Jim Kirk- Little One (h)

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Parties had never been your scene – you had always been the person that preferred to stay in when others went on nights out, and even if you did go out then you stayed sober.

You had nothing against those that got drunk, but you did prefer to remember your evening.

The only entertaining thing about any form of party was seeing how people were when they were drunk, as a lot of the time they tended to be very different and a lot of the time it was the amusement of the night to watch.

That night, it just so happened to be your husband that was the drunk one, as well as Bones actually.

The crew of the enterprise had just been offered the five-year mission in deep space, which was starting in just under three years, so everyone was out celebrating in the local bar.

Jim had decided to order shots for everyone, apart from you as you weren't drinking for a totally different reason, but Bones had ended up drinking all of them and then making Jim order more for everyone else.

Needless to say, he had become quite drunk.

You were sat with Jim, Spock, Uhura, Chekov and Sulu in a booth whilst Jim was up at the bar with some of the crew around him and the remainders were dancing with their partners.

Uhura stood up, and offered her hand to Spock who begrudgingly took it, she dragged him over to the dance floor whilst the rest of you laughed at Spock actually dancing.

Bones then stumbled over to where you were all sitting, and collapsed down next to you whilst Jim was on the other side of you, "You're really drunk right now" you told him.

Bones decided to drunkenly sling an arm around your shoulder, before shaking his head "No I'm not" he defended himself but still slurred his words "You're just blurry" he stated causing you to laugh.

Just as soon as he had sat down, Bones was up and gone again, back over to the bar.

Your fellow crew mates, and close friends, shot you a look so you just shrugged before all of you burst out in fits of laughter once again.

You then turned your attention to your husband, who was a little bit tipsy, "Maybe we should get you something to eat" you said as you reached up to run a hand through Jim's hair "Get you to sober up a little" you suggested.

Jim sighed but then nodded in agreement "Only if you eat as well, you're eating for two Baby" Jim bargained with a trace of a smile on his face.

Chekov and Sulu turned to you with surprised looks on their faces "You're pregnant? Oh my god, congrats Y/N/N" Sulu said with a massive smile as he reached over to hug you.

"Congratulations Captain" Chekov said as he shook Jim's hand "And Mrs Kirk" Chekov smiled at you and reached to kiss your cheek before Sulu shook Jim's hand also.

Jim pulled you closer and kissed the side of your head "Hopefully, by the time the mission comes around, our little one will be old enough to come with us" you explained and your two other friends nodded.

"They should be around two by that point" Spock announced as he approached the booth again, with Uhura at his side.

"Who will be?" Uhura asked once the two of them had sat back down next to Chekov.

Jim smiled and moved his hand to rest on your, barely showing, stomach "Our little one" Jim told her causing tears to well up in Uhura's eyes as she smiled.

"I can teach them all the different languages" she suggested and Jim nodded in agreement.

Chekov's face then lit up "May Mr Scott and I teach them the ways of the enterprise?" he asked with a smile.

You returned his smile "Of course Chekov, you will be a great teacher alongside Scotty" you told him which made his smile grow even larger.

"I'll teach 'em how to punch it" Sulu said with a smirk on his face, referring to putting the ship into warp.

You giggled and nodded in agreement with him, "Do I get to buy them a phaser?" Jim asked and everyone looked to you for your reaction.

You shrugged and looked up at your husband "If it's set to stun and we put Bones as target practice, then go for it" you explained.

Jim smiled mischievously, looking over to where Bones was attempting to drunkenly flirt with some random girl he had met.

You cuddled up to your husband even more, whilst the rest of your friends continued to discuss different things about what would happen when the fiver year mission started.

Jim leant down and kissed your cheek, "Our little one is going to have the best family in the world" he whispered in your ear.

You couldn't help but smile, because you knew that he was right.


Written by Hannah.

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