Maggie Esmeralda- Secrets (c)

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No one really joined 'Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities' if they had any other option. It wasn't the best place but it was home to those whom lived here, and everyone that worked there was a family as it was for most of you the only place you could be accepted. You didn't know why anyone would join you willingly though.

You, like your friends whom worked within the show were all pushed away from society and somewhat saved by Elsa, giving you a purpose and not leaving you to a life of discrimination and hatred that the world felt for you. Granted it wasn't appreciated that people mocked you all by being their performing monkey's but at least people wanted to see you even if it was for entertainment.

That was one of the things that confused you about Maggie. She came here off of her own back. She willingly joined and sought out the show, when there was so clearly more options for her. In all senses, she wasn't normal she had an ability that no one else had, but she could pass as normal, she could easily hide what would make her be dictated as a freak. No one wanted to hide who they truly were but it was better than this laugh.

Maggie and yourself were sat on the grass outside, having a few hours until the show and having nothing to do to prepare for it at this time. Since she had joined you had become quick friends, enjoying having another female roughly your age to talk to. Not once had you brought up why she joined, but you needed to know- it perplexed you to no end.

"Maggie, I... I have wanted to ask you something for a while. It's been playing on my mind and confusing me for quite a bit," you sighed.

"You can ask me anything," she smiled reassuringly. "That's what friends are for right?"

You nodded your head attempting to think about how to word your question.

"Why are you here?" You asked, regretting it instantly as it wasn't exactly subtle.

"What?" She said slightly confused.

"Sorry. Why did you join us? No one joins this place, not if they have any other choice. And you are beautiful, in a societally accepted way. You could do so much more," you said softly not wanting to upset her.

She looked down at the grass by her feet, not able to make eye contact with you, her expression becoming stern.

"We all have secrets," she stated coldly.

You couldn't say anything else. You didn't want to pry and ruin your friendship but you couldn't help but question everything within your mind. 


Written by Charlotte.

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