling your eyebrows, causing Deacon to roll his eyes, before looking back at Des "They're okay Des. I promise." He reassured "Ooooh, acting all serious and moody, it's quite attracti-" you began teasing, rather amused by this entire situation "(Y/N)...I'm about five seconds away from removing you from the next job." You immediately lost your smile. Eyes slowly hardening into a glare, as you looked at the wall. Sulking.

'It's boring anyway' you thought to yourself, after all, you just wanted to go back to your swivel chair, so you could pretend to do some work, and annoy the heck out of Deacon. Which, in yours and Deacon's language, meant F.L.I.R.T.I.N.G.

Hence, why Des was so fed up with your shenanigans. Because she knew you and Deacon...Well...You kinda have a thing, but not really?...But you do? But you don't and-

"(Y/N)?!" Once again, you snapped back into reality, only to glare at Deacon who was sticking his middle finger up in your face "OI!- A cap in the swear jar now!" You yelled, pushing yourself up off the wall, to chase after the gremlin, who was practically skipping back into HQ, totally and utterly forgetting about Des and the Vault dweller "Oh sugar! We left Des!-" you began "Shes over there, numpty." Deacon rolled his eyes, before pointing at Des, who was surrounded by a few other agents, not to mention the Vault Dweller.....All of them, eagerly staring at Tom, who was...Tinkering?

".....Did you just call me numpty?" You suddenly asked, turning to look at Deacon like he had 3 heads "Did you just call me sugar?" He teased back, causing your grin to widen "You know, I'm starting to think, you seem a little too pleased about that~" you practically beamed as you headed for your swivel chair "Is that so?" You could hear the smirk in his voice, but didn't bother to turn around, now that he was walking behind you "Sure thing Deek- in fact, I think I should start calling you Sugar more often." You tried to stifle your giggle, finally reaching your swivel chair, and with a gigantic, peaceful sigh, you threw yourself down into your heroic chair............Well, you thought you did. Until-

"OW! Get your bony butt off me!" Deacon practically screeched, causing you to jump up in shock "What the heck?!-" you squealed, and Deacon "OMMMM'd."....And that's when you realised your mistake...

"You made me swear." You grumbled, eyes slowly narrowing into slits, causing Deacon to nervously shuffle..IN YOUR SEAT "Uhh." He mumbled "You actually, made me swear." You clicked your tongue






"Ah feck! I'm really starting to think you started this challenge to skint me out-" you barked, angrily pulling out a few caps, before slamming them down on his desk "There, Happy now?-" you suddenly froze......"Hold on, how the fudge did you get on my chair so quick?" You asked, oblivious

"A little bit of....Deacon Magic." He said, wiggling his fingers, like it was one of the most impressive things in the world "You used Deacon magic, to sit in my chair?" You asked, staring at him with a glare "Well...Yeah?" He replied "Okay, so. You used Deacon Magic, which is actually, just you crawling under the desk to get to the chair before me?"




"You are such a genius sometimes!- I swear, I really don't know how I got so lucky." You grinned, beaming with pride "I know right?!~ I swear, if I was you. I'd just marry me now." He wiggled his eyebrows "Are you proposing?!" You gasped, "Sure am doll face-" he admitted, and you practically squealed "-Don't ever call me doll face again, its spooky- But yes! Of course I'll marry you!" You beamed happily, kissing the agent, totally ignoring everyone else in HQ


"Are them two the idiots of the Railroad?" The vault dweller asked, pointing at you and Deacon, who were still making out in your swivel chair, on the opposite side of the room "They sure are." Everyone agreed.

"Brilliant, Good to know."


Now please don't ask me what on Earth I've done to this chapter, because I actually have no idea myself? 👁👄👁

I'm quite ashamed, yet amused at the same time.

Ah, and just something I wanted to get out there. When it comes to requests.

I have noticed, I tend to do things the opposite way around. So, I do recent requests first, because I'm an absolute cabbage.

Anyway, I'm actually really sorry for butchering this for ya Leon, I honestly don't know what happened.

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