Freddie Kingsley- Bloodhound (h)

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You never expected that whilst you were at Abbey Mount, you would meet and end up dating the Headmistress' son.

Given the fact that Freddie was two years older than you, and being involved with Freddie was basically forbidden for all girls, even having a friendship with him was pretty far-fetched.

You had been with Freddie for just over a year and a half, you were in your second to last year at Abbey Mount and it was definitely interesting with Harriet as Head Girl.

Harriet had never been one to approve of any relationship within the school, let alone Freddie's relationship considering she had a very big interest in him but never got anywhere with it.

The majority of the time, you just paid no attention to Harriet unless it was absolutely necessary and she seemed to do the same until Freddie was staying at the school.

Of course, you were aware of whenever Freddie was going to be staying at the school and you made plans to spend as much time together as you could, even if it meant Freddie hiding out in the dorms for a while.

Well not so much hiding out, just making sure that Harriet didn't find out because no one wanted to put up with her complaining.

For the past couple of hours, due to it being a weekend, Freddie had been in your dorm with you and your dormmates - Kate, Kiki, Poppy, Josie and Drippy.

Everyone was sat on their beds, with you and Freddie being cuddled up on yours.

"You know Freddie" Kate spoke up drawing your boyfriend's attention "Harriet is going to be sniffing around like a bloodhound until she finds you" she explained.

Her words caused everyone to laugh, but Freddie rolled his eyes, "I wonder when she'll take the hint about me not wanting to see her" he stated in a bored tone.

You smiled slightly and leant back into Freddie "She can't be that dense though" Josie commented, chiming into the conversation, "I mean it has been over a year so surely she can see that it's not a fling" she motioned to you and Freddie whilst she spoke.

Just as you were about to answer, there was a knock at the door, "Who is it?" Poppy called out from her bed.

"Why is your door locked?" the door handle was jiggled as a response came, and it was Harriet's voice.

You looked to Freddie and quickly pushed him off of your bed so that he could hide, you didn't want to deal with Harriet's berating or complaining or anything else she could do.

Drippy got up to unlock the door, then opening it to allow Harriet to walk in whilst her two friends stayed at the door.

Her eyes locked on yours immediately "Why are you wearing that jumper? It is against uniform regulation" she pointed to one of Freddie's cable knit jumpers you were wearing – it was cold and you needed some form of warmth.

You rolled your eyes at her "It's the weekend Harriet, we're allowed to wear what we wish" you answered her.

She crossed her arms and went to leave, so Freddie popped up from behind your bed and rested his arms on it which caused Harriet's friends to have surprise cross their faces.

Harriet instantly turned back around and Freddie wasn't quick enough to hide again "I think you were just leaving Harriet" you told her as you nodded your head towards the door.

She glared at you and looked to Freddie "Boys aren't allowed in the dorms" she stated before crossing her arms again, as if she had gotten a one-up on you.

Freddie chuckled and moved to sit next to you on the bed again "I think you'll find Harriet, that I practically live here so me being in a dorm is no surprise" he explained before putting his arm around you.

Harriet tried to find some form of comeback, but came up with nothing and quickly left your dorm with one of her friends shutting the door afterwards.

As soon as she was gone, all of you burst into fits of laughter and it took a while for you all to calm down and be able to form coherent sentences.

Drippy looked up, her cheeks bright red from laughing, "God she is a bloodhound"


Written by Hannah.

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