Chapter Twenty-Seven; Comfort & Raunchiness

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Amelie emerged from the bathroom as she pulled her hair back into a bun, "Y'all are sleeping in Soul Ties right?" Kaylor nodded, "Yeah. I will sleep in the fucking pool if I have to." Serena nodded, "Let's just go to bed." Amelie nodded as she put her slippers on, Kaylor was going on about how if someone showered with Aaron she'd cut his dick off. Amelie shook her head as she laughed lightly and headed for the bedroom.

She grabbed all the blankets and pillows off of her and Rob's bed and carried them to Soul Ties and got herself situated next to Serena, while leaving room for Kaylor. The blonde woman laid down and spoke as the chirping of crickets filled the air, "Do you guys think Aaron is gonna bring a girl back?" Amelie shook her head, "Nah, I think he and Rob will be smart about the situation." Serena nodded, "Yeah they're smart. Hopefully Kordell is too." Amelie reached out and held Serena's hand reassuringly as the three women drifted off to sleep.

The following morning Amelie was standing in front of the mirror putting anti-itch cream on her butt cheek as she had gotten eaten alive by mosquitoes while she slept in Soul Ties the previous night. She washed her hands and returned from the bathroom as Serena spoke, "I just feel like I just want Kordell. Like, yeah, I want him to explore and realize that it's me." Amelie spoke as she sat down next to Liv on the floor to do her hair in front of the mirror, "I really don't think he'll budge."

Liv nodded as she put on some eyeliner, "Think about how long you've been in here, how many people have come in." Serena rolled over her voice cracking, "I know. I'm just gonna look so stupid." Amelie set her curling iron down as she pulled Serena's head in her lap, "No Rena you're not. I swear." Kaylor turned her head as both Liv and Amelie comforted Serena, "What's wrong? What'd she say?" Liv shook ger head as she wiped away Serena's tears, "You're not gonna look stupid, I swear."

Amelie nodded as she rubbed Serena's back reassuringly, "I swear on everything that you're not going look dumb. At all. You have been transparent with him that it takes a while for you to get there. So if he can't accept that and he comes back with some girl he's known for like 4 days he's the dumbass.
If anything his ass is gonna look stupid if he dogs you." Liv nodded, "See Amelie gets it. She and Rob are exactly the same way. So if either of them come back with girls they'll look like the dumbasses."

The girls were sitting around the kitchen island when JaNa's phone chimed with a text. She laughed as she read out the text, "Islanders tonight the villa and Casa Amor will go head to head in a game of Raunchy Races. #WhosOnTop. #MovingQuickly." Amelie and Serena shared a look amongst themselves,  as of to say'what the fuck' The islanders gathered around the fire pit as they waited to receive the first message. The first message came to Josiah's phone, "Demonstrate your favorite sex move whilst kissing the shortest boy or girl of the opposite sex." He chose Serena and the boys at Casa ended up getting the point.

Caine's phone chimed as he read the text out, "Kiss an islander born in a foreign country." Almost instantaneously his lips were against Amelie's as he kissed her desperately, determined to win Amelie wrapped on of her legs around his waist. He pressed his body further against hers. Her skirt was riding up as her ass was full in the breeze. The pair pulled away finally as a phone chimed with a new text, "Villa gets the point!" Amelie laughed as she high fived Caine and recollected herself as Kaylor was moping about Aaron probably being the one they kissed. Amelie was unaware that over in Casa, Rob was spiraling out unsure if Amelie was the one who was kissed for that.

The next text that came in required a blonde to be bench pressed in the gym area. Jacobi attempted to bench press Kaylor and failed, the point going to the boys in Casa. The next text was to kiss the islander with the best tattoos, Leah chose Josiah, and the villa ended up losing the point again. The girl's getting frustrated with continuously losing. The next was for Jalen to kiss the islander he was most attracted to. He chose Kaylor, kissing her passionately and giving the villa a point.

The next text was to Josiah, he had to kiss an islander he wanted to share a bed with that he didn't the night before. He chose to kiss JaNa, pushing her against the tree. The villa girls ended up winning that point. The last text was for everyone to make out with an islander like it was the last night on earth. Amelie was sitting directly next to Josiah so she leaned against him and began kissing him passionately, feeling no guilt about it knowing Rob was in the same position in Casa. The boys at Casa ended up winning the point and the game.

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