Jeremy Gilbert- Care (h)

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Sometimes it all did get a bit too much, and it wasn't just the basic things like school work – it was all the relationships piled on top of that, your friendships, your boyfriend, your working relationships.

When all you wanted to do was ensure that everyone was happy and okay and didn't need help, it got stressful.

You were one of those people that put everyone else before yourself, and that was because you felt as if other people needed help before you did, especially those that were close to you.

From time to time Jeremy, your boyfriend, had to remind you that you were important as well and that you needed to take care of yourself.

It usually resulted in Jeremy making you get some sleep, or him getting you to relax and watch a movie with him so that your mind wasn't on whichever friend you were trying to take care of.

You had been staying at Jeremy's house for over two weeks, Elena wasn't bothered nor was Alaric and Jeremy was more than happy to have you staying with him.

That morning you had gone to school with Jeremy, but you then got sent home by the nurse as she said that you were too stressed to be concentrating and actually learning something.

Because of that, you were huddled up under the covers in Jeremy's room waiting for him to get back from school which you knew would be soon.

Just as you were thinking about when he would be back, you heard the door open downstairs "Babe?" Jeremy called throughout the house.

"In your room" you yelled back down to him, trying to be quite loud due to the bedroom door being shut.

Within a minute or so Jeremy was upstairs and sad on the bed in front of you "Why were you sent home?" he questioned, dumping his back at the foot of the bed.

You sat up and Jeremy moved to sit cross legged, "The nurse thought I was stressed and wouldn't be able to concentrate so she told me to go home" you explained before shrugging your shoulders.

Jeremy chuckled and shook his head, reaching to intertwine his fingers with yours, "For once someone seems to be seeing what I'm seeing with you" he commented.

You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend "I'm not stressed thought" you defended yourself.

"You are though Babe" he stated with a sigh "I know you better than anyone. I know when you're stressed, when you're worried or when you're upset" he told you whilst rubbing your thumb gently with his.

You shrugged again "I guess I just don't realise it anymore" you diverted your gaze to your joined hands as you spoke.

Jeremy moved his free hand to lift your head up "And that's okay Babe" he stated with a smile on his face "I'm here to take care of you, whether or not you're looking after yourself too"


Written by Hannah. 

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