Chloe Decker- Drinks (a)

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Lucifer One Shot

The assailant took a sharp, panicked turn into the dank alley, with a quick turn of the heel you followed as a proud smile appeared on your face. Chloe leapt from the urine scented shadows that cast from the trash filled dumpster, wrapped her arms around the lowlife criminal and tackled him to the wet ground. You turned the corner just as she finished cuffing him and reading him the rights you weren't sure he deserved. You picked him up by the collar of his scruffy, patched coat and held him more than firmly against the wall as Chloe began to pat him down.

"We make a pretty decent team, even if you would rather not admit it." You dragged him from the wall and began the long walk back to the waiting patrol car. "And I know that you wont admit it because you're stubborn."

"And you're an asshole..." She sent her gaze to the floor as a small smirk curled in the corner of her lips. "An asshole who sometimes I enjoy working with, but only sometimes, don't get too excited."

"No, of course, only sometimes... Which is why I heard you asking the chief if we could work together on this case?" Chloe tried to hide it but the red cheeks of embarrassment radiated from her face.

"What? I think you must be confused I didn't..."

"Just admit it and this will be a whole lot easier for the both of us." The twirling red and blue lights cast shadows across the derelict streets as you sat the dealer in the car and handed over to the officer waiting. "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop or whatever I just came to request some PTO and I heard you telling the chief how I already had some background with the perp and basically just making me sound perfect... How lucky it was on the case you were already assigned?"

"Fine, maybe I enjoy your company and I will admit that when we work together, we tend to have more success, are you going to argue that?" You checked your watch and smiled as the hand slowly ticked over, marking the end of an everlasting shift.

"No, I won't argue it at all in fact I more than advocate for it. In fact, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to team up against some after work drinks with me?" Chloe brought her eyes as you walked along in a happy silence.


Written by Aaron.

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