Chapter Eighteen; Burning Love

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Following the girls saying their goodbyes to Hannah, Amelie and JaNa were approaching Serena and Leah who were siting on the blue and white couch. Leah turned to them as they approached the couch, "Amelie, JaNa, I'm feeling really weird." Serena was laughing as JaNa looked slightly confused, "Why? What?" Leah looked to Serena for support and Serena nodded, "Go ahead. Tell them." Leah let out a laugh as her words came out rushed, "I don't like him anymore!"

JaNa took off running a few steps while giggling while Amelie doubled over holding her sides as she laughed, "Bitch no!" JaNa returned giggling as she and Amelie squished onto the couch with Leah and Serena. Leah went on trying to explain how she didn't like Connor because he was too nice, which Amelie understood but she also felt like Leah owed it to Connor to tell him so he could try to find someone new to couple with.

The girls were scattered around the dressing room doing their hair and makeup for the day. Kaylor spoke as she emerged from the bathroom, "I have a honker on my face. It looks like fucking Mount Everest." Amelie yawned as she dragged her hairbrush through her hair, "I'm in my luteal phase right now and I legitimately feel so exhausted already."  Nicole spoke from her makeup station, "Isn't the luteal phase like when you're like the most fertile?" That earned laughs from all the girls except Andrea, who seemed to not really like any of the girls.

Amelie nodded, "Yeah so that's why even if I was the type to have sex on like television that's why I wouldn't be having sex." Liv spoke as she dug through Amelie's makeup bag borrowing her blush, "How's everyone feeling in their couples?" Amelie smiled as she used her comb to part her hair down the middle, "I feel really good." As soon as the words left her mouth there was a knock on the door and Rob stuck his head in. He entered and set a plate of breakfast next to Amelie before kissing her quickly bidding the other girls bye and he left.

Leah spoke as she put concealer on her face, "Guys, I'm just not feeling it. Like, I'm really not. This is meant to be my sweet, safe guy." Amelie continued to do her hair as the girls talked about how she didn't like Connor touching her. Serena added something about how she used to feel like that with Kordell when they were just friends but now that they were more she didn't mind.

Amelie spoke as she inspected the blush on her face, slightly feeling like it was a tad bit excessive, "Do you guys think I have like blush blindness or whatever?" Kaylor shook her head as she slipped her sunglasses on her eyes, "No you look fine." Amelie smiled as Kaylor hugged her from behind, "Thank you." Kaylor nodded and exited the room leaving Amelie alone. She was taking her time getting ready this morning because she was extremely tired and just felt lazy. 

Amelie looked up as she held her lipliner to her mouth. Someone in the garden was cheering about a challenge. Amelie sighed as she finished the breakfast Rob had brought her before rushing to finish her makeup and head down to the garden. Rob frowned as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "You okay pretty girl?" Amelie nodded, "All good pretty boy."

The challenge consisted of each couple having to wear goggles that altered their vision, one of them had to direct them to a cupcake that they had to eat, then they had to guide them to a mushroom cake and they have to feed it to their partner. Then they had to take a drink that had a statement written on it and dump it on the couple it fit the most. Then they had to find a phone in a port-a-potty then get smiled and then end it with a kiss.

Kendall and Nicole went first and after a lot of misdirection Nicole found the cupcake, they had to dump drinks on the couple they thought were most likely to burn another couple. They chose to throw the drink on Liv and Miguel. Leah and Connor went next and Leah yelled at him to shut up when he kept misdirecting her. They had to throw the drinks on the couple that they thought the girl deserved better. They chose Amelie and Rob which Amelie took well.

Aaron and Kaylor threw the drinks on JaNa and Hakeem for the couple they wouldn't want to be abandoned  in a desert with. JaNa was not happy about the drink getting dumped on her. Kordell and Serena were next to go. They had to dump the drinks on the couple they thought was most toxic.

They chose Leah and Connor and Serena added some reasoning by saying they were toxic separately. Liv and Miguel had to throw their drinks on the couple they thought were faking it. Liv chose JaNa and Hakeem just because she was annoyed at him. Andrea and Miles had to throw the drinks on the couple that was going to burn out first. They chose Leah and Connor. JaNa and Hakeem had to throw their drinks on the couple they thought was most annoying and of course JaNa was pissed at Leah for throwing the drink on her so she chose them.

Lastly it was Rob and Amelie's turn. Rob did his best to direct Amelie to the cupcake but she ended up finding her own groove after stubbing her toe a few times. She found the mushroom cake with ease and fed it to Rob. They had to throw their drinks on the couple they thought would last, they threw them on Kaylor and Aaron before getting the phone, Rob getting sprayed in the face. The kiss they shared was sweet and filled with pure bliss.

Amelie In The Beach Hut;
When he kisses me like that it almost
makes me want to drop my no sex rule.

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