Sidney Prescott- Run (c)

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Scream One Shot

Your chest heaved up and down as you clutched hold of Sidney's hand, hoping your unlevelled breathing wouldn't be what caused your demise. Your entwined fingers were slick with sweat and blood, but neither were able to loosen your grip.

Peering around the corner, you let out a breath of relief when you saw no one there. It didn't mean you were safe or even remotely close to safe, but it did mean that there wasn't imminent danger around the corner. No decision would be easy, but you were going to have to fight any uncertainty if you were to survive or ensure Sidney's survival.

You didn't know how she did it. Sidney managed to keep a calm exterior even in the midst of grave danger, whilst you were a complete wreck but the fact that she had managed to survive a similar experience more than once probably gave that demeanour.

"I don't know where the son of a bitch is, but you need to try and get out of here," you whispered, your words barely audible through your gritted teeth, desperately hoping that your conversation wouldn't give away your locations.

"I'm not going anywhere without you," she retorted.

You shook your head. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, so whilst you still can, make a run for it, I'll hold him off until your get to safety."

Her calm exterior broke, her lower lip slightly quivering as she thought through her choices. She wasn't going to go out of her way to fight the person trying to kill you both, but she wasn't willing to just give up and leave you for dead.

The chilling sound of a knife running across the banister runs left you both short of options, no longer able to dwell or think; whatever your choice being what needed to occur right away.

"Please Sid, there isn't any time," you begged. "Please just run."

You grabbed a heavy item, ready to defend yourself. You didn't want to die but you weren't about to let anything to happen to Sidney and if that meant you lost your life, then you would have to accept that.

As the sound of the knife grew closer, you let go of Sidney's hand, giving her arm a shove to force her from your hiding spot towards the door where she could escape.

"Run!" You screamed, following suit to distract the killer long enough for Sidney to escape and hopefully get help.

Written by Charlotte.

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