Brittany Pierce- Nice (c)

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Glee One Shot

You spent any breaks you had between classes hidden in Mr Schue's Spanish classroom. He said that it was fine. He attempted to encourage you to spend time with other students but you preferred to try and keep to yourself and live through your High School experience without any bumps in the road. Sadly he was kind of your only friend, even if it was just as his student, he was nice to you and he didn't pry too much meaning you were able to be alone in his classroom when he was busy with his glee club or in the teachers' lounge.

Today was a normal day. You were eating lunch at the teacher's desk seen as it has the comfiest chair, but today someone came into the classroom. On rare occasions people did walk in to ask where Mr Schue was but you assumed the girl whom ran in didn't care where she was.

She ran in, in tears, slamming the door behind her. She slid down the door, holding her knees to her chest. It took you by surprise first, especially when you noticed that it was Brittany Piece. You had never spoken to her before, but you knew that she had been in the Cheerios and was now in the New Directions.

You didn't really want to say anything, but it would have been worse if she noticed you and you hadn't said anything.

"Are you okay?" You asked sheepishly.

Her head snapped up, her expression shocked.

"What are you doing in here?" She questioned.

"I always spend lunch in here. Are you okay?" You repeated.

She breathed in deeply wiping her tears from her cheeks on the back of her hand.


"You don't seem okay. Sorry I don't mean to pry," you said softly. "If you need to talk I don't mind listening. And don't worry, I have no one to tell."

She seemed confused. Nevertheless she stood up and walked over to you, sitting at one of the chairs pulled up to the desk.

"My boyfriend called me stupid," she frowned attempting to not cry. "Everyone calls me stupid but he was the only person that never said it."

"I've never called you stupid," you piped up.

Granted from what you knew of Brittany, she did make some mistakes and get confused with some things, but everyone had some weak points.

"Well you're a teacher," she stated.

"No. I'm a student. I was in your geography class last year," you said weakly.

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh. Why don't I know you then?"

You let out a sigh. Of course she didn't know you. No one did, that didn't really bother you anymore, but it would have been nice if someone knew you existed for once.

"Oh Santana said I looked like a hobbit and that was the last time anyone paid me any attention," you shrugged. "No one really likes me. So I hide in here."

"I like you," she said softly, a small and weak smile on her lips. "You're nice."

"Oh... thanks. You're nice too," you smiled in return. "Don't listen to your boyfriend. You aren't stupid. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

Her lips curled up again as she wiped away the last of her tears.

"Well he is my ex-boyfriend now."


Written by Charlotte.

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