Lucifer Morningstar- Interrogation (a)

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Lucifer One Shot

"Oh, don't worry about it, that little peashooter would hardly injure an actual human never mind the Devil himself." Lucifer smirked as he simply took the pistol from the wannabe hitman's grip. "It's always much simpler without these primitive... things making everything more complicated." Lucifer unloaded the pistol and unchambered the round before tossing the useless metal back at the assailant. "So, you're going to tell me why you decided to try and shoot my..." Lucifer looked back at you with a confused gaze "my very good friend here." You could not help but let the sly smile shine through as you rested against the bullet-hole ridden wall as the waft of gunpowder filled the dusty air, a sincere thankfulness to whatever power in the universe let you get away from the gunfire with a mere graze and a small bloodstain that slowly spread across your sleeve.

"I get my target, I get paid, I don't ask any more questions than that." He said with a shaky, frail voice as Lucifer rested a firm hand on his shoulder. "I already told you man I don't know why."

"No, but maybe you can tell me who?" Lucifer barely gave the man a chance to open his cracked lips before reeling his arm back and landing a firm punch against his jaw. Lucifer propped him back up against the wall with his forearm. "You're going to tell me who." Lucifer dropped him to the floor and brought his arm back again, stopping just in time for the hitman to cower in fear.

"I'll tell... I'll tell you anything just stop!" Lucifer watched gleefully as he cowered and writhed on the floor before bending down and pulling him up by the scruff of his coat. He brought a hand up and dusted the dust that had collected on his clothes.

"Firstly." Lucifer brought his hand up and clasped him under the chin, turning his sweated head towards you. "You're going to give your finest apology to my friend here and I do not want to hear any half assed nonsense." The hitman locked his baggy eyes with yours and pleaded and begged for his life before finishing with a very sincere sorry and a promise that it will not happen again. "See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Lucifer let him slump to the floor as he crouched into his eyeline. "Let's start with the simple questions then... who sent you?"


Written by Aaron.

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