Chapter 20 ❤️

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Hannah POV

4:26 pm and everyone is in place to yell surprise. Alex should be bringing SaVannah in at any moment.

SaVannah POV

Alex was so determined that I should put on the new dress I got now so I can show my sisters. Something weird is going on and I wanna get to the bottom of it. So I just get in the dress and I don't even complain about getting into it. We get back into the car and head back to my other house. I call it the "Family house" because my siblings still live there, its right atound the corner. It literally takes 3 minutes to get there from my new house. We pull up in front of the "Family house" and its dark. But there are cars here. What the hell... I look at Alex and he has the same facial expression that I do. I unbuckled my seatbelt and Alex opens the door for me. We walk up to the door and I unlock it and push it open. "Suprise," I hear a whole bunch of people scream. I almost peed on myself. But when the lights come on I see its a suprise baby shower. I turn around and look at Alex and he smiles at me. "You knew about this," I ask looking up at him. "Of course i did. Hannah and I planned this out. I just had to distract so they could set up." "You're a really good actor," I tell him amazed by how they actually pulled this off without me knowing. Hannah walks up to me and gives me a hug. "I love you Twinny Pooh," she says still holding onto me. "I love you too Twinzy Puff." After a few more seconds we let go. "This is gorgeous. But why didn't you do it on my birthday. Its in 10 days," I tell Hannah. "Wait what," Alex says shockingly. I look back at him and nod. "When were you gonna tell me SaVannah," he asks pulling me closer to him. I shrugged, "Its no big deal." "Oh but I'm gonna make a big deal outta it," he smirks. "Listen love birds we have a baby shower to attend to. And Alex my birthday is in nine days," Hannah says. "Wait a fucking minute. Y'all are twins are were born on to different days," he asks confused. "Yeah. I was born at 11:59 pm on November 20th and Vee was born at 12:03 am November 21st," she explains to him and he nods understandingly. "Okay let's go party." I walk into the living and was greated by my brother Terrence, Crystal, Hazel and Trina. "Oh my gosh, my babies i haven't seen you guys in a while," I say giving them a group hug. "Hello SaVannah," floats over my shoulder. I turn around and the voice belongs to my father. "Daddy," I squeal jumping into his arms like i used to do when i was little. "Hey princess," he says setting me down. "You're all grown up now, my Princess has a princess now," my mother says rubbing my hair then my belly letting a tear slip out her eye. I give her a hug. "Let's go look around," SaMone says grabbing my hand. She pulls me to the table with the food. And oh my gosh it was so gorgeous.. there were cookies, cupcakes, juice, candy and other stuff. But what really caught my eye was there were two cakes.. An unicorn one and a princess one. I turn to SaMone and Hannah, "Why are there two cakes." "We couldn't decide on a cake so we got both. I wanted the unicorn cake with cupcakes and i knew you might, however Samone and Alex wanted to get you the princess one," Hannah explains. "They're both gorgeous. Thank you," I say giving them a quick hug. Gosh I love my family. More people arrive. Then I feel someone hug me from behind. "Missed me," and I knew it was Alex. I laugh, "Most definitely baby, thank you for making this so special for me. I couldn't imagine having a baby or spending my life with anyone else." I look up and kiss him. Lets go play shower games. We play a couple games and win most of them. While I'm catching up with my siblings and Crystal i feel someone hug me from behind again. "Is it Alex," I mouthed to them because it didn't feel like him. Crystal shakes her head and looks confused. I turn around and its Victoria and Sienna is by her side. "Oh my gosh hi," I say hugging them. I feel Crystal walk up to my side. "Introduction please," she says full of jealousy. I roll my eyes. "Victoria and Sienna this is Crystal," I say. "Her best friend," Crystal adds. "Oh well I'm Victoria the wifey. And here's Sienna the sister in law," Victoria says with as much attitude as Crystal. "Calm down y'all, Crystal you know you're my Day 1. Always baby girl, be nice. Victoria is cool," I say holding Crystal hand clearing the air. Crystal nods, "But I'm wifey," Crystal says staring dead at Victoria. I sigh. "Let me put these on the gift table," Hannah says taking the bags from Victoria and Sienna and running off. "We'll open gifts and toast in a minute," SaMone adds and follows Hannah.
And I got Victoria and Crystal to hug, we opened my mountains of gifts. And give the guests their "thank you for coming" gifts. Now we're doing the toast. Alex speaks first, "Thanks everyone for coming. I cannot wait for the arrival of our princess. I also want to inform you that we have bought our own house but will still come to spend a night and visit all the time. Its no one I'd rather be on this journey with. Special thanks to Paul and Patricia for your wonder daughter," he poetically and winks at me. Everyone clapped. "Gosh I dont know what to say. Besides thank you guys so much for putting this together for me. I love you all. Genesis is gonna have absolutely the best life ever," I add on to what Alex  said. The shower ended a hour or so later. Its 9:46 pm now and we just brought the gifts to the next house and set up Genesis' nursery with the help of SaMone, Hannah, Crystal, and Terrence. "So are y'all gonna stay at the Family House after Gen is born," Hannah asks while fixing the blankets in the crib. "Definitely," I tell her while sitting in a bean bag chair. "I can't wait to be an auntie," SaMone and Crystal say at the same time and then laugh. We talk and laugh all night. Crystal and Terrence are not rekindling their love. And everyone stayed over. Life couldn't be better. I wouldnt trade this for nothing in the world.

A/N from Kayla.. baby shower pics are on their own chapter.. not chapter 21.. coming up soon... ❤️

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