4 | Autumn

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Today was the first day it truly felt like fall. It seemed the trees had changed overnight. The gutters were cluttered with leaves and the air was as crisp as cider. Exactly how any goth would prefer it. It was obviously Chris' favorite, but this year felt surreal in a way it never had before. After weeks in and out of a mental health facility, fresh air didn't even feel real anymore, and especially not air like this. "It's nice out." Chris muttered.

"Yeah." Was all Ryan could think to respond. He fumbled with his keys as they reached his car. "You can throw your stuff in the backseat."

Chris did just that before hunching down in the passenger seat. He felt terribly misplaced, embarrassed by the situation. Ryan was like a brother to him, but he never wanted their relationship to end up here. Everything seemed so damn quiet, yet the most mundane noises were painfully blunt. Ryan's car door shut, his keys jingling as he plugged them into the ignition. The start of the engine was unnerving, though neither of them could exactly explain why this all hurt so much.

The ringing of Ryan's phone helped the mood shift ever so slightly. Chris had seen the caller ID. It was just Vinny. As Ryan pulled out of the hospital parking lot, he answered. "You're on speaker, so don't say anything incriminating."

"Incriminating to you or me?" Vinny asked.

"Either." He responded, "What's up?"

There was some Italian-flavored yelling in the background, Vin urging whoever it was to "hold on a second". He came back to the phone, "I'm over at my ma's. She's making ravioli, she wants to know if you want me to bring some over for dinner. It's got ricotta and- what else?! ...Brussel sprouts? ...I don't care what Rachael Ray said, it's nasty! Jus- Hang on! Lemme finish talking to Ryan."

He snickered. "Tell her I appreciate the offer, but I've got stuff at home. Plus I'd feel like kind of a dick if dinner was something Chris can't even eat."

Vinny lowered his voice sheepishly, "Fine, but if anyone asks, you said yes. Turning down food is kinda an insult in my family."

"Whatever works, man. I gotta go. I'm about to get on the highway."

Vinny said his goodbye in the most cringy bro way he could. At least he's self-aware. All Ryan could do is sigh and wonder how the Hell that idiot became his best friend. Chris did manage a small, nostalgic grin when he heard Vinny being his usual two-braincelled skater boi self. Though they both appreciated how supportive Vinny's family has always been towards the band, today had been eventful enough. Visitors can wait.

The silence settled again as Chris watched the pine trees whizzing by. The thought of breaking it only made him anxious. His nails ended up between his teeth subconsciously. He ran through the small things he could talk about, but he hated small talk. And the mere shadow of a thought that they should talk about anything serious made him feel like he was going to puke.

"Thank you." He muttered, "For remembering I'm vegan, I mean."

"What, you think I'd forget? I know my memory's shit, but it's not that bad." Ryan remarked. "Shae gave me a list of the stuff she gets Alex, so if any of it's shit, blame her."

"How long do you plan to let me stay?"

He shrugged, "As long as you want. Be nice to have some company that's not a moody teenager. We can go by your place sometime if you need more clothes or whatever."

"I'll... be fine. Might have to do some laundry at yours though, if that's okay."

"Of course. I'd offer to do it for you, but I already get my clothes and Jani's mixed up enough. He has some of the same band shirts I do, and I'm like, you can just borrow mine. You don't have to get your own. But he's weird about being independent and shit."

"Hm, wonder where he gets that from." Chris said, "What, uh, what grade is he in now?"

"Um, Eleventh." Ryan had to do a doubletake at that one. He can't remember the last time Chris asked about Jani, or anything related to anyone else's life for that matter. Maybe he felt he had to put the effort forth given what Ryan was doing for him. Whatever the reason, progress is progress.

Their conversation wasn't too involved beyond that point. Ryan was good about volunteering information because he knew it was easier for Chris to listen rather than talk right now. He updated him on the most recent goings on with Alex and Jani. Not to mention, Jani getting back into music and playing when he had free time. He had a lot of ambition and a pretty clear head for his age. However, he wasn't completely free of the normal teenager bullshit that every parent must endure. When they reached the house, Ryan quickly realized it was going to be one of those days.

"We're home." He said as he walked past the couch. His son was glued to his phone screen, texting at neck-break speed, and gave no acknowledgement. "Jani?"

"What?!" He snapped.

Ryan kept his sigh internal. "I said we're home." He glanced Chris' direction, "Give me just a second. You can go get settled in if you want. You remember where the guest bedroom is?" Chris nodded before disappearing into the back of the house.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching him or some shit?" Jani muttered.

"Jani." Ryan sat down on the edge of the coffee table to be across from his son. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." He quickly dismissed. He caught his dad's parental look, insisting, "I said it's nothing!"

"Alright. But whatever nothing is, don't take it out on me or your uncle Chris. You promised me you could handle this."

He sighed, "Yeah, it's whatever. Sorry. I told you I'm fine."

"I'm here if you wanna talk about it."

"I told you it was nothing! I'm just gonna go to my room." Jani slumped up from the couch and hurried off. He no doubt passed by Chris in the hallway, but kept his head down and slammed his bedroom door behind him. Chris stopped in the entrance of the living room, looking to Ryan for an explanation, only to end up telling him he didn't have to apologize for his teenager. After all, they were probably just as bad when they were Jani's age. Probably worse.

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