👀Synth{Fem} Reader X Kellogg 🔫PART 1

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I'll buy you therapy sessions after this @Commonwealthkiller

But anyway

Sorry to do this guys, but I'm gonna go off script here, and make synths more like Androids from Detroit- AND NO, it's not because I've been watching DBH ytp's, absolutely not.

It's simply because, it'd go best with this storyline....Totally 👀

Anyway, this is gonna be a series, because let's face it, if I unloaded his baggage (Don't be a perv 👁👄👁) all in one chapter, we'd never see the light of day again


....Or am I?

Nah, I'll stop now. TO THE STORY!
So let me get this straight...They sent you, because they want to keep an eye on me?" Kellogg asked, eyes narrowed into a calculated glare "Yes Master Kellogg." You replied, "Oh okay, I see how it is-" it didn't seem that way at all, to be honest. He seems quite bitter about the situation "Fuckin' eggheads." He scoffed, going back to cleaning his gun, but what he didn't expect, was a snort to echo around the room, and with a panicked start, his head jolted up in shock to see you standing there, grinning "What the fuck?-You trying to give me whiplash?!" He barked, but you just kept smiling "I'm sorry, Master Kellogg. But your choice of dialogue is most entertaining." You snorted again, highly amused. Causing Kellogg to stare at you in wonder"Why are you smiling, you creepy fuck?" He was obviously unnerved "Master Kellogg,There's a kid here." You deadpanned, glancing down at the young synth who was playing with two toy cars "-You're on the wrong side of the road Mister!" Shaun yelled, throwing his arm out, "Oh, Sorry Sir! How-...Aren't you too young to drive?" He put on a deep voice, as you and Kellogg watched in amusement "Too young?! I'm 13 next week!" He cried, causing you to snort out a laugh again, which earned a strange look from Kellogg, and strangely...The two of you ended up staring at each other, the sound of cars crashing fading into the background, as your eyes remained locked on his...Enchanted, totally captivated by how his - "Your eyes are so fuckin' creepy." He said, snapping you out of your daze, totally ruining the moment

"They do that weird..Glinting thing, humans do." He winced, like it was the weirdest thing he had ever seen "And that's creepy?" You asked, eyebrows raising "And that!-" He pointed furiously at your face, particularly your raised eyebrows "Do you know how scary that shit is?!-" You would be insulted, if it wasn't for the fact that you were witnessing Kellogg, actually unnerved. It was quite amusing "I was not designed to be scary, Master Kellogg." You admitted "Then what on Earth were you designed for?!~ To be a perv?!...A stalker?-" He began, listing off a number of things you could be "Aren't they scary?" You asked "No-" He began "Why not? Have you been subjected to such people?" You asked, grinning- only to gasp "Shit! Are you broke or something?!" He panicked "Are you either one of those subjects, Master Kellogg?" You asked in amazement "What? Broke? No- well, debatable and-What the fuck are you trying to say?-" he began "Are you a pervert? Or what you referred to as a stalker?" You asked, frowning slightly at the figure sitting in his chair- well...Was until you asked him that question, because right now, he was practically flying out it "WHAT?! Of course I'm not one of those!!! What the fuck?!" He yelled in horror, ready to beat your arse for even suggesting such crude things

"Right, of course. I'm sorry Master Kellogg." You replied "Don't call me, Master~ makes it sound like some fuckin' kink." he grumbled, causing you to tilt your head "I thought you liked being in control? I was simply feeding your ego, Master."

"Oh I get it~" He suddenly said, turning to look at you with narrowed eyes "You're a fuckin' comedian." He said, snorting "I'm afraid not, Master. I'm the synth sent by-" you began "Don't give me that speech about 'Oh, I'm the synth sent by the institute' because I will blow your head off." He warned "Oooh, Kinky." You teased, "How the fuck is that kinky?!" He screeched, causing you to grumble out a laugh "I've heard that the word blow-" you began, only to stop when Kellogg clicked the safety of his revolver off "Finish that sentence, fucker. Make my day." You stared at Kellogg, trying desperately not to smile, but he seemed to catch on, cause his scowl deepened "You have far too many emotions for a synth." He barked "Father wanted someone compatible with you....Master." You teased, wiggling your eyebrows, watching as Kellogg practically winced "Compatible my ass." He stated, and when he noticed you open your mouth to reply, he glared...The glare, Y'know?...The Michael Rosen glare.

The glare of all glares.

And you immediately shut up

"Aw shit, that worked?" He suddenly chuckled, practically beaming with joy as he sat back in his chair "Fuck me, that's useful." He said "If that's what the master commands-" you began, attempting to take your shirt off, causing Kellogg to pull out his revolver in panic "Don't you dare-" he warned, aiming his gun at you, but you simply stared in confusion, "Master, there are n-" you tried "Tell me...What you are." He began, voice dangerously low

"What am I?" What a strange question, it was obvious what you were "I'm a sy-" you attempted to answer his question, only to be cut off once again "What the fuck is your purpose?" He asked, no bullshit, no shenanigans. "My purpose?" You asked "Yes, What the fuck are you here for?- some secret mission the institute sent you on?..They finally trying to 'Off' me too?-" He suddenly froze, before sending you 'The Glare' again, making you shrink back "Well let's hope you're equipped with fuckin' miniguns, because I ent going down without a fight." He hissed, standing up now, gun still aimed at you "So....Try me bitch."

You simply stared at him, well- stared at the barrel of a gun aimed straight between your eyes


"What are you doing?" He asked, staring at you in wonder "Simply trying to comprehend how much of a drama queen you are." You replied.

"Oh that's it, mother fucker-" he grunted, ready to pull the trigger, causing you to flinch, even though you knew something he didn't

And when you looked up, you noticed he was staring at you in confusion, before his eyes darted to Shaun, who was still playing with his toys, totally ignoring everything around him

And for some reason, Kellogg's eyes, drifted from Shaun, back to you..and he shivered "You two are far too lifelike."

"That was our intended purpose Ma-"

"(Y/N)....Stop calling me Master." He said "But-"


"But I-"

Another Michael Rosen glare shut you up

"So....What do I call you?"

"Conrad? Kellogg?...Whatever floats your boat."

"Okay, Whatever floats your boat...Name registered."

"For fucks sake, of course you had to do that." He grunts in annoyance "Whats the problem, Whatever floats your boat?" You asked, innocently. Not understanding the problem

"Change my name." He barked "I can't do that, I'm not legally obliged-" you tried "I don't want my name changed legally, you fucker!- I want you, to change, 'Whatever floats your boat' to Conrad or Kellogg."

"Sorry, Whatever floats your boat. I can't change someone's name, more than once a day~ Not that I'd want to change it with that attitude." You huffed out, throwing him a look, causing him to freeze "You...For fu-How long do you have to babysit me?" He grunted "I'm not here to babysit. I'm here on specific orders to 'Keep Conrad Kellogg Company Whilst He Looks After Shaun'."

"You said my name! You said it!- Don't fuckin' lie to me, now change it back!" He demanded "I played a recording of my mission objective, Whatever floats your boat. I'm afraid I can't change your name until...another 23 hours, 57 minutes, and 24 seconds."

"Fine!-Damn it, why did I, have to get the fuckin' comedian?" He hissed "I am not a comedian-"

"Yeah, Yeah..Whatever."

Well then, there's that conversation down the drain.

And with a grumble, he went back to cleaning his revolver.

Leaving you standing there, staring at him....awkwardly.

So, you quickly turn your head, and glance down at Shaun, who's yawning tiredly "Shaun?" You asked softly "Yes Ma?" Aww, he's just adorable "You wanna go to bed? Sweetheart?"

"Wish you'd talk to me like that." Kellogg grunted, immediately causing your head to dart up, and without missing a beat, said "You wanna go to bed? Whatever floats your boat?" Immediately, Shaun chuckles "Whatever floats your boat?-Are you flirting with Mr.Kellogg?" Shaun was enjoying this far more than he should

"At least the kid can get my name right." Kellogg grunted from his chair, but you ignored him

"How do you know what flirting is?" You asked Sean, amused yet intrigued "I heard a few scientists speaking about it, at home." He grinned "You seem far too proud about that." You admitted "Oh I am. Because now, I can tell when someone's...Flirting."He said, looking between you and Kellogg with a huge smile "I'm sorry Shaun, but..I highly doubt Whatever floats your boat has the capability to flirt." You said sadly, actually feeling sorry for the man sitting near the stairs

"I'll have you know-" Kellogg began, sitting up, ready to argue his point..Yet again "I'm very charming when I want to be." He glared

"Notice how he said, When he wants to be. Shaun. That time, is obviously not now." You whispered to the young boy, who looked between the both of you, with a goofy smile on his face

"For a start, I wouldn't flirt with you- You're just...You-" He began "That's correct, I am me." You replied "Secon- Don't state the obvious, Asshat." He barked "It is physically impossible, for me to be a..What you call 'Asshat' it would take countless calibrations, not to mention shrinking me down and-" Kellogg sighed, interrupting your lengthy rant "You drain me...You actually drain my energy." He sounded so sad...So without a second thought, you pinched your finger and thumb together, a little compartment opened, to reveal the worlds smallest violin, and with a gentle sigh, you began playing.

"This is something I've seen, countless humans do. When their company is in a somber mood." You said, still playing the violin "Kid, look away- I'm about to send someone to synth heaven-" as you went to open your mouth, the sad sound of something snapping caught your attention, causing you to glance down, and when you saw it...Your synthetic heart broke.

"Well thank god for that, fuckin' thing was driving me mad." Kellogg rudely remarked, but you was too upset to reply.

Instead, you stared down at the snapped violin, Never...EVER, have you felt this much pain. In fact, you were pretty sure your eyes were brimming with synthetic tears as you stared at the murdered instrument.

"Oh come on, it was just a violin- well, it wasn't really much of a violin to start with was it?-" Kellogg ranted, totally ignorant to your broken heart

But as you grieved, you felt a gentle hand, place itself over yours, causing your head to dart up. Only to see Shaun smiling at you sadly "I'm sorry (Y/N), I know what it meant to you." He said sadly, causing you to whimper. A sound you didn't even know you could make up until now.

"Kid?...Don't tell me your falling for this bullsh...Are you crying?" Kellogg asked, listening to the sound of sniffling, immediately causing him to lean across his desk, attempting to get a look at your face "Oh shit, I didn't even know synths could do that." He mumbled, suddenly nervous. What else could these machines do?!

"Look, if it makes you stop making that disturbing crying noise, I'll get you another violin." He grumbled

"You will?" You asked, lifting your head to look at him, big doe eyes staring into his piercing ones "Only if you shut up." He mumbled sheepishly, obviously embarrassed to be bribing a synth to stop nagging him.

Damn it, he had his work cut out for him with this one, that's for sure.

"Thank you...Thank you so much Conrad Kellogg."


"You fucker!" He raged, listening to the giggles of both you, and Shaun.

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