Francis- Nightmare (c)

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You sat up with a jolt. Your heart pounded violently against your chest fighting to escape. A layer of sweat coated your pale skin, gleaming against the faint moon light that slivered through the gaps in the curtains. Raising a hand, you grasped onto your night dress at your neck, trying to bring yourself back into reality and also stop it from feeling like you were being strangled by the actually loose fabric.

A soft whimper escaped your lips as the memory of the dream- the nightmare- it haunted your mind.

You did everything you could to slow your breathing and relax, but nothing seemed to work. The only point you were able to stop your focus on what was occurring in your mind was when a hand moved to rest on your knee. Instantly you snapped your attention towards whomever touched you gently.

Your heart calmed slightly as you realised it was your husband Francis. His smile was hazy as he rubbed his other hand against his eyes helping him adjust to the darkness that was around you both.

"Love, why are you awake?" He asked letting out a mighty yawn.

"Sorry... I'm sorry Francis. Sleep... I didn't mean to wake you," you whispered, your words breaking through your quiet tone and erratic breathing.

He gave you a concerned look, wrapping an arm around you, to pull you back down to lay by his side. He leaned in slightly to press a kiss to your forehead whilst his hand brushed a few strands of your hair away from sticking to your sweat clad face.

"What is wrong my Love? I wish to help," he said softly.

"I had a nightmare," you whispered. "It does not matter. It shouldn't ruin your sleep. You have a very busy day tomorrow."

He smiled softly at you in a reassuring manner.

"Nonsense. If you cannot sleep, then I am going to be awake to help you get your rest," he said softly. "Would you like to talk about your nightmare?"

You shook your head ferociously, not wanting to discuss what you had seen in your head. Logically you knew it wasn't real and that meant there was nothing that could possibly make you want to bring that to light to make it seem a lot more real.

"That is fine Love," he said softly. "We don't need to discuss what happened Love. Do you want to talk about something else, or just cuddle until you sleep?"

Your lips turned into a slight smile.

"I think cuddling is a good idea."

He nodded his head, pecking your lips and settling down with his arms firmly wrapped around you holding you close to him. 


Written by Charlotte.

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