Jesse Pinkman- Missing Product: Part 1 (a)

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Breaking Bad One Shot

Jesse paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair as he lay tracks in the wooden floor of his living room.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know where the product is... Do you think we're selling fucking candy bars or some shit. We don't lose product, there's no reason we should be down." He stopped pacing and sharply turned to you with a hint of anger under his furrowed brows. "You stole it didn't you... you piece of shit." Jesse marched at you, grabbed the neckline of your t-shirt, and pinned you up against the wall.

"I didn't steal the product Jesse come on; you know me man... I wouldn't do that to you man." You pushed Jesse away from you and tried your best to explain yourself.

"Don't fuck with me y/n, if you steal from me, I will fucking kill you!" He pushed your shoulder firmly, knocking you back.

"I didn't steal it, Jesse, can you just listen to me. I was selling to some crackheads at the usual spot, I look away for one second and they take the bag." He flailed his arms around as he began pacing again.

"And what... you didn't think to stop them or something? Yeah, great business model bitch, just let the customers walk away with our product. Dumbass..." You sat yourself down on his ripped, tattered couch and held your heavy head in your hands.

"I didn't just hand it to them, they fucked me up. Tripped me over and took the shit. There was like four of them I wasn't going to fuck with them Jesse, you can get the product back, but you can't get me back alright, you should be grateful." Jesse looked around in bewilderment.

"I'm this fucking close y/n... say anymore dumb shit and you're gone." He spoke through clenched teeth, more hushed than before. "Do you know who they are?"

"Yeah, they're regulars they buy from us every week." You stood up and tried to jog your memory on exactly who they were.

"Do you know where they live?" He asked, slowly walking towards you.

"I don't know where they live but they use in the den just down from the corner, I see them walking down there every time they buy from us, but that place is like a crackhead fortress there's no way we're going in there."

"Yeah you're right, we're not going in there. You are though, and you're getting my meth back."


Written by Aaron.

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