Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Night covered the path. The dense fog surrounds the forest. Non-leafless, bare branches created terrifying shapes, they looked like demon hands that could catch us at any time. She kept running, running, without knowing which way she was. She only knew they were waiting for her, waiting for her to come to them. Suddenly the girl was pulled back by a hand.

She turned her head to look, saw a figure whose face was unknown. He gripped her hand tightly, his other hand squeezed her slender neck. She felt scared and wanted to get rid of him but could not, that only made him clasp her hand. Two rows of tears fell from her eyes, but she has pulled away mercilessly.

She looked ahead, spotted them in the distance. However, they seemed not to wait for her, on the contrary, they left.

"Don't... don't leave me alone ..."


Selena awoke unconsciously after a long nightmare. She hurriedly jumped up, hugged her chest and breathed hard to regain the air, feeling like she had just returned from death. She looked blankly around, everything was strange. This is not her room. Selena hugged her head, she remembered walking around in the forest when suddenly she felt pain, and then everything was dark.

The door of the room opened, and two people entered. The man who came in front had a face like a movie actor with blonde hair. He looked very polite and gentle. The woman possessed a sharp heart with a caramel-colored hair and a soft smile on her lips.

"Have you woken up?" He asked, "How do you feel rightnow?"

"I'm fine, thank you" Selena nodded "Where is this? Why am I here?"

"This is Cullen's house, we see you fainted in the forest, so we bring you here."

"Thank you" Selena replied, "My name is Selena, Selena Scarlet, I just moved back to the villa across the forest. I was going to walk around here, I didn't expect that I would fell down."

"I see that because you have a body breakdown, you should eat more fully," Carlisle advised.

"Thank you, I will remember." Selena bowed politely.

"It's okay" Esme smiled, a gentle smile like a mother "If you feel unwell, you can stay here for a while."

"I can't bother you anymore, madam. Besides, my family will be worried too." Selena smiled back.

"Okay, if that's the case, we'll see you out." Carlisle helped Selena up.

They went out of the room. The Cullen family is an excellent family breeding. The living room is painted with white. The walls are attached with large glass doors that can be seen covering the endless green of natural plants. What Selena especially noticed is that the piano is located next to the staircase with a small space. This made a music lover as she could not resist the enjoyment of this family.

On the white sofas, four people are sitting. Selena had to admit that the Cullen genes were excellent, although they did not look the same, but one thing could not help but acknowledge that they were all charming. From the moment she entered the living room, Selena was impressed with the blonde girl, her face like an arrogant goddess with a hot body that made girls want. Next to her was a muscular boy with curly black hair and light brown eyes. It seems that the two of them are a couple. Suddenly a girl walked over to Selena, the girl who looked lovely with short brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Alice Cullen" Alice smiled wryly and held out her hand. Standing next to her was the guy with golden curling hair, but his expression was quite dull like a child "This is Jasper Hale."

"I'm Selena Scarlet," Selena shook her hand.

"That beautiful blonde girl is Rosalie Lilian Hale, next to her is Emmett Cullen."

In another corner of the living room was a guy who looked cold and low. Selena couldn't help but admit that his face was carved from a Greek god with high cheekbones, square jaws, coconut nose and full lips. White skin disease, cold ice like marble. Glamorous brown hair with amber eyes.

"That's my brother, Edward Cullen." Alice pointed at him.

"Nice to meet you," Selena bowed to the people in the room. In response to her, Emmett smiled and waved back while Edward and Rosalie did not speak. Especially Rosalie, the cold-hearted beauty didn't seem to like her very much, from the moment she saw her until now, she was scowling and uncomfortable. The air suddenly became embarrassed.

Seeing Selena like that, in her heart, Esme rose to her motherly love. "Don't pay attention to her, she's always like that."

"Can I call you Selena?" Alice asked.

"Of course."

"Your eyes are so beautiful," Alice admiringly praised.

Selena heard that and touched her eyes. In the past, many people said she was like that. Few people have the same eye color as her, ash-gray.

"Thank you," Selena politely.

"Don't be so polite! How did you faint? Is your health not in good condition?" Alice asked. This question caused the Cullen family to hold their breaths to wait for an answer, which made the atmosphere down.

Selena frowned for a moment and then said, "I don't know. I remembered walking in the forest, then I suddenly get a headache, then faint."

This answer caused the Cullen family, who were strained, to let out a sigh of relief as if they were relieved. Carlisle saw the atmosphere become more peaceful and smiled.

"Do you want to stay here for dinner?"

"I would love to cook for you" Esme has a big passion for cooking, but unfortunately no one can eat the food she cooked. Looking at Selena, she remembered her lost child, if that baby were alive, she would be lovely.

"I have bothered your family too much, if I don't come back, my family will be worried." Selena loved Esme very much, she reminded her of her mother.

"So if there is a chance for you to come to my house, I will cook you a delicious meal," Esme smiled.

"Esme" Rosalie and Edward said in unison as if blaming her. Esme saw that she knew that she had missed her words but did not know what to do, she really loved this little girl.

"Of course, if I have a chance," Selena bowed to each and went out. She felt that if she stayed in this house for a second, she would die.

"Asked Edward to take you back, Selena, a girl going into the forest at night will be very dangerous," Carlisle said. Selena tried to refuse, but Carlisle's concerned expression made her unable to do so.

"Thank you" Selena looked at Edward politely.

Edward saw that frown, this girl was too polite and careful. From the moment she met his family, she was cautious and aloof in her words as if to stay away from their families. Especially the figure when she was lower her's head, it was precisely 45 degrees. Among the people he met, they all wanted to approach and get acquainted with his family, but this girl was not like that. From now on watching, he felt that this girl named Selena was deep, although she smiled, her smile was not soulful, like just a smirk, it was too rational.

From morning until now, Edward was feeling very annoyed, he was fascinated by the smell of the blood of the new student Bella, unable to read her thoughts even more. This made him feel his power was gone. Until he met Selena, he could still read what was in her head, but it was strange. What was in her mind was not what she thought, or at least called monologue but ... songs.

After Selena left, the Cullen family fell into a deadlock again. Jasper has been trying very hard to make the atmosphere better. They are sitting together to talk about the new girl from their home.

"Luckily, she doesn't remember anything, if not..." Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

This reminds the Cullen family of the prospect of the past few hours, the incident that caused them to panic. While Emmett was sucking on an animal because of hunger, Selena suddenly appeared. Fortunately, Edward appeared in time and knocked her unconscious; otherwise, things were going badly. When Edward brought Selena to their house and told everything, the Cullen were almost mad, especially Rosalie, who could not hide her indignation. If Selena remembered it, she did not know what Rosalie would do to that girl.

"I hope the next time this doesn't happen again, Emmett," Carlisle said seriously.

"I know, Carlisle." Emmett scrubbed and rubbed Rosalie to find comfort. He looked like a big animal wrecking on his mother's lap.

"Is that girl unusual?" Esme really loves Selena, she hopes that girl will not harm her family.

"That girl is a careful person," Rosalie commented.

Everyone in Cullen's house was surprised at Rosalie's words. This is the first time they have seen her praising a person, and if not sarcasm, Rosalie says things that are not good about them. The Cullen family recognized Selena very politely. Her every gesture was also elegant, not every girl could be like that.

"I think nothing bad will happen, I can still see that girl's future" Alice comforted Esme. The whole family knew Selena reminded of Esme's late daughter.

"Her scent is still normal." Carlisle said, "I wonder what about Edward?"

"I think his mood is not good." Alice sighed. "He was attracted to the blood of the new student, Bella, and unable to read her mind as well."

"Bella?" Carlisle frowned.

"A troublesome girl named Isabella who likes people called her Bella" Rosalie annoyed when she mentioned her new student. Especially when her blood fascinates Edward, that leads to things that are not good.

"She is Isabella Swan, sheriff Swan's daughter," Alice answered.

"Reminding Edward to pay attention to that girl, the best way is to stay away from that girl" Carlisle reminded "You have to pay attention to Selena too"

After Carlisle's words, all the members returned to their rooms. Today, they had too many things to digest.


In the forest, two people are walking side by side. Ever since leaving Cullen's house, the two have never spoken to each other. Selena did not have the habit of talking to strangers, especially a guy she just met a few hours ago. Although Edward was handsome, she was immune. Selena just walked away and mumbled some song melody. She loves the weather in Fork, slightly damp and less sunlight. It is a wise decision to move here.

Edward did not say anything besides her, nor he was a person who liked talking, he hated annoying girls talked a lot. Therefore, when he went with Selena, he felt delighted, she did not try to start a conversation but find a way to keep things quiet. Going with her, Edward found it was incredibly peaceful.

The atmosphere between the two was very harmonious, not even a bit awkward, although they did not speak to each other. Selena was busy thinking about her school days. She hated going to school, but maybe no one liked to go to school. Long lectures make her head unbearable, the so-called classmates are always gossip, preferring to make jokes of people without knowing they are touching others pain. Fortunately, she escaped from that school but prepared to face another environment. And the first day Selena moved here was meeting the Cullen family, it's not a really good sign.

Since she was thinking, Selena did not find Edward looking at her. Edward strolled behind to watch the girl before him. Seems like Selena is immersed in her thoughts. He really wanted to know what the girl was thinking, especially her nostalgic expression. Unfortunately, he could not read anything but songs. Those songs are also bizarre, he never heard it before.

"Have you just moved here?" Edward asked. Anyway, this girl named Selena is familiar, he feels like this is not the first time they met.

"Yes, just yesterday," Selena was startled by Edward's question, suddenly escaping her thoughts.

"Um ... I" Edward hesitated "Did we ever meet before?"

Selena was surprised by Edward's question, had she met him before? She hoped not.

"Maybe not" Selena was cold. She did not want to have any relationships with the Cullen family, especially Edward.

The two of them remained silent. As Edward did not know what to say, though he might be wrong and Selena did not want to mention herself.

After a while, in front of them appeared an ancient Western mansion. The wall is covered with a white layer, the patterns on it are delicately depicted. What makes people primarily interested is the classically designed columns like the palaces of Greece. In front of it was a large yard that was planted with many flowers. In the center is a fountain with a carefully sculpted statue of Athena. This makes people feel lost in another world of Athens.

Edward had been through this mansion several times, but he thought it was a resort for riches. He had never imagined that it belonged to this girl. Selena came up and rang the bell. After the bell rang, the gate was opened.

"My house is here" Selena bowed to Edward "Thank you for bringing me home. What a pleasure to meet you and your family."

"So I'm going back," Edward nodded and returned to the forest.

Selena looked at Edward until his figure disappeared behind the trees before entering the house. The peaceful face was no longer available but instead was cold, different from her just now. She took every step, her steps as a lady of nobles.

The door of the house burst open, a middle-aged man should bow. He had salt-and-pepper hair and sharp black eyes, on him wearing a particular set of butler clothes. On him, he had a temperament that respected others.

"My lady, you are back," The man bowed to Selena.

"Has James returned?" Selena nodded once and asked.

"Young master is waiting for you inside," he said.

Selena heard that and went inside. The more you get inside, the more things make people open their eyes. Same with the outside of the mansion, the interior walls are also depicted with sophisticated patterns. Royal brown style sofa set near glass door covered by the same colour curtain. Next to it is a fireplace with a crescent-shaped flower carved. On the ceiling are chandeliers with strange designs but beautiful and sparkling. What draws attention to others is that near the staircase, there is a large and new piano.

Selena stepped closer to the piano, opening the lid. Her hands brushed the keys very gently. When she saw the piano in Cullen's house, she tried to hold back the desire to play a piece of music. She sat down, placed her hand on the fret board and played a part of the music. The melody of Amazing Grace resounded throughout the mansion, something tragic. Selena closed her eyes, mingling with the sad song, many things were going on in her head, emotions that could not be said in words. Suddenly a face appeared in her head, a look that could not be more familiar. The sound of the sounding instrument suddenly became wrong, causing it to turn down its ears. Selena stopped.

"You hit the wrong key, don't you?" The voice of a man rang, he sounded surprised "It seems to me that no one can be perfect, even you."

"James" Selena looked up at the man in front of her.

If Edward's face is like a cold and irresistible god, James is the god of warm light. His bright face, those thick eyebrows and a radiant smile can be made many young girls melt. He folded his arms, leaning on the instrument, looking at Selena, he was smiling, but the words were sarcastic.

"Amazing Grace was ruined," James said, "by you, Selena."

"Slightly distracted" Selena explained.

"Why are you be home so late?" James asked Selena without looking at her, his hands gliding the keys.

"Having a little bit troubles, don't worry" Selena stood up, got out of the chair "Dinner, I'm hungry."

Selena went straight to the dining room without waiting for James, he looked at her without any attachment, that gait encouraged him to fall in love the first time he met.

"Little troubles?" James smiled a bit, his eyes turned into a dangerous sight, "from your body, I smell a strange man, the real smell makes others uncomfortable."

James then went down to dinner with Selena. That evening, no one had a good sleep, they were all entangled by many things happening.

The fateful wheel starts spinning ...

~End Chapter 1~


P/s: This is my first time writing story in English and English also is my second language. If there is anything wrong, please tell me. Thank you!

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