Chapter Twenty-Three; The Duality Of Girlhood

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Amelie was sprawled across the pink and yellow couch, her head in Rob's lap as Serena, JaNa and Leah sat there discussing how Leah had called things off with Connor. Serena was doing what she did best and giving Leah a pep talk. The four girls looked amongst themselves as Miles approached the group and asked to pull Leah.

The three women watched as Leah and Miles conversed. Amelie's protective friend antenna went up as Leah yelled for Liv. The conversation quickly escalated negatively. The conversation seemed to grow more and more heated by each second. The three women immediately stood up when Miles' raised his voice and Leah made herself smaller. JaNa was the only one of the three to speak, "Go. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go."

The three women approached the fire pit as Serena spoke, "What we're not about to do is gang up on Leah." Miles scoffed as he ran a hand over his face, "I'm not ganging up on Leah. And Amelie you can just walk away you already lied to me." Amelie glared at him, "I'm gonna bring my ass over here because I'm not about to let some overgrown man child tell me what the fuck to do." Serena nodded, "We can clear some shit up right now." JaNa nodded as she stood beside Amelie, "Because what we're not about to do is sit here and start ganging up on her, okay?"

Miles scoffed, "She brought Liv into this." As of she was summoned Kaylor appeared out of no where to come defend Liv. Lov scoffed as she realized she was outnumbered comparatively to Leah, "At the end of the day, she's running your name, my name, and her name and Kaylor's name through the mud." Leah interjected to defend herself which ended in Liv storming off. A brief moment passed before Miles said something snarky about his doors being closed to Leah before stomping off.

The following morning came and tension hung in the air of the dressing room when Leah finally spoke, "Liv, I would love to speak with you on the balcony." Liv was sitting next to Kaylor as she looked up, I would prefer if we could,
like, both of us, speak, because I feel like we both were feeling the same situation." Leah nodded, "Okay. All five of us let's go, since all five of us made the decision." JaNa spoke as all the girls excluding her and Nicole went onto the balcony, "And, ladies, don't forget, we all have so much love
for each other, okay?"

The women went outside and Leah immediately explained her side of things while apologizing. Liv explained her side of the situation and apologized for starting the screaming match so publicly. Amelie kept to herself and the girls made up before returning inside to the dressing room and getting ready for the day. To learn there would be a challenge later on.

authors note;
im half ass writing these next few chapters leading up to casa because a lot of it doesn't pertain to amelie really.

also i feel like i have been very generous with putting out new chapters periodically so please don't keep commenting begging for updates and on my message board. i have mono and im sick but I still have a job and summer classes so I can't always write 24/7

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