Mike Chang- Wedding Dance (c)

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Glee One Shot

It did baffle you how that you could be in a relationship with someone with such a passion for something that you were so terrible at. You knew that Mike loved dancing, and the fact that you could barely walk in a straight line seemed to not cause much of an issue, well not until your wedding was rolling around. Of course with having a first dance, he wanted it to be perfect, not just a simple step one two three, but to show off his actual dancing skill. You just seemed to get in the way of that.

For months running up to the wedding you had been working hard to try and learn the dance but it was to no avail.

Finally the day rolled around and the ceremony went off without a hitch. You were happily Y/N Chang and nothing could be more perfect, minus the fact that you were now about to make a fool of yourself in front of your husband and all of your friends and family.

The reception had begun and by the time it was announced for the couple's first dance you thought that you were going to pass out.

Mike approached you putting his hand out for you to take. Hesitantly you did. He pulled you to him, pressing his other hand onto your waist, with you moving your other shaking hand onto his shoulder.

As he helped you adjust your posture, he smiled down to you.

"You'll do perfectly Mrs Chang," he smiled in a soft tone so not all the onlookers around you could hear you.

"I hope that I will, Mr Chang," you smiled in return.

The music started and Mike began to lead the dance. He claimed that he had to oversimplify the dance from what he originally wanted and still you felt completely incapable of doing these 'simple' steps. Every time you thought that it was going well, you would either trip or just stand on his feet ruining the flow of the dance.

Soon enough everyone joined you two and it didn't seem to matter that you were messing up the steps as just being with him made it perfect.

As the song transitioned to the next, you practically collapsed into his arms. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you, and pressing his lips to yours. Neither of you could help the smiles on your faces. No matter how cliché it was, it was the happiest moment of your life, and you hoped that he felt the same.

"I love you," you smiled. "Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world."

He grinned down at you. "I love you too. And you've made me the happiest man of the world. I will thank you every day of our lives."


Written by Charlotte.

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