Leonard 'Bones' McCoy - Shooting (h)

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Star Trek One Shot

You weren't going to try and kid yourself, shooting had never been your thing and it wasn't like you had the best aim in the world.

The only way you were going to get better at shooting was to practise.

Practise had never really been your thing either; you weren't exactly the most patient person, so it annoyed you to no end to just stand there and shoot at the same thing over and over again.

You tended to practise on your own, just so that you couldn't do anything to anyone and focus on what you were supposed to be doing.

However, your boyfriend Leonard had decided to join you even though technically he should have been in the med-bay.

It all happened rather suddenly, you were paying attention to the target and Leonard had gone out in front of you in an attempt to get your attention.

"No! No, you can't die now! You just can't!" you said panicking, after having forgotten you didn't even have a proper phaser.

Whenever the crew were sent to train, they would be given phasers that allowed them to do target practise but didn't actually cause harm to anyone or anything.

"Well. Maybe you should have decided that before you shot me!" Leonard responded, with a slight smile on his face.

You gave him a suspicious look "This is not the time to be smiling McCoy" you told him sternly.

Leonard stopped being in pain and started to laugh "You have a phaser that does shit all Love"


Written by Hannah.

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