Jonny-Hugs (h)

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You loved being out at the chalet, you really did.

The setting was incredible, the people were lovely and the experience just never seemed as if it could be topped.

The alps were somewhere that you felt at home – of course, you loved London and it would always be where you wanted to be, however the alps were the placed that could be that home away from home, the place that provided comfort of a home even when thousands of miles away from your own.

You and your boyfriend, Jonny, were at the chalet that his family owned for a total of two months.

Richard and Caroline, Jonny's parents, had declined when asked if they were going to be joining you as they said they would take care of the business whilst the two of you were away.

Jonny's mother could sometimes be hard to handle, but you knew she meant well, she just did it with slightly flawed logic.

Instead of getting picked up from the airport, Jonny had decided to drive out to the chalet, mainly to save Kim and Georgie the trip but also to just keep to yourselves for a little while longer.

Jonny reached over and placed his hand on your thigh as he drove, "Are you looking forward to the next two months?" he asked you, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

You nodded in response to his question as you put your hand on top of his "Of course I am – we've been planning this for weeks now" you told him.

He laughed and pulled into the resort "Well I for one am looking forward to spending some alone time with the woman I love" he said as he looked over at you for a moment, making eye contact and smiling.

"I just want to see the girls" you stated with a dead pan look on your face, causing your boyfriend to look at you in surprise and clearly lost for words "I'm joking" you breathed out before you started to laugh "I want to see the girls, of course, but I do want to spend time with you" you clarified.

Jonny jokingly glared at you out of the corner of his eye, "Good. I am not being ignored for two months whilst you three have girl night every flipping night" he explained and you rolled your eyes.

"Of course Love – you get me for one night" you told him and he shook his head, pulling up and into the drive of the chalet.

Jonny leaned over the console to press a loving kiss to your lips "You get me every night Honey, it's only right that you do the same in return" he whispered against your lips, before pecking them once again and climbing out of the car.

You got out of the car too, and as soon as you did you heard two squeals from the top of the stairs.

Turning around, you were tackled onto the snow in a group hug by Georgie and Kim "Can you let my girlfriend up please?" you heard Jonny ask.

The three of you looked up at him "We haven't seen her in such a long time" Georgie whined whilst pouting.

Kim nodded in agreement "Yeah, we have the right to do this" she stated and Jonny laughed.

He headed up and into the chalet, whilst the two girls got off of you and then helped you up "I have missed you both too, for the record" you told them and they both laughed before pulling you into yet another group hug.

The three of you walked up the stairs and into the chalet "Mikki!" Kim yelled throughout the chalet, and conveniently down your ear.

"I have missed you but I haven't missed that" you told her as you winced, rubbing your ear.

Kim giggled a little, and side hugged you.

Mikki then came running into the entry hall, from the direction of Georgie's room, and pulled you into a hug "Hey Y/N/N" he greeted you.

He soon released you and smiled at you "So many hugs today" you commented, rubbing your arms jokingly.

Jonny appeared back in the entry way, and placed his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer to him "What've we got to catch up on?"


Written by Hannah. 

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