Michael Harper- Coming Out (c)

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You opened up the two bottles of beer, handing one to the guy sat on the sofa, before curling up next to him pulling a blanket over the both of you.

"Is the blanket necessary?" He questioned taking a swig of beer.

"I'm bloody freezing, so yes, it is and well you are next to me meaning either you appreciate the comfort of it, or just tolerate it."

He rolled his eyes as you joined him drinking your drink. A sigh escaped him as he leant his head back on the reverse of the sofa.

"I should tell them, shouldn't I?" He questioned looking doubtful.

"I can't tell you that Michael," you said apologetically. "You shouldn't hide part of yourself from your family, however if you aren't comfortable telling them yet, there is no harm in it."

Michael didn't seem too chuffed with your response and had no idea how else to go about this conversation.

"What if they kick me out?" He asked. "What if they hate me? I don't think I can handle being the worst of my siblings it is a lot to live up to with Janey and Nick."

You reached a hand out to comfortingly rub his shoulder.

"I doubt they'll kick you out. They love you. Your family are an odd bunch but they are understanding. And believe me coming out as gay is nothing compared to your siblings. If anything, it'll probably be a relief for your parents," you smiled trying to make a light-hearted approach of the whole thing.

"I just don't know how to tell them though. How do I go about telling my parents I am into guys and have been dating a bloke for a while?" He frowned.

Without thinking clearly, you wrapped your arms around him in a reassuring hug.

"Just tell them. There's not much too it. Remember how you came out to me? We were sat on a bus in silence and you just said 'I'm gay'. Granted that made me share my cookies with you but it was a simple and to the point way of telling me something," you shrugged. "But however you tell them, they will love you. It'll take a moment for them to get their heads around it but they love you. And Janey will be thrilled that you take the attention off her parenting for a bit."

He let out a relieved sigh.

"What would I do without you?" He smiled softly.

"Stay in the closet for another decade?" You offered with a grin. "But don't worry. You'll always have me to be a third wheel and get in the way of you and Scott. What else are friends for?"


Written by Charlotte.

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