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We talked with Indigo Rivera about her journey from growing up in Brooklyn to taking Broadway and Hollywood by storm. Indigo is a two time Tony nominee, who recently expanded her career starring in Spider-Man: Homecoming and finding love along the way.

Interviewer: Hi Indigo!

Indigo: Hi!

Interviewer: So, it's been known that you started your career on Broadway as a teenager. What was that like?

Indigo: If I'm being honest, it was the craziest time of my life. I was still in school at the time, and while the show that I was in was still running my school would send the schoolwork for me to do. I missed like a good chunk of 9th grade, but I wouldn't trade that time for the world. I'm truly grateful for the experience.

Interviewer: Would you ever go back to Broadway?

Indigo: Of course! It's so fun to do. It's like a thrill doing a show 8 times a week.

Interviewer: What role would you play?

Indigo: Elphaba in Wicked. Hands down. It's kinda ironic and weird because my brother played Fiyero recently but my answer still stands.

Interviewer: I know you were probably expecting this question, but I gotta ask this. When is the wedding?

Indigo: I don't know! We haven't planned much yet. Tom and I are hoping for the wedding to be on the one year anniversary of our engagement, but I can't confirm anything yet.

Interviewer: Bummer. Can you tell me about your experience with Spider-Man: Homecoming?

Indigo: Two words: fucking nuts. Wait, can I curse-

Interviewer: We can bleep it out. Anyway, according to your past tweets-

Indigo: Oh god.

Interviewer: -you've been a fan of your fiancé for quite some time! Just yesterday this tweet resurfaced:

Indigo: Can't wait for Tom to see this. *laughs* He's gonna roast me for the rest of my life.

Interviewer: Whoops! I just have a few more questions.

Indigo: Praying.

Interviewer: Care to spill any details from your first date with Tom? Rumor has it the date didn't end so well.

Indigo: It's quite a funny story. At the end of the date he walked me home, and he leaned in to kiss me, but I ran off! I'm still embarrassed to this day.

Interviewer: It's clearly worked out for you though!

Indigo: Thank god it did! I would be a very single woman if it didn't.

Interviewer: Are you excited for Hairspray Live?

Indigo: Duh! They could go live right now and I'd be ready to go.

Interviewer: Any behind the scenes drama?

Indigo: Nope! The cast is so incredibly close with each other. For my birthday they all sang happy birthday and brought cupcakes!

Interviewer: That's so sweet! What's your favorite part of the show?

Indigo: Definitely Without Love. That's kind of weird to say because I have to jump onto my costar Ephraim Sykes at one point.

Interviewer: How does Tom feel about that?

Indigo: One time Tom visited the set ironically on the day we were practicing that song. I remember Ephraim shook his hand and said "Hey, I have to kiss your fiancée." I was so embarrassed! Of course Tom knew that I had to kiss him because he's my love interest, but I didn't expect him to say that the first time they met!

Interviewer: Although I want to hear more, that's all the questions I have for today. Thank you for coming.

Indigo: No, thank you! I can't wait to rub this in my brother's face!

Indigo is set to star in Hairspray Live December 7th and make an appearance in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade performing with the rest of the cast.


A little filler but I love it anyway !

Also them votes really boosted after that ghost reader call out huh

Love the new faces 🥰 wish I knew y'all were reading ALL THIS TIME

Thanks for suddenly voting 🥳😘

Also a HUGE thank you to webslinging for making this lovely banner!! Please check out her stories and graphics because she is definitely one of the greatest writers/graphic creators out there. Love you Meg

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